The Evil Sweetheart's Revenge

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---POV Switch to Agent James---

Have you ever had a time when you realized you'd been wrong all along?

As if you were ins some kind of argument. You were bickering along with your enemy for a period of time, completely convinced that your opinion was correct. Then after a long, heated, argument, the realization hits you that you were incorrect for the whole time.

Kind of like when someone drops a weight on you. You can't get it off, and you immediately feel bad for the person you were arguing against. The dread is real, another way to put it.

"What are you doing here!?" I shouted to Jade, refusing to believe my eyes. Maybe she was just some sort of hostage...maybe she wasn't actually an agent. Maybe they kidnapped her in order to lure me here.

Jade hesitated, then waved her hand in front of the men behind her. "Keep the guns down. Escort the others to the containment cell, but leave James here."

"Are you sure, my lady?" the largest man said, voice hinting with doubt. "He might try to kill you."

"I can deal with him!" Jade yelled. "Just get the others out!"

I could Jade also wasn't ready to believe this. My theory was simple: she had known Erica was camping out at the hotel, then she had snuck out to the balcony to get a good surveillance view of the hotel entrance, making sure the Ice Queen wasn't sneaking out on any mini-mission.

Then she had met me.

In theory, she probably didn't know I worked for the CIA. I had been a rogue yanked into the mission, after all. The only reason I was here was because of Jonas- who worked for SPYDER- and the fact that I close friends with Cly.

So she made up a cover-up, saying she had a house near the hotel. She'd been faking her background for the whole time that I had met her on the balcony.

But I could tell something was wrong with her mood. She had fallen hopelessly in love with me at the hotel, and it was clear that the decision was made out of her brain's will. That's what love does to you.

After the other agents were escorted out of range, the last guard gave Jade a hesitant nod, then closed the large metal door behind him, virtually trapping me and the betrayal sweetheart in the same room.

"James..." Jade started, but I refused to hear any of it.

"Don't say anything to me!" I shouted. "Why would you do this!? You threatened to drop a bomb over a theme park! You couldn't care less about millions of lives! Don't try to make up with me! I'm never forgiving you!"

A genuine look of surprise flashed across Jade's face. "Say what!? Now you're accusing me of things! I have no idea what you're talking about!"

"Now you're lying!" I shouted back. "It's impossible you don't know about the bomb!"

"What bomb?" Jade replied, sinking to her knees. "Please, believe me. I don't know what you're talking about!"

My lips tightened. "Stop with the crap. Don't talk to me."

My mind quickly thought about the situation. Jade claims that she has no idea about what's going on... and I want to believe that, though there's just too much evidence against it. The only thing I could give was the benefit of the doubt.

I walked towards the door, testing out the handle. It was locked.

"This is all a scheme, isn't it?" I said, turning around to face Jade. "You trapped me in this room, and now you're going to kill me."

"What!?" Jade said. "Now you're getting the wrong idea! You've been speaking nonsense for the past few minutes!"

I inspected Jade's face. According to the expression, the look deep within her pupils, and her genuine look of betrayal hidden behind her emotions, it looked as if she actually had no idea of what I was talking about.

I decided to test her. "First of all, do you work for the Croatoan?"

"The what?" Jade questioned. "Coral tan? The hell is that?"

Now I was surprised. The way she said 'coral tan'... that tongue pattern meant she hadn't said the word 'Croatoan' ever in her life! That made no sense whatsoever!

Back when I was small, Cly had taught me how to read tongue patterns. It was a pretty handy trick, considering people fake not knowing things a lot, meaning I could use my ability as an advantage to detect if they were lying or not. But having Jade not even knowing what the Croatoan was... that made even less sense.

I huffed a breath of both relief and disbelief. "You can stop begging. I believe you. Can you get us out of here?"

"Yes, I can!" Jade said, thankfulness filling her voice. "I swear on my life, I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Then explain." I rolled my wrist.

Jade walked over to me, heels clicking against the metal floor. Her hand reached into her pocket, and suddenly I realized something was up.

"I-what are you doing!?" I said, backing up against the wall as she closed the distance between us. From her left pocket, she pulled out something black, and then she pressed a few buttons on it.

"Just making sure about something," she said, walking until she was a few inches away from my chest. I cringed internally, hoping she wasn't going to try something disturbing with this distance between us.

Suddenly, she whipped out the black device, pressing it against my chest. A shockwave flew through me, but after a few milliseconds, it was gone, and I was left with the silence and Jade staring intently at the air between us.

"Good," she said, putting the dark device back into her pocket. "You don't have any weapons on you. I thought you were going to try something evil."

"What was that thing you just pressed against me?" I said. "I thought you were going to tase me!"

"It looks like a taser at first," Jade took my hand. "But it isn't. Follow me."

"You don't have to tell me to follow you!" I complained. "You're already dragging me in the first place! I don't have a choice!"

Jade smiled. "What's the fun in not messing with you? Of course I have to do something to abuse the power of being your crush."

"I never said I had a crush on you," I said. I could tell that I was blushing when I let this statement fly out of my mind.

"Then why'd you let me kiss you the other day?" Jade raised her eyebrows. "Hm?"

"Shut up," I muttered. "Just get me out of here and start explaining."

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