Bullets don't talk, they just hit

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---POV Switch to Ivar---

(Jayden you're going to want to read this chapter, trust me-)

So far, the plan was going as perfectly. 

We were headed over to the suitcase/luggage area, and we were all stuffed up inside multiple random passenger bags that we had found. It was the only way to the plane, since if we just walked over to the area, we would be clearly caught and arrested.

I myself had stuck my body into a small red suitcase, and then quickly zipped it up from the inside. The space itself was relatively small- I barely had room to breathe- but I could manage. The only hope we had left to hang onto was if there were guards checking the luggage. Since they had already passed the main airport security, I had to hope for the best.

Gripping my walkie-talkie, I turned my mic on temporarily to check in on the rest of the gang. "You all alright?" I whispered into the speaker area.

"Of course we are," a voice came back later, undistinguishable. Rachel and Chloe sounded the same on the garbled device. "What can we die from in these things? Lack of oxygen?"

"Just checking in," I mumbled back, moving uncomfortably inside the enclosed space. "It's boring having to be stuck in these things."

"Or you're just too dull to notice the interesting things about life," Chloe tapped in, voice hinting with mocking pleasure. "Missing that dungeons and dragons club, eh? Not too surprised myself about that."

"I am not missing that club," I hissed back into the mic. "It was time I left them on their own for a while. After all, I-woah!"

The cart suddenly came to a stop, toppling over some of the suitcases and making my carrier take a cartwheel. The feeling of someone's random underwear press against my face while flipping upside down...well, needless to say, we needed to get out of here.

A few voices suddenly banged against the surface of my suitcase, chattering about some casual topics. The workers started taking off the cases from the back one by one, though I couldn't describe their actions in much detail since I was still stuck inside a package of my own. 

"Damn, these are heavy," one groaned, which was followed by the sound of a suitcase hitting the rubber of a treadmill. "Dave, let's carry this one together."

"Together?" Dave, the other worker, scoffed. "I thought you were strong. Didn't you say you were carrying hundreds back at the gym?"

"I was!" the other one grunted, throwing yet another suitcase down. "I'm just tired right now. We've been through a whole day. Now we're tapping into our night shifts. Is this our last passenger plane?"

"I doubt it," Dave sighed. "We've got a ton of Boeings coming in at 3 AM. C'mon, didn't you say we were going to carry this one together?"

Suddenly, the push of four hard hands came from the bottom of the case I was in, and suddenly, I was airborne. It was a strange feeling- floating in midair while curled up in a ball- but soon enough, after a few grunts, I was thrown directly onto the treadmill.

The impact hit me harder than I thought. I was immedaitely thrown against the wall of the suitcase, despite the minuscule distance between me and the wall of the case itself. After the shockwave, I started rolling along the treadmill, probably following the rest of the mission members.

"I can see a little bit beyond my luggage bag," Chloe's voice crackled in, making me jump and slam my head upon the top of the suitcase.  "There's a little crack in the zipper. We're heading into some kind of tunnel, then we'll be separated into multiple dumps and transported to specific planes."

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