How did I get dragged into this in the first place

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I just got back from my piano lesson and randomly just decided to start writing at 10:00 PM😅 hope my mom doesn't find me on my computer rn

"Ben, you'll be going with Jayden to deal with the mall," Erica stated.

"You've got to be kidding me," I spat. "I'm in for a night of dirty jokes, aren't I? How did I get dragged into this in the first place?"

"No worries, honey," Jayden wink. "I'll keep you entertained."

I groaned. "Please don't remind me of what lays ahead."

At the exact second, the bathroom door opened, revealing Dylan and James, who both didn't seem to be actually crying in despair at all. Plus, their phones were in a different pocket from when they had walked in, so I deduced that they probably just took the time as some leisure.

"You two were on your phones," Trixie said disappointingly, seemingly also noticing the fact that their phones had a different home when they left the bathroom. Putting her hands on her hips, she rolled her eyes and dragged James and Dylan out of the room. "You've got your missions to do. Stop playing games and get to work."

"Sorry," Dylan shrugged. "Had to check my Clash of Clans base. Don't kill me."

"Sis, get out here after you're done stating mission pairs," Trixie yelled. "I'll dump James right here. Don't worry, I've confiscated his phone."

Erica nodded, watching as the doors closed behind the boys. "Okay, I've got a few pairs left. After this, I'm dismissing you all. First of all, Ivar, Chloe, and Rachel, you three have the job of hijacking the plane that's going to exit the jet ramp in thirty minutes. Good luck."

"What!?" Ivar shouted in disbelief. "You give Chip and Jawa pickpocketers, and you give us the job to hijack a freaking plane!? Are you out of your mind?! We're just going to crash it into a pole or something!"

"I said, you are dismissed," Erica snapped curtly. "Go on. No questions asked."

Ivar mumbled something indistinguishable and strolled out of the door, followed by Rachel and Chloe, who also both had looks of disbelief plastered on their faces.

"Lastly, the rest of you will be strategically placed around the city in order to spot Croatoan agents. I've texted you a pdf of the images of all potential suspects, so be on the lookout for all of them."

"Roger!" the rest of the agents obeyed, hustling out of the room and leaving me, Jayden, and Erica alone in the small space.

"What are you two dinguses still doing here?" Erica snapped once again. "Get on the move before I get a second thought about giving you our harder mission."

I cringed. "Jayden, let's go."

---POV Switch to Agent James---

After bounding down the side of a hotel with a grappling hook, which was Erica's preferred method of transportation ("it's way faster than going on that one-mile-per-hour elevator," according to the Ice Queen), we took a quick u-turn around the road to walk towards an unidentified location- Erica hadn't told me our mission yet. She had just called me to be her partner, nothing else.

"You may be wondering," Erica finally said after a brief sprint. "We're not actually going to be stopping any bad guys ourselves."

"What?" I questioned, eyebrows lowering. "What are we going to be doing for the night then?"

Erica smiled that grin that I hated- it usually meant she was up to something nasty. "We're going to be checking on the other agents to see if they performed their duty. Also, we're going to be posing as terrorists on a jet plane, planning to crash into the local Bank of America tower."

"Wait a minute..." I said, connecting the dots. "Doesn't that mean you made two of the crimes up? The Bank of America raid with the two teenagers and the jet plane crash...are they connected?"

"Yep," Erica said. "And so is the Subway pickpocketers and the mall thieves. In the end, all of our fellow agents will be chasing the bad guys to one certain spot: the Bank of America."

"But we can't pose as more than two people," I pondered. "Did you hire more actors?"

"Called on some CIA Camouflage and Blending in specialists, same thing," Erica waved off. "After all, most of those agents have part-time jobs in Hollywood. I don't think you know, but Scarlett Johansson is actually an agent for us."

I raised my eyebrows. "That's actually surprising. Explains why she makes such a good Black Widow."

"Anyways," Erica said, pouncing on the roof of a car to get a higher jump boost. "We're going to the local airport first, where I sent the noobies. You're in for a long run."

I grinned. "Race you there."

"Oh, it's on."

---POV Switch to Agent Dylan---

"Why didn't you just call an Uber?" I asked, gripping the safety rail.

Trixie maneuvered the wheel, barely avoiding a lamp post. "I don't need one!" she yelled over the squealing of the tires. "As you can see, I'm perfectly good at driving myse-ah! Watch it, you stupid bird!"

I rolled my eyes and laid back, watching the blurred view fly past us in the window. "If you're going to try to sell a lie, at least put some effort in it. Saying that you're a good driver while simultaneously half-crashing into a flying mammal isn't going to give your argument any leeway."

"Shut it," Trixie giggled. "I'm much better than you in every other aspect of life anyway. Just watch the fireworks and wait until we get to our destination."

"Where was the rendezvous again?" I said, taking a look at google maps. "The Bank of America, correct?"

"Yeah, that's what sis said," Trixie said, screeching to a stop at a red light.

"That's the first time you've stopped at a red since ten minutes ago. What happened to breaking the most traffic laws possible within a timestamp of three hundred seconds?"

"Aw, stop being sarcastic and just enjoy the leisure ride," Trixie threw off.

"Leisure ride!?" I exclaimed. "We're going at one hundred and fifty miles per hou- ah, whatever. It's no use."

Five minutes later, we skidded to a stop at the entrance to the Bank of America, and I finally heaved the sigh that had been holding up in my lungs for the whole ride. Taking an annoyed look at Trixie, I waved to the street behind us.

"You missed a pedestrian back there," I said exasperatingly. "Want to take a quick U-turn and go run him over?"

Trixie pat my shoulder and leaned a little bit too close for my likings. "Mock me one more time, and I'm going to make this trip the worst of your life."

"Go ram into a tree," I challenged.

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