The Golden Corral Experience

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Heru - Agent_Heru


The second we arrived at Golden Corral, I made sure that I was the first person to get the heck out of the car. After all, Chip and Mike had literally been screaming their lungs out for the past few minutes already.

Chip looked rather disappointed that we hadn't cracked during the trip. It made sense, since he had wasted a lot of his air during the car ride. All of the lung energy he used had gone down the drain, especially because Erica made sure she took her time glaring at Chip when the ride ended.

It couldn't really matter, since he had to go to the bathroom. So instead of looking at our relieved faces, he immediately ran ahead of all of us and dashed to the men's room.

After waiting for Chip to relieve himself, Erica led us to the front desk, where a bored-looking teenager was playing on his phone and clearly multitasking by also trying to keep an eye on the front door. Instead of looking excited when we arrived, he was more disappointed that he had to rip his eyes away from his phone.

"Hey," he said halfheartedly, looking up from his device. "How many?"

"Don't you have eyes?" Erica countered. "Do the math yourself."

The employee, who wasn't used to such feisty behavior, shrunk back into his seat. He was obviously intimidated by Erica's looks, and quickly, he managed to do the simple count himself.

"Head on over," he said nimbly, waving to a large, empty table. "All the seats are ready."

Erica nodded curtly, walking over to our newly-made table. After ordering some simple drinks and talking with the waiter, we started looking around for some dishes to taste and fill our empty stomachs with.

"Dessert first," Jayden said immediately, pacing over to the sweet and surgery section of the buffet. "I call dibs on all the red velvet cake and chocolate-dipped strawberries!"

"Hey!" Chip said. "Wait for me!"

The rest of us rolled our eyes. When you eat your dessert first, there was nowhere to go but downhill after that. That's basically like experiencing the climax of a ride first, then boringly sitting through the rest of the course. It's not going to get you anywhere.

As usual, I started with some old-fashioned white rice and teriyaki chicken. Delicacies like these weren't usual for me, so I took full advantage of them the second I got out of the house and into some kind of restaurant.

Walking over to a different table, I stopped directly next to James and Trixie, who were having a conversation about what I assumed to be Garlic Bread.

"Do you like them big or small?" James asked Erica.

Erica raised her eyebrows. "Do I like what big or small?"

James and I rolled our eyes simultaneously. "The Garlic Bread, Erica. Do you like the Garlic Bread in large or small portions?"

Erica took a look at the counter. "I prefer small portions. Garlic Bread actually includes a large amount of butter and olive oil, both holding large amounts of fat, in which I don't like. So small it is."

"Well, I prefer large," James said, grabbing a stack of bread and shoving it onto his plate next to his Macaroni and Cheese. "Especially since the stuff they make here is amazing."

"You eat a lot for your looks and athleticism," Erica noted, looking at James's stacked and loaded plate, which probably consisted of at least a thousand calories. 

"Don't worry," James assured us. "This is only my first plate. Just wait until I get to dessert, honey." he winked at Erica.

I would say that Erica was about to respond with some sort of remark, but couldn't in time, because she suddenly perked up like a dog whose owner just arrived back home.

"Ben," she whispered, nudging my shoulder. "Whatever you do, don't look to your left."

I did the most natural thing, which, in this case, was looking directly to my left.

And what I saw surprised me.

There were a pair of two people, with an added third person. The first two people I recognized easily as the names Erica had told me the day earlier: Ivar and Chloe. The third person, I had no idea who he was.

"It's those two potential double agents again!" I hissed back at Erica. "What do you want to do with them? I mean, seeing that they're here, it's clear that they've been stalking us."

Erica shook her head, rejecting my theory. "They're not stalkers. Last night, I went on a covert mission. After examining their house and tapping into some of their conversations, I've deduced three things: One, they aren't double agents. They're just a normal brother and sister who just happened to be on a field trip to Disney World. Two: They planned beforehand that they would arrive here for lunch today. Think about it; why would I let Jayden lead us over here? The only reason I did was that I knew they were going to be in the same location. Otherwise, we would be at Sandy's Salads right now."

I nodded, taking in this load of information. "And what's number three?"

"Well, number three is pretty obvious. They're onto us."

I nodded. This was pretty obvious, especially since Erica had explained her little run-in with them before exposing Mike at the end of the roller coaster. Thanks to Ivar's keen eyes, those two knew exactly what we were doing.

Thanks, Ivar.

Anyways, we were still wondering who the third person was. According to Erica, he was an Asian friend of theirs named Heru- an odd name, but still a name. She, or we didn't know anything else about him other than the fact that he was smitten for Chloe, and that isn't much information itself, but we had what we had.

"He seems very similar to you, other than the fact that he's Asian. Hopelessly in love with a close friend the second they met, eh?"

I blushed, backing away a few inches from Erica. Unless she was on a dopamine high again, (Thank you, Jayden), this type of behavior wasn't usual. 

Quickly reverting back to her original state, Erica turned her gaze to face the three innocent human beings again, slowly making her way to the table, where everyone else had already gathered.

"Don't say a word of this, or you'll never be able to say any words again. Gotcha?" she hissed into my ear.

I nodded whimsically, following her descent to the table, where everybody was joking and laughing, having a good time. Meanwhile, my mind was completely off this and on the mission.

--- POV Switch to Agent Clyde ---



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