The Afternoon out

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I wasn't exactly very excited for going to some high-end restaurant and have some sort of teen movie night, but at least it was better than moping around in a boring hospital. My stomach wasn't even hungry- I had gorged myself on hospital rations a few hours earlier.

The afternoon out, as they called it, started off directly with me forgetting that I had an injury from my bullet wound, and, (accidentally, of course) tripped on my own feet and fell directly onto the place where the bullet had hit.

Despite the fact that the scars would probably never fade, it still hurt to know that every time I fell on the impact spot, it would pain me.

But my friends made me feel much better, especially since Jayden was in a pretty good in the afternoon. And usually, if he's in a good mood, he actually manages to crack a few jokes that make me laugh.

"You know," Dylan was saying, exiting the hospital and taking a look at the bustling city around us. "The only thing missing right now is smooth jazz music. If we had that in the background, this scene would like it was directly taken from a movie."

Jayden smiled, then whipped out his phone. After a few clicks, he pulled up something on Spotify and pulled out his airpods. 

"Connect your pods," he said calmly. "And listen to this."

I took out the pair of Bluetooth headphones that I had wedged in the secret compartment of my wallet. I didn't use them commonly, but I did temporarily get the need for some music every once in a while. 

After a fuss of connecting the airpods, Jayden pressed 'play' on his phone, and a smooth jazz track flooded into our ears.

here's the track they're listening too:

It was actually a pretty calm feeling, the saxophone flowing into my eardrums, the small pattering of the people beside me, the honking of the cars, and the whitenoise of the slight hum of the engines of the highway.

After strolling for a few minutes in this jazz bliss, we arrived in a large patch of small eateries. 

"I suggest we take this slowly and try a little bit of all of the restaurants," Trixie noted, taking a look around at the restaurants. "How about we spread out and all go in separate groups?"

"Sure," Jayden said. "I'll go with Dylan."

James pushed Jayden away, taking out his sticky gloves. "But you're not in the ceiling gang."

Trixie took out her gloves too, slipping them on and grinning slyly. "But I am."

Jayden huffed and took a look at me. "Whatever, it doesn't even matter anyways. Let's go, Ben. Kylie, you can come with us too."

Dylan stopped Jayden in his tracks. "Jayden, don't listen to them. James, don't discriminate people based on their talent."

James shrunk, then nodded slightly. "Fine. But if Jayden's coming with us, then let's kick Trixie out."

"No," Trixie said. "Let's kick you out. I'm going with Jayden and Dylan, and James, you can go with Kylie and Ben. You guys can start at that restaurant over there, and we'll start at the one over here."

"You want to go to the Mexican restaurant first?" Kylie said, cringing. "No offense, but I don't like the taste."

"I like Mexican food myself," Jayden said proudly. "You're the ones who's headed off to eat Chinese food."

"Guys!" Dylan said. "Let's just get to our dining and chill! They can eat their fortune cookies, and we can pop some Tequila bottles! Let's just get to it!"

--- 3 minutes later, POV switch to Agent Trixie Hale---

"Did you really mean us to pop some Tequila bottles?" Jayden said. "Aren't we too young to drink, legally?"

"I meant that phrase as a Cliché," Dylan said. "After all, if you got drunk on Tequila, then I'd immediately kill myself before you do the job for me."

"Hey!" Jayden said, pushing Dylan away. "You'd be worse!"

I laughed at the two. If Dylan was bisexual, they would make the perfect couple. But sadly, he wasn't... and someone else already had their sights set on him, so Jayden probably wouldn't be able to stand a chance.

Anyway, it's my POV. I don't know if this is the first time, but it seems like it is! I haven't gotten much attention around here, and the most I've been able to say to you guys is a few words. So let's begin this journey with a bang!

The Mexican restaurant was a pretty nice place, with tango music in the background, the wonderful aroma of tacos welling up in the area, and the sound of eggs and cheese frying upon some pans placed behind the counter. I knew there were a lot of restaurants to go to, but I might not make it to any others- I'd be full by the time we left here.

"Remember, guys," Dylan said, examining our hungry looks. "We're just here to sample. Not ravage their supplies and put them out of stock."

Jayden's mouth watered. "You sure about that? Because I'm getting a feeling that would be a good choice at this moment."

Dylan facepalmed himself and dragged us away from the menu. "Well, in that case, I'm ordering. If I give that privilege to you two, you're going to get us bankrupt."

Jayden smiled at the joke and led me over to an empty table while Dylan took over our ordering services.

I sat down on the opposite row from Jayden, and quickly pulled out my phone. Not many people know it, but I'm actually a pretty big fan of Wattpad myself. I occasionally, when bored, can go on long binge-reads and get drunk on content, but most of the time, I'm on the CIA's information manual instead.

Jayden took a look at me. "You realize that you don't have to sit on the opposite lane that I'm in, right? I'm gay, so you sitting next to me is like Erica sitting next to you."

I smiled. "Okay, but be careful of what you wish for. Since I'm not your girlfriend in any potential way, I can abuse that position of sitting next to you."

Jayden turned red. "Okay, on the other hand, you on the other lane sounds pretty nice. After all, Dylan could use some company from his crush."

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