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:( I was too busy watching the Super Bowl yesterday and I didn't get the time to write a new part. But still... I live miles within Tampa, and I was pretty stoked to see them shut down Patrick Mahomes and the Chiefs. I don't know if it was Tom Brady, but the Bucs managed to pull down a miracle.

The following is a hybrid chapter. Half texts, half writing. I'm just testing it out to see how it's platformed. Tell me if you guys like it.

Ben: oi

John: Helloooo

Rachel: How are y'all doing

Erica: We located a Croatoan headquarters, busted in with a drill, got locked up in a high-security cell, communicated using morse code to devise an escape plan, got caught during the escape, then got saved by James and Jade.

Jayden: We wiped the floor with them

James: yasss

Ivar: Hey, we were in the fighting too! Me and Chloe did something too!

Jayden: Yeah, you were, but you basically did nothing. The most effective move you pulled throughought that whole thing was managing to land a pathetic punch on Terry's leg.

Ivar: Shut 😒

Chloe: Ivar, admit it- it's true

Jayden: Yeah, at least Chloe knocked out a few agents

Chloe: 😘 I'm a bit skilled on the physical side myself

Ben: And then there's me, the one kid who can't do anything

Zoe: That's not true. Ben's the brians of the group! Also, can somebody tell me who this 'Terry' is?

Erica took a look at her phone, then quickly scanned the road in front of us. After making sure we weren't being followed,she kept typing.

Erica: He's one of the guards at the Croatoan headquarters.

Ben: Yeah, but make sure to remember: we haven't really defeated them. We only temprarily disabled part of their base. We barely made it out after getting rid of the agents.

The taxi driver took a look at my phone, then nodded. "Barely is an understatement. When I skidded out of there, I saw a few agents jump out of their base armed with full body armor."

"I also spot a helicoptor following us earlier," Erica put in. "But they didn't seem to remember our car. They passed by us, even after taking a look. Looks like the darkness of the night finally came to our side."

"A helicoptor was chasing us?" Jayden's eyes grew to the size of quarters. "Why didn't you tell us earlier?! I have a perfectly usable rocket launcher here, y'know! I could have finally put it to use!"

I raised my eyebrow. "If the citizens here just see a random rocket launch from a car and hit a helicoptor in midair, then aren't they going to be suspicious?"

"Not to mention they'll also be a flaming helicoptor streaking down and crashing into the road with an explosion. You might as well be calling for the FBI," Trixie put in.

Zoe: why did y'all just suddenly go silent?

Ivar: They're talking about flaming helicoptors streaking down to the earth's surface at a hundred miles per hour and how it can track attention

John: Nerds

Ben: Nah, that name only classifies me

The taxi driver pulled over to the opening of the hotel, quickly skidding to a stop and sighing. "We've arrived. Make sure to get your carryaway bags. I'll be driving back to the CIA headquarters. "

Jayden opened the left back door, stepping out and quickly breathing in a heavy load of outside air. "Aaaaaaaaa," he said delightfully. "Fresh AIR! After being locked up in that stupid cell for hours and then being forced into a taxi, this is heaven!"

James stepped out behind him. "Aaaaaaaaa," he heaved along.

"You guys look like complete weirdos," Trixie said. "Who in the world would ever-"

Dylan pushed her beside, taking a large breath of his own. "Aaaaaaa."

"Actually, doing that might not be that bad," Trixie said. "Deep breaths can help you calm down after a rush of adrenaline."

"What's with the sudden change of opinion?" I asked, grabbing up my heavy duffel bag from the back. "One second you're insulting them, then another you're complimenting."

"It's complicated," Trixie admitted, taking a quick glance at Dylan. "Trust me."

"GUYS!" a shout echoed through the parking lot. "You're baaaaaaaaack!"

My body was suddenly impaled by a large, high-speed moving object, which, after two seconds, I realized was Zoe. I didn't even blush at this contact- even though she probably did- after all, I had nothing romantic going on with her. Unless something suddenly changed...

"Yes, we're back," Erica said coldly. "Did you take your routinely check of the hotel borders? I'm assuming not."

"I'm betting they didn't," Mike butted in. "After all, Jawa's too busy playing games."

"I am not!" a voice echoed from a balcony on the seventh floor. "And we can hear you!"

"Stalkers!" Jayden yelled.

"PERV!" Chip yelled back, and this was followed by some snickering.

Dylan shook his head. "Those two are the comedy pair. Jawa and Jayden, we need to have a show someday."

"I- hey! You realize I'm gay, right?" Jayden stuttered. "I'm not going to fall for that trap!"

"You already did," James mocked. "Just admitting their's already a bond between you two was a mistake. Suck it."

"Anyway, let's head back in!" Zoe bantered enthusiastically. "I prepared a dinner for us, and it's all set up in Jayden's room-"

"hey!" Jayden interjected.

"-and we're going to spend the night there too-"

"WHAT!?" Jayden yelled again.

"-and I've already set up the sleeping bags. The only thing that's missing is the flat screen TV where we can watch some movies."

"Your hotel room doesn't have a flat screen TV?" I questioned.

Jayden pursed his lips, putting on an innocent look. "I may or may not have illicitly imported it to my dorm at the Academy. After all, they've got subscriptions to all the good channels! How could I not pass that up!"

"You what!?" Erica shouted.

"Oh no," Jayden said. "I have to use the bathroo-"

"You're not going anywhere," Erica hissed through gritted teeth, suddenly appearing in front of Jayden. "Follow me."

"Like hell I would," Jayden said, then burst off at his top speed towards the hotel.

"That kid can be fast if he wanted to," Erica sighed. "He just needs some sort of warning to induce his potential."

"So you're saying he could beat me in a strength fight if he wanted to?" Trixie interjected. "Bet."

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