Ben X Erica/Ben X Zoe

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We're not ready for something like this. Erica's arrival was too sudden.

No one breathed a hint as the bottle's tip flung towards the ground, quickly pointing in the general direction of Jawa's lap. It hadn't stopped yet, but Jawa's face had already turned the color of white.

Strangers can give a boy like him a questioned look if they found out he was scared of sleeping in a tight, enclosed space with a hottie, but they didn't understand it. The look on Erica's face gave it all away- she had rigged the whole thing in the first place. 

"To pop up here randomly is one thing," Jawa gulped. "But to rig it so it lands on me? That's just cruel, Erica. I'm going to be screaming for the whole night at this rate."

"Love is a complicated thing," Erica noted. "Three seconds ago, you were giving me all starry-eyed looks. What happened to those? Did the spark just vanish?" she smirked.

"You have no idea," I mumbled, looking away. "And I wasn't giving you a starry-eyed look. You don't know anything about my feelings towards you. You-"

"-know," Zoe finished with an annoyed look. "You two have been dating since your eyes met. Who doesn't know about your crush on her?"

The topic was getting worse than I thought could have possibly crawled to, so I quickly thought of something random to change it. After all, if you're talking to your friends and someone just randomly mentions your crush, the last thing to do was to carry on with the conversation. "Do we have any set of laws tonight, first of all?" I said quickly. "We don't want people squirming around in their sleeping bags and taking advantage of the fact that they're really close to someone else." I eyed Jawa.

 "Rules: Do anything I don't approve of, and I act otherwise," Erica radiated a cold glare around the room. 

"And no waking up at midnight and blasting an airhorn," I complained, taking a took at Jayden. "You did that last time and ruined my sleep. It took me three hours to fall back into my dreams again."

"So what? It's not like your sleeping problems have to do with me," Jayden said sarcasticly. "My hand slipped at 3 AM. It's not like it's going to kill you."

"Do that air horn thing again, and...y'know what, Jayden? I owe you so much torture and pain at this point, I should just kill you and get done with it in one go."

"I-i'll be outside," Jayden stammered, running out to the balcony with Ivar. Erica raised her eyebrow and decided to just let the topic go.

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