Okay, this time actually exposing the males

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POV - Erica Hale

No lie, this time I'm actually going to expose the males. The last two parts may have been clickbait, but I promise- girls, this one will finally suit your needs. If I don't expose the males, I'll give you boys permission to hug me.

So we had found out that Rachel had been spying on us for the whole time. It was a rather big mistake that I didn't see her standing in front of us in the line for the whole time, and it seemed that maybe my skills had been faded down... maybe I was just trying to act the most I could like a normal diva girl.

Mike had dealt with Rachel, and because of her talkative personality, he now barely had time to say anything to me. It seemed that he clearly wanted to converse with someone that wasn't Rachel, but still- it was impolite to ignore someone who you haven't talked to in months.

It was an uncomfortable feeling to have multiple boys taking jealous glances at Mike, and an even more uncomfortable feeling for multiple boys to also be taking wondering looks at me, though I still managed to survive the trip to the end of the line.

The cart was waiting for us, empty and clear. The first few people filed into the rows, and I ended up directly next to Mike and a random boy who was ogling at me. I dutifully moved a seat to the left after I realized I would be next to him for the next few minutes. 

Mike was trying to avoid Rachel, while I was trying to avoid Mike. It was pretty much just a quick chain reaction, and I didn't care much about it- what I was aiming for was just the reaction in the end of the ride, when I would reveal myself to Mike.

The ride wasn't going as planned, and the line wait was definitely not exactly the best. I wasn't pleased, but it be worth it in the end. Rachel would probably get the show of her life, and Mike would probably get the torture of his life.

The ride itself was relatively dull, and everything else about it was even worse. I didn't know why the boys liked the rides so much, since they weren't even that exciting. I would much rather stay on guard duty than do pretty much anything else.

According to most people, the climax of the ride is during the drop. Well, according to me, the climax of the ride is when the ride ends, since I'll get to diss Mike out in front of a crowd. That would be life itself.

When the ride ended, I immediately turned to Mike and fluttered my eyebrows as seductively as I could. It was probably a spy's aim to make the exposing as real as they could. As so I tried to drag out Mike's reaction with my acting.

"Have you been working out?" I asked politely to Mike. "You look pretty fit compared to everyone else here."

Mike smiled proudly, visibly trying hard not to flex his abs. "Yeah," he said as humbly as he could. "I work out sometimes... not that much, though. It's nothing."

It was probably the most fake-humble reaction ever, though he did look a bit surprised I was mentioning this during a time like this. We had just finished the wild ride, and everybody was rather winded- not in the mood for some small talk.

"Do you do any type of special workout everyday?" I asked. "Can you do a backflip?"

Mike grinned at this suggestion, looking directly into my eye and readying himself for his jump. "Sure I can!"

With this, he launched himself a few feet into the air, doing a rather impressive split and landing perfectly on his feet afterwards. He had virtually traveled two feet backwards, but also drew in much of a crowd.

The gawkers came and left. Acts of talent in the public weren't exactly that rare, after all. Something like this wasn't an act to grovel for.

At least, when it came to Mike. When it came to me, on the other hand, my acts of talent were something to grovel for. So after watching Mike grin proudly and land his backflip, I immediately launched into my own flip.

Countering his athleticism, I pranced into midiar, doing two flips, a wink, and a split at the exact same time. And I didn't land on my two feet- I landed on one foot. That wasn't all, though. Directly after this jump, I jumped forwards, doing a frontflip and landing on my left hand. 

A crowd had gathered by this point. After spotting some people recording me, I decided it was best to stop. It wasn't long before someone from the Croatoan would recognize my athletecism and good looks then pair them together.

Quickly, I did one more flip and tranfered my method of transportation from my hands to my feet. Brushing some concrete dirt off from my dress, I smoothly stood back up and straightened my back.

"Your lack of talent disgusts me," I said to Mike wittingly. "You can't even do three flips in midair, much less two. If I were yoru gym coach, you would be out of here before I could say frontflip."

Mike was astonished for at least two seconds, then his wits hit him again. Quickly, he did the math in his head and realized who he was looking at.

"E-erica!" he said, backing away slowly. "I-i didn't mean to leave my post! Please don't hurt me!"

I slowly creeped towards him, cracking my knuckles. "In my world, hurt and Mike will always be in the same sentence. Say goodbye to your conciousness, you measly agent."

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