John Liven!!!!

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Jayden, you're in this chapter, so don't skip it lmao

Erica's first reaction of this Croatoan appearance?

Well, she yawned and rolled her eyes.

"Is that all you have?" she said, dodging a bullet shot from the back of the crowd in one swift move. "Nothing else?"

Me, on the other hand, I didn't really appreciate the fact that the bad guys could easily shoot the heck out of me. Even though Erica could dodge a bullet, I couldn't myself. So pretty much, the only choice was hope that I wasn't going to be shot at.

Of course, I was.

The second I stepped out of my position to prepare myself for battle, a bullet zipped out from the middle of the mini-mob. Somehow, I managed to use my lightning-fast reaction skills to maneuver away from the shot, but the bullet was centimeters away from grazing my skin. If they shot multiple bullets at the time, I was automatically dead.

It was at that second- and that exact second, my pocket started buzzing.

After a while of thinking why my pocket would be shaking by itself, the conclusion dawned on me. Slowly, I clenched my fists in annoyance. Jayden chooses one period of time to call me back, and it has to be now!? Does the idiot want me to die or something?!

All of the eyes of the bad guys immediately turned to me, and I held in the urge to answer the call, shout at Jayden for at least four minutes, then chuck my phone a mile away from my current spot.

Now, if you didn't know by now, my phone has an interesting feature: if it sensed my presence within three feet of it (using a detector that my mom installed to make sure that I didn't ignore her calls), it would automatically answer the call.

So, in this case, it accepted the call. And directly after that, Jayden's voice crackled to life from the other end, talking as if it was a normal situation.

"Hello? James?" his confused voice started asking. Clearly, since I wasn't answering his repeating calls, he was starting to get a bit suspicious. "Hello?"

Okay. If your memory's also good, you could probably remember the fact that us spies had the ability to communicate through morse code. And, by my guessing, I deduced that the Croatoan didn't know how to speak morse.

So I began tapping in the least suspecting way possible. Placing the tip of my finger on my pocket, I clandestinely started bumping my wrist onto the fabric of my pants, sending multiple shockwaves of sound only Jayden could hear.

After a few rounds of this, it appeared Jayden had finally understood my message: Get over here as fast as you can. The Croatoan have spotted us. SEND HELP.

So after this brief message, he immediately closed the call to lower suspicion. To the bad guys, all they just witnessed was me leaving Jayden off the hook on a call, and I hadn't said anything to him.

It was a lucky situation, but it probably wasn't going to be lucky enough for us. Since it had taken a while for us to get to Universal, I wasn't suspecting Jayden and the gang to arrive fast enough to save us.

The head of the Croatoan gang sneered, looking at my phone. "That clearly was a failed attempt to send help. Looks like we got you trapped this time."

Erica, who had caught onto my Morse Code form of communication, quickly tapped out her own line of words. Everybody within range heard her, but I suspected that the bad guys were too far away to detect the taps.

"The head of the henchmen is John Liven," she said without making a sound from her lips. "He recently hacked our Wattpad story, out texts, and others. We're going to need to eliminate him first."

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