The Heimlich Maneuver

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Do you know the only thing more boring than spending time with your friends?

Spending time with your friends and not having fun.

I didn't even know if they were my friends in the first place, after all. Despite managing to finesse my way into this spying community, I still wasn't worth anything. I had faked my entry, duped all of my so-called friends, and then did basically nothing on the mission.

I had a sinking feeling I was being some kind of pervert. After all, I was fine dining with the top CIA Junior Agents the USA had. I didn't belong in this cream of the crop, and neither didn't my sister.

We had scammed our way into the community. And we were planning to keep it that way, at least until we arrived at the Academy.

Unlike the rest of the spies, me, Zoe, my sister, Mike, Jawa, Chip, John, and some others decided to go take a walk around DisneyLand. We had decided that was the best way to spend our time, especially considering the fact that 'we' had just saved the whole theme park.

Notice I put some marks around the word 'we,' since I and my sister didn't really contribute to anything. Yeah, we did help Zoe chuck things at the other helicopter pilot, but that was pretty much it.

So here I was, sitting next to Zoe herself, on one of the rides at a theme park. Yeah, I was having fun. Yeah, I laughed at Chloe trying to flirt with Mike. Yeah, I spent most of my bank account balance on food and souvenirs. But everything I did felt undeserved.

After a great morning, we headed over to a local Café to enjoy some lunch. As said before, I felt like I didn't deserve the fun. 

"So, what's it feel like to suddenly be a spy?" Mike suddenly said, deciding to bring up the worst possible topic at the worst possible timing.

I sighed. "It's okay, I guess."

Chloe gave me an if-you-dare-blow-our-cover look, signaling for me to quickly switch the topic. I decided to follow her instructions and quickly set down my drink with a large clank.

Swishing my ice cubes inside my glass, I pointed over to a nearby roller coaster. It featured an incredible vertical dive, and just looking at it gave me the chills, but it was a good topic-changer.

"Look!" I said, pointing over at the coaster. "Want to go ride that baby after this?"

Mike grinned. "Sure. Looks like you've got some man in you after all."

Despite this probably being some sort of pity compliment, I still took it in seriously. Chewing on my food, I made sure to believe in myself. Maybe if I accomplished enough on the mission, the CIA would let me in. Maybe they would forgive me?

I was so sucked up in my thoughts that I didn't notice why I suddenly started becoming light-headed.

First, it was my breathing that stopped. I didn't notice, but I hadn't been taking any air for the past few seconds. And then, everything around me started swirling.

I clutched my throat. Something was stuck- maybe some piece of food, but I knew I was choking. I couldn't breathe, I was getting light-headed, the world around me was swirlin-

Suddenly, two lithe arms curled around my body. Despite me being choked up on food, my face still naturally blushed when I realized they were from a girl that definitely wasn't my sister.

After a few pushes of my chest, I coughed up the food that was stuck on my throat. Turned out it was a piece of chicken I had been chewing on during the thought process- ah! Why did I always have to embarrass myself at the worst possible time?!

I turned around, looking at my lifesaver.

My jaw immediately hit the floor. Excuse me, please remember that I have not been in any sort of friendship with a person of opposite gender before, nevertheless being more than friends. So when I was the girl, who, earlier had her arms around me, I couldn't help but turn red.

Chloe laughed. "Thanks for saving my brother," she said, patting my back. "He's a bit helpless at times."

I groaned. "Shut up, Chloe. Are you trying to embarrass me?"

Chloe smiled petitely. "Just doing my job as being your trusty sister!"

I resisted the urge to smack that grin off her face and faced the girl that saved my life. "Thanks."

The girl smiled back at me. "Your welcome. I'm pretty happy that I got to use that move myself, since I just had learned it earlier at my summer training camp. Anyways, what's your name?"

"Ivar," I said uneasily, visibly trying not to sweat. Geez, I was surely a sucker when it came to social interaction. "Unusual name, eh?"

"Yeah, but I like it!" the girl said, holding out her hand. "Nice to meet you Ivar, I'm Kate."

"Kate," I whispered. "So that's the name."

"Yeah?" Kate said, perking up. "You said my name?"

"Nothing," I said, shrugging. "Anyway, care for some free food? I can order you something. After all, I owe you."

Kate smiled. "No thanks, Ivar. I've got food of my own, if you haven't noticed."

I took a look back at her original seat, eyes drawing sight directly to a plate full of food.

"Oh! I'm such an idiot- I should've known," I said, turning red again. "But I can get you a drink."

"I've already got her one," a new boy said, walking up to behind Kate and putting an arm around her. "And it's a really nice drink. Anyway, Kate, why don't we go back to eating?"

Kate rolled her eyes. "Okay, Kel. You don't have to tell me again." 

I was about to say bye, but Kate beat it to me. He's my annoying Brother, she mouthed at me. Anyway, see you later. Meet me at this same exact place, I have something to tell yo-

"Stop mouthing him words and get over here," the boy, who was apparently Kate's brother, said. "If you're going to call me annoying, at least try to keep it a secret. Seven years of trying to perfect your clandestine way of talking, and nothing's changed."

I laughed and waved good-bye. Kate's brother was the exact same type of guy that I was like to Chloe, and I appreciated that.

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