Another band of Croatoan agents?! Uh, I am so totally posting this on my Insta.

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---POV Switch to ur mom---

---okay, okay, i get it. I'm not funny. Let's just get onto the story from Ben's POV---

"You know, I really hate beachside strolls," Jayden muttered, chucking a giant seashell into the ocean. The way it made a plop in the waves when it collided with the sea was some sort of satisfaction, though Jayden was running out of things to throw.

"Your opinions stink on ice," Trixie bluntly stated.

"Oh, now you're judging me," Jayden replied. "Who was the one who had a crush on me for the past month?"

"Shut up!" Trixie yelled, retaliating with a push into the ocean. Jayden barely had time to react, being sent directly into the splashing waves. His body hit the shallow water with the same force as the seashell did, sending a cascading circle of waves throughout the ocean. I regretted it, but a laugh barely escaped my lips when he hit the water.

Jayden's whole face went red, and he lifted himself from upon the sea, making sure his phone was unaffected. Wiping the wet gunk from his clothes, he joined us in our stroll across the seaside, casting a glare in Trixie's direction.

"He deserved it," Kylie grinned. "Didn't you, Jayden?"

"No," Jayden said abruptly. 

"Mood killer," James muttered. "Anway, when are we heading back? We've been trudging this place for, like an eternity. I feel like my legs are going to break into splinters any second. And don't even get me started on my feet."

I took a look at him. "Dude, we've been walking for eighteen minutes."

James shrugged. "Eighteen minutes, an eternity. Same thing."

I held in my urge to poke a million holes in this statement, walking over to the spot at the back of the pack. "Since when did you suddenly become so un-athletic? You can't stand a few minutes of walking?"

"Hey, you were laying around on the sand with your girlfriend for the whole beach time! Meanwhile, I was playing ultimate frisbee with the rest of the guys!"

"I'm not his girlfri-" Trixie sighed. "-whatever. That lame joke's been used so many times I'm already used to it. Call me whatever you want."

"James, ultimate frisbee is nothing compared to what we did in the mission earlier. Remember when you almost beat Erica running back to the hideout in the sea? What happened to all of that energy?"

"I've been feeling weaker than usual these days," James sighed. 

"...reason being of his Juliet, the one and only Jade," Jayden mocked. "The lost heroine, the love of his life!"

"Sh-she was the one! I needed her!" I whined, following along with Jayden's act. "Jade, come back to me! Please!"

"If you two don't shut up now," James seethed. "I will forcibly remove your jaws."

"There's your energy!" Jayden laughed. "I brought it back to you! The power of insults! Now, this is what makes walks on the beach interesting!"

"Go die in a hole," James muttered. "You wouldn't know."

---Three minutes later---

"Is it just me, or did I just see a dart fly by my neck?" Trixie said.

"Stop with the jokes, Trixie. We get it, you're trying to be funny, but you can't ever beat the god of godly insults," Jayden said. "Besides, why would there be a dart flying by you-"

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