Current Present lists

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Erica Hale will be buying Benjamin Ripley a dart gun, armed with sedatives that can be reused multiple times.

Jayden will be buying Erica Hale a card that says: 'Love ya, but not in the, y'know, 'love' way. And please don't kill me. Merry Christmas!'

Benjamin Ripley will be buying Erica Hale a watch that's made of silver and partially gold, and there is a secret compartment on the back that can be opened if one places Ben's fingerprint on to, revealing the message 'I luv ya'. (Note from Ben: PLEASE DON'T TELL THX SO MUCH). He also bought Erica a new gun.

Erica Hale will be buying every boy other than Benjamin a piece of coal.

Trixie Hale will be giving out a plethora of flowers to her friends that supposedly can live for up to three years if submerged partially underwater. She gave everybody a bouquet of violets, though her sister, Jayden, and Dylan all received roses.

Jayden will be buying Kylie a new frying pan with auto-greased surfaces. No more stick!

Kylie will be making everybody a self-decorated Christmas cake with a wide variety of toppings, though she made sure to give Erica a vegetarian kind.

Benjamin Ripley bought each girl a different present, though he made sure to get each a pretty one. Not going to list them out, because a ton of new ships will be created.

Cly bought Benjamin Ripley a Glock 42.

John made sure to create a arts and crafts card for each person. The card can be expanded, and it will reveal a 3D city folded by paper mache, handcrafted by John himself. Though he did give Benjamin Ripley and Erica Hale some special cards.

Cly will be giving a three-layered steaming pot to Kylie. Looks like not only the cooking will be steamy, but their relationship...🔥

James will be receiving Ultra-Grip gloves from Zoe. Aw, don't make him even more OP than he already is at wall climbing!

John will be receiving a pair of new and improved night vision goggles from Benjamin Ripley. I can't wait to watch him freak out.

Dylan will be giving everyone pay raises. Make it rain!

Cly will be handing out a card for Dylan, which has been sprayed with the Christmas pine Febreeze. It's mostly a Christmas greeting, but in the bottom-left corner, there lays a message in 2-point font: Don't forget my pay raise. Looks like his wish would be granted!

Zoe Zibbell will be giving Benjamin Ripley a two-person ticket to a cruise on the Bahamas. Sad if he decides to take Erica with him instead of his apparently 'friendzoned' lover!

James will be handing out some gift cards for a gun store. Don't let the parents see!

Zoe Zibbell will be giving Dylan a newly-built clandestine Drone with a built-in recording camera! Sick!

And that's all for the Christmas presents, at least for now! There's some that still haven't been bought yet... and there's also some that are hoping for a better present than what they are actually going to receive!

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