Stealing the Guard's underwear

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--- Agent James' POV ---

For any extra information on this chapter, please reference directly from the title.

Because we're going to STEAL THAT UNDERWEAR!

*Cue superhero music*

Okay, for real now. We were going to steal the clothes from a guard, and it was probably going to be one of the easiest and most boring missions ever. Especially considering the fact that we were stealing a random person's undergarments, putting them on dutifully without care, then walking around in them.

Gross but effective. I didn't know why we had to wear the underwear, but it was Erica's choice, so I had no way to reject her. Unless I traveled to the gym more regularly, I still had to bow down to her against my will.

But before we began our mini-mission, we had to traverse five miles of forest and get to the border of the theme park. There were some topics struck up during this conversation, but they were mostly trash. The one that I did gather interest in though, was when Erica mentioned that Cly had some kind of superpower.

"Jayden told me that after a split second, he managed to make the bad guys hesitate and take a step back. Then he said a movie-worthy one-liner and immediately crushed the two henchmen," Erica was explaining.

"That doesn't sound like Cly," I remarked. "The real Cly would take a step back, shake his head and whisper 'no, no, no' and push Jayden forward to take the blows for him."

"But he didn't do that," Trixie said. "He went superhuman."

I took a moment to consider this. After a while of racking my brain, I simply didn't believe the information.

"I don't trust this source of info," I said, pulling out my phone. "Time to call Jayden and see what he has to say about Cly's so-called superpower."

"And while doing that, make sure he isn't watching Netflix!" Erica yelled from ahead of us. "Also, tell Zoe and Kylie to keep the boys in good behavior. I don't trust them by themselves."

I nodded, turning on my precious data and calling Jayden. He had reluctantly given me his number the other day, only under the circumstances of Erica insisting it. Otherwise, he wouldn't earned a bruise on his head, courtesy of the Ice Queen herself.

So after dialing him up and waiting countless seconds of the phone playing that one annoying ringtone over, over, and over again, Jayden finally answered on the eleventh ring.

"Hello?" he said from the other end, voice sounding rather disappointed. "What do you want?"

"It took you eleven rings to answer," I said. "That seems rather suspicious. What were you doing when I called you in the first place?"

"That depends," Jayden said. "Is Erica near you?"

I looked ahead, spotting Erica about a hundred feet ahead of me. Shaking my head, I replied "no".

"Okay, in that case, I was scrolling through many of my favorite apps: PIMD, Netflix, Among us, DR1, 60 Seconds, and Webtoon," he replied. "If Erica was nearby, then I theoretically would've said I was arguing with Cly about how Cotton Candy isn't healthy."

"It is healthy!" I heard a voice that sounded like Cly shout in the background over some chatter.

"No, it isn't!" Jayden yelled back over the phone. "Anyways, what did you want, James? The reason you called me better be good, since I had to abandon a round of Among Us. I swear, I knew the imposter was Cyan! But because of you, I missed voting!"

"There's better ways to spend your life other than playing video games. And what I wanted to ask you was- can you explain in detail on how the heck Cly managed to beat the sand out of the two henchmen? I don't believe Erica and Trixie, because they said it was because he had superpowers."

"He does have superpowers!" Jayden complained. "You just have to believe me!"

"What did he do though?" I pressed. "How did he make the guards hesitate?"

"He scared the guards off with his unpleasant face," Jayden simply replied.

"I swear- enough of your jokes! What actually happened?"

"That's what happened! Cly's face turned really unpleasant- red eyes, pale skin, and really devlish-looking. Then a wave of coldness radiated off him, and I started to feel uneasy. I guess you could call it Hades's Helmet- it radiated fear."

"There's no time for a Percy Jackson reference right now. What actually happened? What you're saying right now sounds suspiciously like bull."

"It's not!" Jayden said. "I swear on my life!"

Now, this stopped me in my tracks. If he swore on his life, then what he was saying was probably real.

"By the way!" Erica yelled from ahead of us. "I heard what Jayden said! Tell him to meet me tonight at exactly 10:00 PM in my hotel room!"

"What?!" I yelled back. "What does meeting him at 10:00 PM in your hotel room have to do with him not doing his duty?!"

"I'm going to train him, one-on-one!" Erica shouted. "He needs some improvement, and someone to squeeze the man out of him!"

Jayden muttered something non-family-friendly, but I couldn't make it out. After this, he hung up, though I could tell it was a choice made against his will.

So Jayden was going to get training from Erica. After this, he was probably going to become a mini-me, better at fighting- since I know Erica's tactics of training aren't exactly easy to go through. If he suffers from sleep deprivation for the next few days, at least I'll know why.

Probably during the midst of this thought, I realized that we had finally stepped onto the concrete grounds of the edge of the theme park. A large, tall painted brick wall sat between us and the roller coasters, though it looked pretty hard to scale, since it was completely flat and easy to slip on.

"Let's go," Erica said, tossing over some gloves to us. "You're going to need these, trust me."

I caught the gloves by instinct, immediately sliding them onto my hands. They stuck like glue, and they also were as adhesive as glue too, since after a quick touch of the wall, I could pretty much stick to things like Spider-Man.

So the gloves were extremely sticky. This made climbing the inclined wall really easy, and before we knew it, all of us were inside Universal Studios Orlando.

And it was closed, meaning we were the first residents to ever trudge inside this area after closing times. This was a tiny breakthrough, though I couldn't think of that, because my eyes and mind were on something else.

In front of us, next to a tiny Ice Cream booth stood a burly-looking man, dressed in all black. Engraved in his shirt were the following words:

Claim America as who it should belong too.

"Prepare to die," the man said, revealing a crowd of at least thirty humans behind him, all hefting Sniper Rifles. "Because we're going to wreck as much havoc in America as we can, and you're not going to be able to stop it."

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