The Beach

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---POV Switch to Agent Benjamin Ripley---

I had to say, I was genuinely surprised about how I liked the beach so much. It wasn't like I hadn't visited it in a long time- I had been at the place in multiple instances, but those were during times when the place was crowded. Maybe that was the reason why I appreciated it during a time like this, because it was during the dusk.

I stared at the horizon, where the moon was chipping away at the sea. Mixed with the sea breeze, the soft waves flapping, and the sound of Jayden and Kylie bickering from beside me, I felt like I couldn't get more of the situation.

Sighing, I laid back against the sand, hair mixing with the particles on the shore. Staring at the constellations above my head, I tried my best not to fall asleep.

It was only after a few minutes that my peaceful state was interrupted. 

"Hey, Ben," Trixie said, pursing her lips and laying down on the sand next to me. "Hard day, huh?"

"Not really. It was mostly just entertainment."

Trixie tilted her head so that she was facing me and raised her eyebrow. "You've been in too much action, eh? For me, this was a pretty eventful day."

A period of silence followed this statement.

Despite laying on the ground next to a beautiful girl, my heart hadn't decided to race yet. Maybe I was already too used to it, since, after all, I had spent a little bit of way too much time with Erica.

A frisbee bobbed over my head a few seconds after this thought. This was followed by Jayden stumbling over me and Trixie, desperately chasing the runaway object. "Sorry!" he cried out to us. "Didn't mean to interrupt your romantic evening! Continue talking to each other in that position!"

I rolled my eyes. That boy was a special human being.

Soon enough, two different boys walked past us in the moonlight, talking amongst themselves. They were both relatively my age and they didn't look too shabby themselves. One of them was holding a conch shell, and the other was tapping on his phone.

"That girl's a bomb," one said while walking by. "Why's she sitting next to that chimp? She could do better."

"Yeah," the other one replied. "She's a killer."

Trixie didn't react, but I swear I saw her eyes narrow. The best thing to do during situations like this was to keep your cool since if Trixie unleashed her full Kung Fu on them, they'd be suspicious of her.

"Ignore them," Trixie whispered to me. 

"Done, and done," I said shamelessly. "We're not even dating anyway. I wouldn't stand a chance with you."

"Why is that?" Trixie questioned, gathering some sand into her fists.

Another period of silence.

Trixie sighed, standing up from the sand. "Let's get going. It's eight already."

"You don't want to know?" I said, following her tracks towards the others.

"There's no point," she said. "You're not going to admit it anyway."

"Who says that?" I complained. "After all, shouldn't it be obvious?"

"It's not," she said, blushing slightly. "Here, let me tell you a secret."

"What is it?" I said.

"When I first met you, I actually had some sort of crush on you. It might've been because Erica talked so much about your accomplishments, but I had some sort of feeling you were a mini James Bond."

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