🎊New Year Special🎉

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Ok sorry, I have to admit that I lazed out of writing for a few days 😔

(Please don't hack to find my IP/DDOS me and kill me in my sleep. I'm too young to diiieee)

Anyways, onto the main story IG.


---POV Switch to Agent Jawaharlal O'Shea---

Okay- I have to admit, I wasn't exactly surprised when I realized I was missing a present from Erica. After all, despite being the captain of the Chess and Fencing team and also being almost as skillful as her, I was still being judged as some kind of fool.

Maybe I was. But still.

The presents that I received from everyone else was a variety of different gifts- ranging from weaponry to a new water bottle, and obviously, to nothing- and that nothing was from Erica.

Well, maybe I did receive something, but I just hadn't found it yet. That was the best-case scenario, but as some say, it's best not to hope for the best. Because in most cases, the best isn't going to happen, and you're going to be very disappointed.

The present that Benjamin gave me was rather interesting. According to him, deciding what present he was going to get for me was rather hard, since he was trying to find an item of choice tied to my ethnicity- then he realized that I was part Indian, Irish, Nicaraguan, Kenyan, Indonesian, and Chinese.

"Yeah, so basically, I just gave you this," Ben said, holding out a Sniper Rifle- I didn't know what model exactly- but it did have a pretty sick-looking scope, so I wasn't very disappointed.

"Thanks, man," I said. "Here's my present for you."

I threw him the pack of grenades that I had saved. After all, he was pretty handy with those things. If not for him, we would've lost the battle back in Paris. His little grenade-rolling thing on the glass floor then was pretty devious, in my opinion.

"Thanks," Ben said. "None of these are live, right?"

"Nope, I pulled the pin on all of them 3 seconds ago. Hit the deck!" I shouted, feigning fear.

Ben laughed along with me, and we both walked over to the main area where everybody was exchanging their acts of favor. Zoe had delivered me a 30 dollar gift card, so I was ready to go shopping- along with the money I received from the other girls.

But I still hadn't received anything whatsoever form Erica Hale.

She hadn't walked out of her room yet either. So there were three choices: she was deftly avoiding any Christmas contact, she was sleeping in for once, or she was on a mini-mission that she had organized.

I was guessing number one, since earlier today, I swear I caught a whiff of lilacs and gunpowder in the hallway. That meant she was still in the hotel, or else her scent would've lingered away from the area already.

I watched as Trixie's face started to turn into worry as she realized her sister wasn't showing up. After all, Erica probably had a wagonload of presents ready for her to recieve- especially from her sister.

After a few hours of giving and waiting, we eventually set ourselves up into a tiny room that, according to Ben, had been rented out by Erica. I didn't really believe this, especially considering the fact that she would never decorate a room to Christmas spirit, but I decided to just go with it. After all, watching Home Alone and snuggling by the fire was pretty homey.

The couch that they had set up was toned with a thick layer of red velvet on the outside, and it was also rather large. Because of this, we all managed to fit ourselves inside this small area- though it did cause us to be very squished. Ben got the worst of it, being slammed in between Chip and Zoe.

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