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i literally just realized that my parents don't care if i write or not


this is the conversation: "Mom, can I write?"


"I knew i- wait, what?!"

"I said sure, dylan"

"Didn't you just say that I couldn't write three days ag- nevermind. I'll be on my computer."

---Three weeks later from injuries---

I dodged Jayden's punch and ran over to my room, slamming the door and fumbling with the lock. Turning around, I barricaded my body against the entranceway as quickly as I could, gasping for air.

"One hour after you're released from the hospital," I groaned. "And you can't even give me any downtime? Could you at least find someone else to annoy?"


My hands struggled on the grip on the door. I could hear the lock being picked at above me-which wasn't a good sign- and soon enough, the measly hotel door clicked open. So now it was muscle against muscle.

My hands strained as I kept my stance straight. Jayden sure was strong, for that matter, but I had been working out. Maybe I could withstand him for long enough so that I could stay in place.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed, which caught me by surprise. I let go of my grip on the door for a milllisecond, and Jayden suddenly swung in without hesitation. The door flew against me and slammed me in the face. My phone clattered from my pocket onto the floor

"WHERE IS IT?!" Jayden shouted in fury, completely unaware of my face injury. "IF IT'S NOT HERE WITHIN 30 SECONDS, I'M GOING TO TEAR THIS ROOM APA-"

"Jayden, what are you doing in Ben's room, screaming?" Erica suddenly teleported behind Jayden. "I heard 'PS4'. Ben, need some help here?"

"Yes, please," I muttered from behind the door. "Get him out."

"E-erica!" Jayden stammered, then zipped out of my dorm.

"Job's done," Erica clapped her hands together. "And Ben, why didn't you answer my call? You usually pick up before the first tone stops when you realize it's from me."

I blushed. "How did you notice that? Ah, nevermind. What did you need from me?"

Erica gave a slight push to the door and clipped it closed. Taking a look at me, she narrowed her eyes and cleared her throat. "Ben, I think it's about time that I bring up this certain matter."

I gulped. "Matter? What's that supposed to mean?"

"I've been thinking about this for a while, and I've come to an end decision," she replied calmly. "It's been clear that you have tried to hide this for a while, and everybody knows about it. And sadly, the thing you're trying to hide is going to effect my life too."

"I'm trying to hide what?" I said. "And everybody knows about it?"

My mind blanked. I could only think of one thing that I had tried to hide, everybody knew about, and had to do with Erica. But the topic wasn't one that I was very comfortable with. "What is this topic that's so suspenseful?" I asked. "Why don't you just tell me it."

Erica tapped her feet. "Fine."

"Do you have a PS4 in your room?" she finally said.

I let out a giant breath and felt my shoulders sag in relief. "Yes," I breathed. "Take it out as you please."

Erica's anger subsided. "Just that? No 'I spent hundreds of dollars on that thing,' or 'I have so much progress on this specific game'?"

"I couldn't care less," I said. My eye caught sight of Jayden tiptoeing into the room, heading towards the general direction of the PS4. I smirked and quickly hid the expression. "After all, losing the game progress is nothing compared to your punishments."

Erica lashed out and grabbed Jayden, tossing him out of the room like a cat. "Begone. And Ben, I appreciate the compliment. Your PS4 will be safe and sound in my hotel room. If you want it back, just notify me."

Walking out of the room, Erica killed the lights and closed the door. "Get some sleep," she mumbled through the peephole. "We're waking up tomorrow at 4."

Okay guys I'll stop for now but I'm also updating tomorrow

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