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My sister made the earlier part. The story's not really ending, but Charlotte (my sister) has earned herself some very interesting punishments. 😅 don't ask

"Get ready to die, you measly agents," Terry snarled, finger tensing on the trigger. "You can fool SPYDER, but you can't fool us."

Erica struggled in her straps from behind the wall of enemy agents, yells muffled by the sock in her mouth. Clearly, she was trying to get a message to us, but I couldn't make it out. Besides, we were about to die- I couldn't really focus on her.

"You really want it to end like this?" I said, splaying my hands in front of my head. "Just kill, like, a billion innocent people just because you want a country back? You realize it's a very flawed plan. First of all, what are you going to do after beating America? Create a new country? Like that's going to work."

"It's not going to work," Mike chimed in. "For one, seeing the number of double agents you have in your organization, you wouldn't even be able to hold a steady government. Second of all, you plan to populate a wasteland of the dead bodies of millions of people? You realize you're going to have to clean up thousands of megatons of damage and human waste."

"Also," Trixie said. "It's not like you can beat America in the first place. You may have a thermonuclear bomb, but they have at least a few hundred more than you do, plus a well-trained army of a few million people. If I were you, I'd be running for my life before they came to kill you."

"And besides," Jayden mocked. "Your organization is a piece of shi- poop. You can't even get your employees to not play on their phones. America has allies, you know. Not only are you facing the strongest militia in the world, but you're also going against another plethora of nations."

"So give up," I summed up. "Let us go, and we'll tell the government to spare you."

For a second, I thought our dumb ploy had worked. The guards hesitated, giving our argument some say. Terry even lowered his gun for a second, pursing his lips and taking a moment to consider our point.

"Y'know," he mumbled. "That actually makes sense. If they're offering us this, then it's probably our only chance at freedom. After all, the only reason I joined this place was because of my native roots and the fact that I couldn't get into Taco Bell."

The lead agent of the other group grimaced, giving him a quick glare. "Terry! Get on duty! The boss says if we fulfill his wish, he'll give us a bonus!"

The other agents nodded along, once again cocking their guns and pointing them at us. Erica's crestfallen face glowed even more, taking a desperate glance at me and motioning to spring on the agents.

Sadly, I shook my head. It'd be no use, since they had guns. Springing on them was like jumping onto an active semiautomatic machine gun. It was a kamikaze attempt that would only seal our fates.

Terry sighed, bringing his pistol once again directly aimed to the back of my head. Just as he was about to shoot, I sensed a disturbance above my head, and I quickly turned my head up to see what was happening.

What I saw surprised me.

"Death!" a familiar voice rang through the hallway, followed by a few grunts of pain and another  higher-pitched shout of "DEATH!"

According to my eyes, I was viewing four blurred figures, both in complete black body armor, knocking out all of the guards. After a quick sweep of my eyes, I realized one of the people was the one and only... Ivar!?

"Hi, Ben!" he shouted, attempting to hit the gun out of Terry's hand, but missing. "I- ow! I'm here with James, Jade, and my sist- ah!"

Terry was attempting to stab Ivar with a knife, but he was missing multiple times. Ivar- who seemed to have forgotten all of his training at the Academy- decided to use the dumbest way of attack possible, which was grabbing the enemy's knife by the blade.

Meanwhile, James and Jade were wiping the floor with the other guards, using a style completely different from Ivar's. Now that we were free from the supervision of the guns, we could join the fight, and we managed to also add into the firepower. Though it was mostly Trixie, we used our combined forces to defeat their guns and brawn.

Running over to Erica, I quickly untied her bondages and gave her a hand up. She didn't even give me much of a thanks after taking out her gag, throwing it to the side and looking me in the eye.

"I was trying to tell you," she said exasperatingly. "The agents were up their for the whole time. All you had to do was look up to give them the signal to strike."

"So that's why when I looked up, they jumped down," I said, blinking a few times in misbelief. "I could've saved ourselves for the whole time? Ahh, why am I such an idiot!"

"It's okay," Erica patted my head. "You couldn't understand me, after all."

"Don't pat my head!" I swat her head away. "As said earlier, I'm not your dog!"

"Yes, you are," Erica purred. "Sit."

"Go die in a hole, no," I countered, walking back over to the group. "I'd rathe- ah!"

Half a second. It took exactly that long for her to force me into a sitting position, tilt her head over me, and pat me on the head once again.

"DO NOT PAT ME," I threatened through gritted teeth. "I swear, Erica, you're the most annoying person on earth."

"You called me that!" Erica sang. "New achievement unlocked!"

Trixie smirked and pat her sister's shoulder. "You seem more happy than usual, sis."

"She's on dopamine again,, that's why," Jayden threw off carelessly. "I've never heard her sing before. This is a first."

At the word 'dopamine,' Erica regained her wits. "Jayden, if I were you, I wouldn't be mentioning dopamine in front of me," she said, cracking her knuckles. "Unless you want me to further punish you for your wrongdoings even further."

It's pretty obvious what they're trying to protect

It's pretty obvious what they're trying to protect

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