The Reappearance

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I swear, that girl could do magic.

If someone told me that she attended Hogwarts, I wouldn't be surprised. If someone told me that she was working for the CIA's Academy of Espionage, I still wouldn't be surprised. And in this case, the girl was from the exact place.

Hello, if you don't know who I am, then you would have short-term memory loss. You might know me as Ivar, the nerdy kid from the earlier part. As usual, there's much more to me than you saw. Never judge a book by its cover.

I don't know anything else about the mysterious girl that I saw earlier except for the fact that she attended a secret Spy School. It's been the topic for me and my sister in the past few hours, and now that the girl had probably run away already, then we wouldn't have any chance to see her again.

A quick introduction for all you readers: My name is Ivar, fourteen years old, and I go to Forest Middle. We're on a field trip to Disney World over here, and I just had the most surprising event happen to me.

Nobody from Forest believed me (as usual). I was the outcast in the class, the one kid that nobody wanted to socialize it. That kind of explains why I'm relatively antisocial, though when I do have friends, I'm really close to them.

On the other hand, my sister is probably the most popular kid in school. She doesn't really intend to be to the queen bee, though there's nothing you can really do when your looks scream I'm pretty at everybody who looks at you.

So when we arrived back at the group, as usual, a group of friends sucked Chloe out fro my grip. I seclusively stuck to the back of the group and kept to myself, doing nothing but replaying the climaxing scene inside my head.

The gun that the girl had hidden basically wrote her personality. She's probably more athletic than everybody in my school, and she also probably has a plethora of grenades hidden in her pockets. She also was the prettiest girl I've ever met in my whole life, but I knew I had no chance with her, so I decided not to try anything.

I'm not exactly bad-looking myself, though. The only reason I considered myself a social outcast was because all of my hobbies were the exact opposite of what 99% of society favors. Video games? That's a big, fat BORING. Caring about my looks and brushing up my appearance? What's the point?

I was more into things like the theory of the Universe, researching antimatter, and asking myself each day "Is the electron mass strictly of electromagnetic origin?" and things like that.

My group for the field trip was browsing a flamingo exhibit when I spotted the target girl again.

"Chloe!" I hissed, grabbing her from her group of friends. "There she is! The girl from earlier!"

Chloe, who was kind of reluctant to leave her friends, pursed her lips and pushed out from her crowd. "Where?" she said simply, looking around.

I pointed over to the snack shack, where a relatively good-looking boy sat next to the girl from earlier. They were talking furtively, exactly like spies would do. This brought me to the conclusion of the boy next to her being also a spy.

At the sight of this, Chloe's eyes lit up like lightbulbs. "Let's go spy on them!" she said excitingly, grabbing my hand and leading us over to the two spies.

The group of friends she had left behind gave her a questioned look, and after a few minutes, they decided that the best option was to let us do our thing. I was pretty sure all of them didn't even know what we were doing, and they didn't want to know- mostly because I was included.

Slowly creeping over, I listened to the sounds around us: the chatter of the crowd of tourists, the chewing and clinking background effects coming from the Café, and the whispers from the two spies. 

Yes, I could hear the whispers. It was kind of a talent that I had- I could hear things from especially far distances, and it came really handy in situations like this. I could make out a few words, but that was pretty much it.

Straining my ears, as we moved closer, I managed to pick up even more small talk. The words were a peculiar bunch, though. It sounded vaguely familiar... though I didn't really know how they did. Unless they were using familiar clichés, nothing they said would be something that I remembered in my memory.

Suddenly, I realized where the familiar words were coming from. Turning my head to my side, I threw an exasperated look towards Chloe.

"Are you seriously humming 'Positions' by Ariana Grande?" I hissed. "You realize I'm trying to listen to a conversation right now!? Shush!"

Chloe rolled her eyes and held in her laugh, creeping alongside me. I punched her on the shoulder and continued my slow advance towards the two targets.

We tried to look as unsuspicious as possible, but doing so was pretty hard when there were, like, a hundred spare people around you taking awkward glances at your butt. At one point, I thought the girl took a clandestine glance our way, but maybe I was hallucinating. There was no possible way she could notice us within the giant crowd here... well, of course, unless she had mad skills.

As Chloe and I kept creeping towards our immediate destination, I realized that since the two people were spies, then they would probably be on a mission. Especially since they were at Disney World. Unless spies had secret cravings for Mickey Mouse, I would conclude that these two were chasing down some sort of bad guy.

And if there's a bad guy here, then why are there floods of tourists everywhere? Why risk our lives for the sake of some entertainment and pleasure?

And it was at that exact moment that the girl reappeared right behind us within the timestamp of three seconds, smiled really quickly, grabbed two tissues from her pocket, and placed them on our noses.

It wasn't long before I took a breath and automatically felt the lightness of this familiar chemical settle on me again. Slowly, I drifted away from my consciousness, into the depths of my dreams, and then everything went black...

John Liven

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