I'm faaaalling

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It was to this second I realized what my friends meant by 'follow your instincts'.

I was falling. I had a parachute strap I had to pull. My instinct was to do this as fast as possible.

Everything fell onto me in less than a second. I was falling into the womb of a giant theme park, which was bustling with tourists. To them, a random teenager falling from the stratosphere was probably just some kind of stunt they were used to. After all, I had a perfectly good-to-use parachute on my back.

But there was a problem- pulling the chute would be way too late at this point. I was too close to the ground that if I did pull it, I would crash into a roller coaster track.

But the other option was death, so I had already made up my mind.

Quickly fumbling my hands through the whirring wind, I blindly pulled at my parachute strap. It only took me a few seconds to pull it, but it felt like an eternity, since my life was on the line at the current moment. 

It was only after a few seconds that my parachute finally started putting itself to use, slowing down my descent to the floor... but sadly, I had no idea how to maneuver the thing. So slowly, I was on a crash course towards the nearest roller coaster track, which was at least 1000 feet in the air.

It wasn't long before my body caught impact on the roller coaster track, and my parachute immediately proved itself useless. As my hands caught grip onto the track, it just acted as a weight on my back. (Rhyme not intended)

It was like a scene directly taken from a movie. My hand was gripped onto the track like it was the last grain of my life that I had to hold onto- in which in this case, it was. Though we had been training for this (holding onto a cliff/edge with one hand), I had thought it would never happen to me. Now that I was in the actual situation, it seemed much more suspenseful and serious.

Meanwhile, above me, it had passed well over six seconds, which was what was left on the timer when I was knocked out (by a sedation dart, I assume), and seeing the thermonuclear bomb hadn't fried me to dust, they had somehow managed to disable it.

I could barely spot Erica above me, signaling me to hold on. She was still dangling from the helicopter, though it looked as so she was trying to get the nerve to jump off herself and try to save me.

But she had a problem to deal with, and that was the Croatoan. 

At first, I didn't know what was the pattering sounds, but after taking a quick look at the helicopter, I saw an enemy agent aiming a gun at me. It was a long-range one- one that could obviously hit me if he aimed correctly. The only thing that was saving me was Zoe, who was constantly throwing things at the other helicopter.

So she saved my life. Great- but Erica was about to save it too.

It took exactly three seconds for her to get off the bottom of the plane, embrace the situation with a perfectly positioned diving technique, then gracefully pull out her parachute and float exactly towards my position.

I heard a bullet whizz past her and quickly perked up.

"Look out!" I shouted. "You don't want them hitting you when you're guard is do-"

Suddenly, something sharp chipped my in the elbow. Pain immediately flared up to my wrist and head, and I almost lost my grip on the roller coaster track. Another sharp jab came in my thigh, and after a few seconds, my vision started swimming.

"I..." I muttered, grip quickly loosening. "Shoot- it hurts!"

The next thing I knew, I saw a flower of blood blooming on my shirt and pants. And that was all. I couldn't hold on anymore, and my hand loosened itself, immediately starting to let gravity take my fate into its hands.

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