The Unexpected Encounter

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Yeah... before we start the part, some of you said that you didn't believe me when I told you about the wheel. Well, here's a video recording of the spin (I retried the spin) and here's the proof:

(There is an attempts counter, which cannot be reset. So there's proof that I didn't re-record until I got what I wanted.)

"I got some... kind donations from my Wattpad users," Dylan said. "Though if Wattpad created monetization for me writing of our adventures, all of your paychecks would be at least five times larger."

"True," Cly said. "Wait- how long are you spending writing each day? We do so much things that I doubt you can keep up on your writing. And besides, ninety percent of the time our actions aren't really Wattpad-worthy."

"Oh, that's what you think," Dylan said, backtones of amusement ringing in his throat. "I swear, those users can make a field day from just a simple comment- and Ben and Erica, I'm pretty sure of how you are aware that they'res at least a million kids out there shipping you two."

I blushed at this comment- hey, that couldn't be held in. I didn't see Erica react in any way, though I swear I saw her hesitate for a fraction of a second before taking another glance at her food.

"Yes, we're aware," Erica said, ignoring the fake kissing noises from Jawa and groaning. "Please, let's switch the topics. I don't want to talk about this."

"For what reasons?" Trixie said, fluttering her eyelashes. "This topic seems rather... interesting, eh?"

"Agreed," Dylan said, then took a furtive glance behind his back. "Say, Erica, aren't those three people over there the what you called stalkers? I think we should stay on some kind of high guard for them. Should I go inspect to make sure they're not up to anything bad?"

Erica nodded. "Do what you want. I need to finish this and get going."

"Wait- I'm coming with you!" Trixie said, standing up from her seat and pushing aside her plate of lettuce leaves and ranch. "Eating here is getting boring, and I want something to do!"

Dylan's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Spying on them isn't much of action, unless they're planning to launch a nuclear attack on any country. I wouldn't recommend coming with me, unless you want to stay on the rest of the trip with an empty stomach."

"Still- I'm coming with you. Let's go!" Trixie said, taking Dylan's hand and leading him over to the nearest table next to the three suspicious people. Dylan, on the contrary to Trixie's excitement, looked very exasperated and dragged along with her.

"Your sister is a very touchy-feely person, unlike you," James noted to Erica after watching the two set up their mini mission. "You reckon she got more of Catherine's genes?"

"Yeah," Erica agreed between bites of her salad. "Though she doesn't usually hold hands... I wonder if she drank too much of that cappuccino this morning?"

Over by the table, Trixie punched Dylan in the stomach playfully. Dylan groaned in pain and scooted away from her at least a few feet.

"Yeah, she drank too much of her cappuccino this morning," Erica claimed, taking yet another single pea by the tip of her fork and sliding it into her mouth.

Jayden, who look relieved, took a glance at her over his shoulder. "I'm just thankful she's gotten over me. Man, that girl sure was a pain in the a-"

"Anyways!" Mike exclaimed suddenly, giving Jayden a dirty look. "Erica, what are we going to be doing this afternoon? Any remote plans in your mind?"

Erica looked up at the ceiling thoughtfully, almost missing her fork into her mouth. "I'm thinking about setting you all to examine the borders of the theme parks. But I don't know if their security will be happy about a bunch of teenagers straggling around the borders, so I need something else. Ben, got any ideas?"

At this sudden point to me, the spoon slid out of my hands, dropping the ham that it was holding in it's palm. As it clattered onto the plate, all eyes suddenly were on me.

"What?" I said. "I just got lost in my train of thought for a second. Let me think, geez!"

Mike smiled a bit, wiping the drop of oil that I had caused off from the floor with a napkin and scooting back into his chair soon afterwards. "That doesn't happen often. It was pretty obvious Ben had something else on his mind, didn't he?"

This statement was actually rather accurate, since I did have something else on my mind. But that something was private, and I wasn't going to share it with anyone, much less you Watppad readers. 

"No," I lied. "I was thinking about having us going in disguise around the border. Maybe have someone paint the camoflauge on us- or we could simply just hide in plain sight. Maybe we could steal some of the guard's regular attire and dress up in it?"

Erica nodded in satisfaction, and Mike deftly threw an annoyed look in my direction. "Great idea! Okay, new plan, everybody!" Erica said. "Four of the most skilled of us will break into the headquarters, where all of the guard outfits are stored. Meanwhile, the rest of you chill here until we get back."

"Bet!" Jayden said enthusiastically. "I call staying here and playing on my pho-" Erica gave Jayden a look "- I mean, keeping watch around the restaurant while you guys run the break-in."

After a brief staredown from Erica, the Ice Queen herself nodded slightly. "Sounds good. Trixie?!"

Trixie, who was currently in a rather covert conversation with Dylan, suddenly perked up and looked towards Erica's way. "Yes, sis?"

"Mission! Get over here along with Dylan!" Erica said, standing up from her seat and grabbing her utility belt, which was neatly placed next to her plate, then strapping it on. "James, you come along too. We're going to need all the help we need, especially when the help is as skilled as you."

James smiled, soaking in the compliment. "Okay. Just let me finish this, and I'll be ready."

Meanwhile, the rest of us looked in a variety of moods: Cly and me kind of disappointed we'd be left behind, Jayden and Zoe relieved for some sort of rest, and Kylie- well, I don't really know. She just kind of looked like she was zoned out at this point.

James, who had just finished his plate of food, stood up and brushed off any loose crumbs while straightening his waist at the same time. "I'm ready!"

"So are we," Dylan and Trixie said together, standing on each side of Erica and waiting for directions.

"Okay. Let operation steal the guard's underwear begin!"

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