The Mission

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"What!??" half of the table roared, dragging a lot of unneeded attention to our area.

Erica's eyes went to fire. "Don't overreact!" she hissed under her breath, slamming her hand onto the table and shutting us up. "I have a plan!"

Cly raised his eyebrow. "A plan to get to California from here in less than an hour? Are you crazy?"

Erica shook her head. "It's possible, with the current technology. And that's why I'm instructing you all to get your things, pack them up right now, and MOVE!"

I tell you, we zipped out of there faster than you could blink.

After chucking Jade's earring back to James, who, thankfully, had forgiven me, I ran over to my room and packed up everything I had quicker than everybody else. After all, I had brought the least things of all of them- just some pencils, paper, a spying utility belt, and a backpack.

The second I arrived back at the dining area, Erica ushered me off outside, telling me to stay at the front door and wait for the others.

This was pretty much the only rest I would be getting for the next few hours, so I mentally prepared myself for the adventure ahead.

Erica was going to somehow manage to throw us into California in under an hour. We were finally going to be able to shake the two wannabe spies (Ivar and Chloe, I'm pretty sure) off our tails. Unless they were keeping tabs on us, they didn't know we would be heading to California.

I was about to go through my backpack items when a hand stopped my arm from reaching into my pack.

"Hello?" a gentle voice said. I looked up, and then quickly met a line of eye contact with a girl that blew my mind into pieces.

I couldn't speak for a few seconds. Then I regrouped myself and took her hand off of my arm. "Um, hello." There was something about the girl that seemed familiar. That flowing hair, the earrings- this was Jade!

But she didn't know I knew her identity. So I kept playing It safely and went along with the act. "What do you need?"

The girl's eyes turned from normal to the cutest and most yearning I've seen in my entire life. As she gripped her right earring, I knew who she was looking for and why she was here.

"Are you looking for James?" I said, making sure not to make more eye contact. I don't want my knees to go weak again.

Jade's eyes turned even bigger at this statement. "You know him?" she said, giving me a glint of hopefulness from her eyes. "Do you know where he is?"

I nodded, pointing up towards the third layer of the hotel. "Room 342. All you have to do is knock on the door and say his name. Trust me, he'll let you in."

Jade sighed in relief for so long that I didn't believe how she wasn't out of breath by the end of it. "Thank you!"

I was about to say "You're welcome", but she gave me a flash hug and ran into the hotel faster than I could react. I smiled. Go get him, Juliet, I'm sure your Romeo is going to be thrilled to see you.

The second the automatic hotel doors closed, I heard someone curse from behind them. I immediately assumed this was Jayden, then opened the doors for him to let him outside. Turns out I was right, since the flash of dirty black hair gave it all away.

"What's wrong?" I said. "Lose your subscription to Netflix or something?"

Jayden rolled his eyes. "No, you idiot. I just realized that Chloe and Ivar have been spying on us this whole time."

---POV Switch to Agent James---

I would never see her again.

The one time I meet the love of my life, she disappears. Then Erica tells us we're moving to the other side of America, and I'll probably never get a chance to see this girl in my life again.

Aren't I lucky?

So when I was shoveling my things into my backpack, my mood was pretty much on rocks. I was pissed, another way to say it. I didn't even care about the stupid thermonuclear bomb above Disneyland in California. I just wanted to talk with Jade.

The second that thought came out of my mind, someone knocked on my door.

I wasn't in the mood for any visitors, so I decided to keep it closed. After all, I could care less about anything expect for Ja-

"James?" a heavenly voice called from the hallway. "It's Jade."

The door was open before I even finished the sentence. And I was hugging her dry before the hinges even managed to throw out a squeak.

"Jade!" I said, embracing her and slamming the door behind me. This would probably be the last time I would manage to interact with her, so I was going to take advantage of the moment.

Jade, on the other hand, seemed pretty flustered. She wiggled out of my grip and put her back on the door, obviously trying to avoid me.

"James," she breathed, taking off her other earring. With this, she threw it to me, and I caught it within a few milliseconds.

"I was wondering if you'd like to spend lunch with me," Jade said. "I know a place around the corner that makes really good pasta."

I sighed and shook my head. "I can't."

Jade's head sunk. "I understand. I went too fast with the relationship, didn't I? Or you just didn't feel the spark, unlike me."

I shook my head. "No! It's not's just that I'm leaving for California today."

Jade's knees hit the ground. "What!?"

"We're going to California today," I said sadly. "I probably won't be able to see you for the rest of my life anymore."

Jade buried her hands in her face, and just when I was about to give her one more hug, she looked back up at me, beautiful face stricken with tears.

"I can't believe this," she said, walking towards me. Then, before I knew it, she pressed her lips against mine.

---POV Switch to Agent Benjamin Ripley---

Those perverts. I knew they had been onto us for the whole time! I just forgot about them!

Chloe and Ivar knew about our spying lives. And most likely, they were going to follow us to California, try and prove themselves, and wiggle their way into the CIA's Academy of Espionage. But I wasn't going to let it.

Getting into the Spying Community isn't that easy. It requires pain, it requires skill. And clearly, Ivar didn't have any. Unless I underestimated him.

"I saw them yesterday," Jayden said. "They were eating breakfast right next to us in the hotel lobby, and none of us noticed."

"Not even Erica?" I said. A nod from Jayden confirmed this theory.

"Okay, that means they're good at disguising themselves. I thought nothing could get away from Erica," I said. "And by nothing, I mean nothing."

"But I noticed it," Jayden said. "And it was pretty obvious, too! Didn't you see Chloe taking yearnful glances at Mike from the table behind us?"

I shook my head. Yesterday morning, I was too focused on anything else to notice something small like that.

Jayden took another glance at his phone. "Anyway, you guys can deal with them later. But for now, my phone's out of data. Can you turn on your hotspot? This hotel's Wifi is a ripoff, since it costs at least a dollar a minute."

I sighed. "You just figured out two people are spying on us, and all you care about is your data usage? No, I'm not turning on my hotspot."

Jayden huffed out a breath. "Fine. Be that way. I'll just hack into it otherwise."

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