Escape is not an option...sadly

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It was three hours before Erica finally came to.

Three hours.

I almost fell asleep myself during the process, but I managed to hold it in. Even though it was abnormally boring to be sitting in an uncomfortable position, trying to get out of not-so-PG positions with a beautiful girl, I still didn't die of embarrassment.

Meanwhile, Jayden and the other boys were having the time of their lives. If you gave me a quarter for each time their phones flashed a picture, I'd be a millionaire at this point. No hate, but I'd personally appreciate if I got a chance to wring their necks- but I couldn't move, since Erica's viselike grip was harder to break through than tungsten.

The first sign I got was her moving more than usual, which, I tell you, isn't a very good sign. At one point, her head was set directly in my lap, and I couldn't even move a millimeter. The most embarrassing thing about it was that this was a position only a couple would be in- and in which the couple probably was very serious. I don't see many heads in laps during dates.

It took all of my self-control not to spring out of position when Erica's head jerked up from her sedated sleep. It wasn't the best choice, but I quickly gathered my wits and breathed a sigh of relief. 

"You're finally awake!" I exclaimed at Erica, standing up and enjoying air without Erica's warmth pressed against my body. "Thank god!"

Erica winced. "You weren't a pillow? Oh no, hopefully, I didn't go into any embarrassing positions-"

"You did!" Jayden said cheerfully, pulling out his phone and flipping through thousands of images at light speed. "I've got pictures of all of them, and I've locked them permanently into my account."

"That's mean," Erica mumbled, clearly in a haze of the sedative. "What did I do to deserve this?"

"Calm down," I whispered to her. "You're Erica Hale. If Jayden insults you, then you should immediately beat his-"

"You're Erica Hale!" Jayden yelled, topping my voice. "If Jayden insults you, you just wave it off as a tiny pinch. Then, you give Jayden a hug."

Erica nodded. "I see."

"W-wait! I didn't you were actually going to hug me!" Jayden whimpered, backing up to the wall. "Please don't!"

"That was part of the procedure, wasn't it?" Erica mumbled. "Come here."

I whipped out my phone and pressed the record button. This was a perfect specimen of a blackmail, so I decided to take advantage of it and get some kind of revenge on Jayden.

It took him exactly three seconds to realize that I was putting this moment into history with my phone, and he flipped out a gesture that I don't really want to mention in the book.

"I'm going to kill you in your sleep," he muttered, then Erica engulfed him with her arms. Three seconds later, he came sputtering out, lunging over to grab my phone. Thankfully, I already prepared for this moment, so I quickly whipped it away, set the video to undeletable, and posted it on my only social media account.

"Now I'm actually going to kill you," Jayden seethed. "Remember to lock your doors tomorrow."

"There's probably not even going to be tomorrow, seeing our circumstances," I droned. "You think we can get out of this hellhole? Probably not."

"Just use the power of ponies," Erica mumbled again. "Never underestimate the power of their existence."

Jayden rolled his eyes. "I didn't even dose her on dopamine this time. Looks like I've found the perfect alternative for the drug that doubles as her acting as if you're her newborn pillow."

"Death," I seethed back at him. "Don't you dare."

"Dopamine?" Erica mumbled again, this time in a more alert voice. "Dopamine...Jayden..."

"She's connecting the dots," I grinned. "Give her a second, and she'll go crazy on you."

"Dopamine...Jayden...Taking pictures and posting them on social media...JAYDEN!"

"AH!" Jayden exclaimed, running out of Erica's range in less than a second. "Spare me, mistress! Please! NO! AHH!"

"Your only other option is being maimed for three hours," Erica said slowly, cracking her knuckles. "Choose wisely, you perv."

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