Teriyaki Sauce or Salsa?

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---POV Switch to Agent Dylan---

Okay, I'm aware that putting the Author's POV is kind of pointless, since the author is the one writing all of the parts, so, theoretically, all of the POV's are by me...

But whatever. Anyway, we're currently at a Mexican restaurant, and I'm ordering the food for the two hyenas behind me at the table (Sorry, Jayden and Trixie). I swear, if I let them take the menu in their hands, then their bank accounts would be home to a layer of dust.

I decided on a burrito, while I ordered Jayden and Trixie both a packed set of tortillas. I chose the 'small' option whenever they asked me anything, so we would have space at the other resturaunt.

Then I remembered Trixie's former crush on Jayden, and I decided to do something funny. Trixie had asked for Orange Juice earlier, and Jayden had said 'me too'. So I decided to order ONE large Orange Juice and ask for one straw. Then, I would force them to share a straw, and it would cause some nice drama that everyday needed.

"One large orange juice, please," I said to the lady at the counter. "Then one small burrito, two small tortilla sets, and some napkins."

Three minutes later, I was carrying two bags full of Mexican food, walking directly back to the table we had originally set up. When the food was cooking, I had made sure to steal the rest of the resturaunt's straws, so Trixie and Jayden couldn't ask for more. 

Sorry, Jayden. This had to be done. After all, I wasn't the one who dosed Erica up on dopamine.

"Hi, Dylan," Jayden said when I walked back, watching as I slid into the seat next to him and avoided Trixie's invitation for me to sit with her instead. "Food's ready? Bet!"

Trixie licked her lips. "I call dibs on Dylan's order."

Jayden glared at her. "Hey! I told you not to mention that we would be stealing Dylan's food earlier!"

Trixie giggled. "You dolt. I was tricking you for the whole time! I wasn't really going to steal Dylan's food. I was going to steal it from you after you stole it from him."

"Aw, you two look so cuuuute together!" I said, watching as Jayden snatched my burrito from my hands and split it apart. "Well, I guess I deserve that. You can have my burrito."

Trixie chose this second to make her move, snatching the burrito out of Jayden's grip. She smiled and took a bite out of it before Jayden could react. "Thanks, sweetheart."

Jayden fumed, huffing out a breath for so long I was surprised that his lungs could stand so much air. "Fine. Take the stupid thing. Just give me my orange juice."

"Um...about that, the resturaunt said they only had enough for one cup. So I ordered a large for you two to share!" I said, holding up the giant cup. Sticking one straw into it, I placed it in front of Jayden.

"I call dibs on the whole drink," Jayden said, taking a big sip. "After all, Trixie took your burrito."

"Doesn't that mean I'm not eating anything?" I said, looking at them. "Welp, looks like I should've gone with the others instead of you two greedy human beings."

Trixie smiled and shoved a piece of burrito in my mouth, almost choking me at the exact second. "Here, you can have some food! I'll give it to you, unlike Jayden."

I spit the piece of burrito out on a napkin. "Trixie! You used that fork before, and you're feeding me with it? And I saw you bite that piece of burrito that was just in my mouth earlier!"

"Oooooh, you two indirectly kissed!" Jayden jeered, chucking a piece of tomato at my head. "This is a moment to remember!"

I ignored Jayden's fake kissing noises and chucked the tomato back at him. "Alright, this is enough. I'm out to find the others at the Chinese resturaunt. I like Teriyaki chicken better anyway."

"Wait!" Trixie said, pulling me back next to her. "You're staying."

"Give me a good reason not to run away right now," I said stubbornly. 

"Because I have your wallet," Trixie said simply, holding up my familiar leather case. "And therefore, I have your social security number, literally your whole life savings, and your credit cards."

I cursed under my breath. "At least let me sit with Jayden."

"Nope!" Trixie said, cuddling up against my arm. "I'm not letting you!"

"Kill me now," I muttered. "Please."

Jayden took another big sip of his Orange Juice, soaking up the moment. "This drink is killer. Trixie, you're missing out on a lot. After that kiss you had with Dylan, things have gone uphill from then on. This is awesome!"

"We didn't kiss!" I shouted a little bit too loudly, attracting a lot of attention. Heads turned, and I quickly shrunk back into my seat.

Jayden laughed so hard that I swear his lungs would've been dead if he didn't stop early. Trixie just turned away from me.

"If you mention that indirect kiss thingy with anyone," I hissed under my breath to Jayden. "Trust me, you will regret being alive."

"No problem," Jayden said, holding up his phone to reveal he had caught the whole conversation on a recording. "I'll just use it as a blackmail item instead."

I sighed. "Please, guys. Show some mercy on me."

"Nope!" Trixie said cheerfully. "You look cute when you're flustered anyways."

"I'm not flustered," I said, prying myself out of her grip. "You can keep my wallet. I'm taking a walk outside and having some alone time."

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