I'm back mfs

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I'm just going to write something random, since I'm really bored

pov is in Ben's, btw

"No way we're actually going to do this," Jayden groaned from the backseat. "It's going to end up with a megaload of drama again."

I smiled at his comment, since it was pretty accurate. Seeing the fact that we were heading towards a private beach, then we could pretty much talk about anything without the danger of someone overhearing us.

Quick catchup- we're heading to one of the islands dotted below Florida. The one we're going to is pretty tropical and near the equator, and it's also inhabited with nothing but wildlife. Since we had a good mission, the higher-ups had decided to reward us with a brief trip to the tropics.

"This island is your grandpa's, right?" Ivar yelled over the wind flowing in from the open windows. "Erica, can you even hear me?!"

"Yes," Erica's sharp tone was loud enough to puncture through the noise. "Cyrus has owned this island since the mid 1980's. It was originally reserved for a CIA research camp, since they had their eyes on some Cuban terrorists, but now that it's been abandoned, it's all ours."

"What do you think about it?" Trixie said, clicking open the cabin viewing section. 

Our eyes all flew down to the island, where the beautiful sunlit vacation spot was located. It looked pretty good, especially since we weren't on a mission this time- we were sent here only to have fun.

"It's awesome," Jayden suddenly grinned. "But I might not be able to swim, since I still have that gunshot wound from before. It's been hurting a lot recently."

"Where's the wound again?" I said, taking a look at him.

"Near my heart," Jayden replied, hand moving towards his chest. "It's a long mark streaking across that area."

Kylie's eyes softened in concern. "Can we take a look at it? I learned in our recovery course that you can determine the state of an injury with a quick look. Just take off your shirt."

"Take off my shirt? What, you want to check out my abs?" Jayden grinned.

"N-no!" Kylie replied, turning red. "Nevermind. You're going to have to take your shirt off at the beach anyway."

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