The Walk Alone

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As said before, I had let Trixie take full control of my wallet. I didn't know what she would do with it, and it probably such a wise move to just hand her my credit card number, but it was worth it.

After all, they had been bullying me for the past thirty minutes. I didn't know what to do- it was either let them relentlessly badger me or give Trixie my wallet. The second option sounded better, in my opinion.

Suddenly, I stopped in my tracks. If Trixie had my wallet, she would be able to get my phone number, my address, my social security number, and others.

"Shoot!" I muttered under my breath, taking a direct U-turn back towards the restaurant. If she got my phone number, there was no question that she was probably going to spam me until I answer her on the phone. And my address... let's not go there.

The second I burst into the restaurant, I realized that I was screwed. With the look on Trixie's face, there was no question what she had done already.

I sighed, sulking back down to the seat next to Jayden. "Alright, I admit that move was a bit of a mistake. I shouldn't have given Trixie my wallet. Can I have it back now?"

"Nope!" Trixie said cheerfully, holding up the card that held my phone number and address. "Now that I have these, I can simply use this wallet as a trade token."

"What!?" I yelled. "That's my property! You can't use my own belongings against me, that has the same amount of sense as Jayden's hairli-"

"If you mention that again," Jayden suddenly interrupted, holding the large cup of orange juice above my head, threatening to tip it any second. "I won't hesitate to let this go."

I sighed. "Whatever...I-hey!" I said as Jayden tipped a tiny amount of Orange Juice on my head. "Okay, okay! You have a hairline! Uh, now I'm going to have to wash my hair again."

"Serves you right," Jayden said, placing his orange juice down on the table. "Now move over to Trixie's aisle."

"Okay, tipping orange juice was pretty cruel," I complained. "But that? That's a form of torture we should've even be mentioning."

Jayden rolled his eyes. "Can you not hear me? I said get over there, unless you want me to be spilling more Orange Juice on your hair. Scram."

I stood up and got the heck out of there before he could react. After all, the orange juice was pretty bad.

"Y'know what? I'll just go drag a seat here and sit on the edge of the table," I said. "That way, I can avoid you both at the same time."

"Do you hate me that much?" Trixie pouted, crossing her arms. "If you get another seat, I'll shock you every second I get the chance to."

"Shock me?" I said. "What's that supposed to me-"

Trixie pounced out of her seat and jabbed two of her forefingers into my waist, virtually cutting my speech off in a wave of pain. I couldn't move for a moment, but I managed to push her back into her seat before backing away a few steps.

"I'm just going to go have some lunch with the other guys," I said, panting. "You two have fun, but I'm not getting any sort of satisfaction over here. Maybe the others will treat me better."

Trixie smiled. "You want satisfaction? Come and get it, cutie."

"She's talking to you, Jayden!" I said, stomping out of the restaurant. "And you still owe me a burrito!"

---POV Switch to Agent Benjamin Ripley---

Chinese food again?

I always end up eating Chinese food. I don't know why and how, but it's kind of just like my destiny. On each mission I participate in, I get brought to some sort of Asian diner.

Not that I don't like the food, though. The dumplings here are pretty good.

"So, how's the wound, Ben?" Kylie said in a motherly tone, striking me out of my thoughts. "Those gunshots looked pretty nasty from the helicopter."

"I'm doing okay," I groaned, holding the place where the bullet had impacted my body. "But please don't remind me of the wounds. I can't stand touching those sensitive areas."

"Speaking of sensitive areas, what's with Dylan?" James said, waving a fork to the doorway. I took a look over to the direction, and one eyesight was all it took to see our fellow agent walking in. One eyesight also was all it took to see his mood, also, and right now, it looked like he was suffering from clinical depression.

"Hi guys," he muttered, throwing himself down in a seat next to me. "How is everything?"

"To the looks of it, 'everything' doesn't really seem well with you. What happened?" I said.

"Yeah, you look like you've just come from a funeral," Kylie said in concern. "If something's up, just go ahead and tell us."

"To sum it up, I've suffered enough with Jayden and Trixie. You guys seem much better, so I decided to head over here." Dylan said. "So far, they've stolen my burrito, sabotaged my wallet, used some kind of propaganda-like strategy to make me indirectly kiss Trixie, and then reveal my social security number, address, and phone number to the public."

"Holy shi-" James blurted, then stopped himself. "Sorry. Forgot about how we can't curse in the book."

"Indeed, holy shi-" Dylan said. "You've got nothing to know unless you experienced it yourself. James, why don't we switch spots? You can head over to Trixie and Jayden, and I'll stay over here with the tame group."

"Wait," James said. "Can you tell me more about that indirect kiss thingy you had with Trixie?"

Dylan looked like he was about to unleash a plethora of colorful language, but held it in. 

"Just go," he said after a period of silence.

James sighed. "Alright, Dylan. I'll use holy poop from now on."

"Good to know," Dylan replied. "Anyway, can someone give me the menu? I'm famished."

I looked over to the edge of the table and handed Dylan the menu. "Don't try talking to the employees, though," I said. "They barely know any English. Just now, I asked them 'What's the best thing to order here?' and they replied with 'yes'."

Dylan laughed. "I know Chinese, idiot, unlike you. I can speak to them."

"Oh, I forgot, you and your gang of talented ceiling nerds are too good," I mocked. "Since when did you have the time to learn Chinese?"

"That's not the only foreign language I know," Dylan said. "So don't expect me to just be obsessed with that one dialect."

I just realized I've published 55 parts. God, I do write fast- each day I spend only 15 minutes on this. Anyway, thanks for sticking with me this far into the story!

Also, if you've watched Anime, then go ahead and comment on the Anime(s) you've watched in this paragraph. I'm doing an experiment in science about how Anime's been taking over our modern society, and I need yall's opinions for some data. Thanks!

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