Buying Presents, but in the Girl's POV

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Lol I have exams today but I still decided to write you all better be happy

--- Agent Erica Hale's POV---

I was doing this against my will.

No, I didn't want to buy presents. No, I didn't want to get into the Christmas spirit. No, I didn't want to watch kids happily stroll around the mall, chattering amongst themselves, and purchasing high-quality gifts for their loved ones.

But I was doing it, despite the fact that I hated everything within the Christmas spirit. The only reason why I had obliged to these traditions?

I knew I was receiving presents. And I was pretty much hoping I would receive anything that can help my firing abilities, skills, and others. So I decided just to go with the flow and resist the urge to take the Christmas tree, chuck it out the window, and laugh maniacally while shouting 'TIMBER!' for the sake of society. Why didn't everyone just take their presents, chuck them to their friends, and get over with it? I didn't know.

So I started shopping, AKA boringly walking around a crowded area, staring at displays and deciding what to waste your money on.

--- POV Change to Agent Kylie ---




--- POV Change to Agent Zoe Zibbell ---

On the contrary to Erica's mood, I was extremely happy that I could spend time in a different place other than my hotel room, where I would scroll through my texts, browse hacking classes, and do mini-workouts. The hotel was really festive, with a lot of people everywhere that were talking amongst themselves. This was the first time in a long while that I would be able to converse with people other than my fellow spymates.

The first I went to? Well, I decided that buying some gift cards for the boys would be nice, since I didn't know what they wanted to buy. The best choice was to hand them a Visa gift card and get over with it. 

While I was checking out my order, the man at the counter asked me how much money I wanted to be inserted inside each gift card. Quickly, I told him to put twenty-five dollars in each, watching as he slowly scanned one at a time, departing 25 after 25 bucks off my purse.

 But when he asked how much I wanted in Ben's Gift Card...

"Put fifty in it," I said quickly, casting a glance around my back and making sure nobody was behind me. "And add a note on the card when a purchase a made," I said. "Put: 'Know I always have your back,' on it."

The shopkeeper nodded, adding the following. He didn't ask why I did anything, but the tiny smirk on his face told it all.

Handing me my bags, he smiled, flashing a golden tooth and winking. "Good luck with that 'Ben', cutie," he said.

I smiled back, strolling out of the shop, bags swinging at my sides. It was going to be a good day.

--- POV Switch to Chloe ---

I haven't been rendered unconscious so many times in a week.

Despite my brother's crappy mood about this, I didn't really bother being knocked into dreamland. It was literally just a free ticket to get some more sleep, and since I wasn't really a night owl, that was a great opportunity.

Meanwhile, Ivar was still mumbling about this mishap.

"I swear to god- can I not be unconscious for five minutes these days?" he groaned as we walked back to our hotel, where the rest of the students were. "I just wanted to get some action into my life!"

"Well, you haven't really been unconscious for that long," Heru said. "It wasn't that bad anyways. Those kids were epic at fighting! Did you see that messy-haired kid? The entrance with that megaphone and the missile was killer!"

"You mean Jayden?" Chloe said. "Yeah, he popped off."

Ivar still kept mumbling. "No fun. Why can't they just let us join into their spying business?"

"Maybe we have to prove ourselves," Heru said. "In some kind of way where they'll have no choice but let us in."

"But how?" Ivar said. "That pretty girl on their team is just too OP to be existing. There's no way I can prove myself in that situation. She's obviously too good for us to manage to sneak up and help!"

Okay gotta stop here, it's my bedtime oof

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