Jet Planes need a Nerf

775 16 98

John - 12345isforlife

Indeed they do. Jet planes need a nerf.

As soon as the missile hit, a giant cloud of sweet-smelling, perfume-like gas started spreading around the giant field. I held my breath, suspecting that this was probably some sort of chloroform-like gas, and so did the rest of us.

At least fifty of the dumber henchmen got knocked out immediately after inhaling a few times. The smart ones followed our action, slowly and blindly trying to make their way out of the giant pink fuzz.

From the corner of my eye, as the action unfolded, I spotted Jayden and the rest of the gang slowly parachuting down from the clouds. I didn't know how they managed to get their hands on such a missile, or a jet plane, but I didn't care. All I knew was that Jayden somehow managed to save our butts.

From midair, all of our comrades swiped sedation guns from their pockets and started rapid-firing into the giant pink cloud. From the grunts of pain that I heard, I deduced that they were hitting their shots.

Erica looked up at the other agents in midair, nodding in approval. She gave Jayden a thumbs-up, and he smiled in satisfaction. Making Erica Hale impressed was surely an act of honor.

The rest of the henchmen were slowly staggering around, without any sort of order, and we slowly made our way into the crowd and obliterating them. I knocked so many skulls, kicked so many butts, and punched so many faces that I couldn't even count anything. Each time my fist made contact with anything, I let out a struggled laugh that probably made me sound like some sort of maniac.

When the other agents landed on the ground, they immediately joined the action. I could make out some slight conversation between Zoe and Trixie (something about 'where did you get that missile?'), but other than that, it was all just fighting.

Despite the fact that the Croatoan appeared to be brutal, turns out they could be taken out by a small gang of teenagers. Pretty much, they were like all of the other enemies. They underestimated us.

After destroying so many people's days, we finally sat bat, watching as the fog settled against the limp bodies of the enemy agents. It looked more like an artwork we created than anything else- especially because it paired certainly well with the setting sun.

Jayden walked over to us, still probably on a soda high from Golden Corral. He put away his sedation gun, facing us with a crazy smile on his face.

"How are y'all?" he said. "Did you have fun?"

"Fun!?" Zoe complained. "You spent the whole plane ride coming up for a name for the missile, then you took all the credit for saving their butts."

"He named the missile 'suck it', by the way," Kylie added. "And the jet plane he got was from Alexander. He called him, and it turned out he had a spare one in his beach condo. So he sent it over here."

"What?" Jayden complained. "I wanted the last thing for the henchmen to see was 'suck it!' And that's why I painted the name on the bottom of the missile. So they would see it before they got knocked unconscious."

"Okay?" I said. "Wait- but since when did you know how to drive a Jet Plane?"

"That's where he comes in," Zoe said, pointing over to a new person that I hadn't seen before. "He's the one that Alexander sent to drive the plane. His name is John."

Erica perked up. "John Liven?!"

"No!" John said, holding out his hand. "That's not my last name. I'm a different John. I go to the Academy, you can trust me!"

Erica raised her eyebrows in suspicion. "I still have a feeling something's wrong. Dad wouldn't just send someone random over to help us."

"I'm not just a random 'someone'!" John said. "Even though I may sound like one compared to you, that's the same for everyone here! Speaking of everyone- who's that girl?"

He pointed over to Trixie, and she waved hello.

"That's Erica's sister," Dylan said. "Try not to get too overwhelmed, but it's true."

"That explains her resemblance," John said. "Though that doesn't explain why there are so many unrecognized people on this mission. Who's this?" he pointed over to me.

"Hello," I said. "I'm James. I'm the brother of Jonas, who's the only person that I know who can beat Erica in a fight. Though I can myself, if I tried hard enough."

"Is that so?" Erica said, turning her head over to me. "Do you want to experiment this theory?"

"No," I admitted. "Though a hug would be nice."

I swear I saw Erica laugh, but she turned her head away at the last second. "Maybe later."

"Wait- one more question. Who are the three people back there?" John asked, pointing over to the back of the plane. "Do you know about them?"

Erica jerked up once again. "Three people? Jayden, did you check the luggage compartment before you took off?"

Jayden shrunk. "No. But I swear- there shouldn't be people back there!"

John walked over to the back of the plane and clicked open the luggage department. Out stumbled what I suspected to be Ivar, Chloe, and Heru.

Mike grinned. "The old 'luggage department' trick, eh? I still remember when me and Zoe did it back when you guys went to Mexico."

Zoe grimaced. "Do not remind me of that. I swear, being stuck with you in an enclosed space for three hours was-"

"Awesome," Mike finished. "Anyways, what did you three come over here for? I don't think there's much to see."

Ivar looked over at us, apparently shocked. "You just defeated a hundred armed men! And you said there's nothing to see!?"

"Doing something like that isn't very unusual, unfortunately," Erica said. "And why did you think you'd be completely off the hook for following us on a supposedly 'covert' mission?"

Chloe turned red, alongside Heru. "We didn't know," she said. "We thought you guys were shooting some sort of movie, so we followed along for some action."

Erica shook her head. "We're not shooting a movie. We're dealing with an evil organization that's destroying America. It's much more serious than you think, so I'd suggest that you not follow along."

"An evil organization?" Ivar said, trailing off. "So that's who's been causing all the damage around the nation! It wasn't because of gas leaks!"

"Yep," Erica said. "And now that the info's been revealed, there's only one thing that I can do."

Chloe turned pale. "No, please... not again!"

And with this, three sedation darts zipped out of nowhere and impaled each of them in the neck.

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