The First Interaction

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It was our day of rest. 

So, of course, the most logical thing to do was...

Spy on the girls to see if they were behaving themselves at their posts.

Hello readers. It's me, Jayden. I'm back again by popular demand. Try not to cry in relief too much. I get you, trust me. I get you.

Okay, anyways, back to the original plan. It was come up by Mike, (obviously), who was looking for a way to get revenge on Erica for embarrassing him in front of the crowd and drawing it out. Even though revenge on a goddess-like Erica was almost nonexistent, it was still possible.

Last night when I had finally finished my guarding and headed back to my hotel room, I was planning to take a hot shower with extra bubbles and steam, 

I was about to step into the hot, steamy waiting shower when I heard a disturbance from the room to my left. Judging from the voices, it sounded like Ben and Erica were having one of their 'special' private talks.

Now, to you readers, this Ben and Erica talking interaction may not seem much of a surprise, but as a Berica shipper, not following the rites and rules of overhearing Ben and Erica bicker like a married couple was against the mortal law.

Imagine you were a Berica shipper like me. Not listening to this potentially romantic moment was against the law of the holy Berica worshipper bible- especially the third Berica commandment, amongst the ten commandments. The commandment is the following: 'Thou shall always cherish Ben+Erica moments within all of their soul.' Punishments in breaking this vow will result in execution, especially done by the 'OFF WITH THE HEAD' method.

Now, I don't know about anything from the Zen bible, but all I know that it's sacrilegious. (Totally not a TwoSet reference here). It has something to in worshipping Zoe and Ben, though I could care less about that. All hail the Berica god.

Note from author: I'm not a Berica shipper myself, nor Zen, so the only reason I added this was because if I didn't then Jayden would murder me in my sleep. Jayden himself is a die-hard Berica shipper, and you should probably know that by now.

Also, all you Berica shipper, if you want to know more about this bible, then contact my boss, Dboy69420. He still hasn't payed me yet, so I refuse to leave the link to the holy Berica bible here.

ANYWAYS, I tuned into Ben and Erica's conversation and listened with all the strain my ears had. The results that I got weren't as interesting as I preferred.

At first, I could barely hear anything. I managed to make out the words of "potential double agents" and "chloroformed them for now," but I had no idea what the heck that had to do with anything.

So I pressed myself against the wall, despite the fact that I was in my underwear. My shower was still running high, so they probably expected me to be washing myself off right now, not secretly tuning into their conversation. 

With my ears against the wall, I could hear some of the words that Ben and Erica were exchanging. They were talking about how they spotted these two potential double agents, one being a boy and one being a girl. According to Erica, the boy had a good eye, and the girl was eye candy. (She didn't really say that, but I just had to change it so it sounded that way.)

I didn't know who the two potential double agents were- and I didn't want to know either. All I knew at this point was that Ben and Erica weren't talking about anything particularly interesting. So I went on with my shower.

Okay, fast-forward to morning.

I sat down on the breakfast table with my bagel, preparing to take a bite. Ben was sitting next to me alongside with Mike, and we were all in high spirits. It was a free day after all, and it felt like heaven. Hey, don't judge- you take a bunch of boys and give them a day off, and you get some hyped-up teenagers.

So I was about to take a bite of my bagel when Ben unexpectedly suddenly pounced on me with questions.

"What should we do today?"

"Did you get any leads yesterday that you didn't tell us yet?"

"Did you happen to see a pair of suspicious-looking kids-"

" happening to be a boy that has a good eye, and the other being a girl who is eye candy? Yeah, I heard."

Ben blinked, seemingly waiting for his brain to take in what he'd just heard. "Wait- how do you-"

"I'm a spy. It's my job to know thing-"

Erica rolled her eyes and snatched the bagel from my grip, flinging it back to the counter. It landed perfectly at it's earlier spot, right-side up.

"Don't you dare go use my cliché and think you're going to get away with it, doofus. Ben, the only reason he knows this crucial information is because he was spying on us last night."

It was my turn to look surprised now. "Wait- what? How did you even- do you have cameras and mics rigged into my room? Because I swear, if you saw me in my underwear last night I will kill-"

"That's not the topic right now," Erica dodged. "Ben, he was spying on us last night, period. Also, about this spying topic, don't think you boys will get away with your sneaky little plan of spying on us while we work. We're not going to goof off, trust us. Aren't we?"

She threw an intense glare at all the other girls at the table. They all shrunk in their seats and nodded whimsically.

"Good," Erica said, setting down her drink onto the table. "Anyways, how was yesterday's watching? Did you spot anything interesting? And I'm not asking you, Mike, because you were too busy goofing off."

Mike shrunk into his seat alongside the girls. Ben, me, and the rest of the males at the table started leaking info to Erica.

Not many interesting things were thrown around. Jawa saw a man in a blue shirt who looked like he was about to set off a bomb, but it turned out that he just didn't want people around him to see what he was doing on his phone. Chip said that there were two teenagers that he caught pickpocketing. Ben said he didn't spot anything interesting. Cly and I reported that we found nine suspicious people, and after some quick interrogation, we came to the conclusion that none of them was sus.

Breakfast itself was relatively delicious. The hotel had a plethora of foods for us to try, stretching from bagels to some delicacies I hadn't seen in my whole life. It was a wide variety, so to say. Probably the best breakfast I ever ha

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The following message is from your one and only leader:

There is no stopping us. Even though you naive readers think that Benjamin Ripley can save the human society, well... you haven't met me yet. The holy John Liven.

The John Liven of the Croatoan.

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