The Table Chat

964 19 68

Dylan - Dboy69420



You guys should all be familiar with the fact that when you set a bunch of teens on a table with food, they're obviously going to talk amongst themselves. But what they talk about? Adults, you don't want to know. Kids, 😏.

In other words, to explain it, it's like the presence of a known crush: You all are aware of the subject, it's just that you don't really want to talk about it.

Yeah, so the title of the chapter is pretty obvious: this is just a podcast of us ranting about random subjects while slurping up our lunches (or in Jayden's case, desserts).

"So!" James said, stuffing a chicken leg into his mouth and ripping off the meat with relish. "Whadduya *chew* wanna *chew* tawk abut?"

"Let's not talk in the first place," Erica said, stabbing a single pea and delicately placing it onto the tip of her tongue. "It's only going to lead us into drama, trust me."

"Of course it is!" Jayden exclaimed. "That's my job, isn't it? Thanks to Dboy."

"Speaking of Dboy, he hasn't paid me in, like, 3 weeks," Kylie said. "He's overdue at least a month! And the claim in the last chapter about paying us all? That was cap."

"Yeah!" Cly said, taking yet another cotton candy roll off of the counter. "He owes me- let's see here.... about seven-hundred dollars! Where is this kid going to get all of his money?"

"Well, wherever he's going to get it from, it better be a good source," James said. If it isn't a good one, then there's not going to get our payments. And we all know that's what is most important.

"More important than that turkey leg right there?" Erica pointed at James' plate. "Because you look like your food is the number one priority right now. No offense."

"None taken," James said, stuffing another turkey leg into his mouth. "The food here is just too good."

"Agreed," Cly put in. "Not to be too biased, but the cotton candy is probably the best food here."

"Guys, since the topic was on Dboy earlier- I'd just like to say, isn't that him over there?" Erica said, pointing over to a table on our left.

Jayden's head spun around like a Beyblade, directly to the exact direction Erica had been pointing at. His eyes had lighted fires inside them, and he looked like he was some sort of crazed arsonist.

"Where!?" he exclaimed. "I need to snap his neck!"

"Oop- now that you said that, he's gone." Erica said. 

"Already?" Jayden said, fires burning out from his eyes. "That was quick."

"Yeah, he's pretty fast," James said with a full mouth of food. "The first time I met him, he actually beat me in a race. But now that I've gotten stronger-" he flexed his muscles "-I probably can regain the crown."

"Not that you even had it in the first place," Erica remarked. "I've been better than you since I was born."

"Yes, but you still haven't managed to spot me when I'm sneaking up on you," a voice suddenly said from behind her.

Erica's backbone immediately straightened up, and I swore that in less than a second she did all of the following things:

1. Perked up

2. Turned around

3. Cocked her fists

4. Realized that the intruder was someone she knew, in which this case was Dylan

5. Sighed in exasperation

6. Turned back aroud

7. Took a bite of a crossiant

That should be some kind of record for breaking the speed of sound or something. Me turning around already took more than a second, but doing all of that in such a small timestamp? Impossible, but when it came to Erica, it wasn't.

"You got me there," Erica said, holding up her French Bread and inspecting it for any flaws. "Just watch out for Jayden- he's after your blood."

"Already done," Dylan said, blocking Jayden's tackle with a quick fist. "Anyways, how's life?"

"Bad," Cly and James both said in unison. "Because you haven't paid us yet."

Dylan, arriving on this subject, clearly became touchy. "Um, yeah. About that.... check your pockets."

"My pockets?" Cly said, overturning his small holes of fabric within his jeans. "What would be in my pock-"

Hands shaking, he slowly but surely pulled out a crisp, clean stack of hundred-dollar bills.

"No. No...." he said, looking at the stack of money. "NOOO! HOW DID YOU DO IT?"

"I'M RICH!" Jayden exclaimed.

"MONEY!" James shouted.

 "Impressive," Erica noted, looking at her money. "But I don't want it. Here, have it back."

She threw over the stack of money over to Dylan, who caught it in midair and stuffed it into his pockets. Meanwhile, my hands were on my freshly new made stack of bills, which were probably going to be thrown into the nearby Animal Rescue Charity.

"Where'd you get the money?" I said, inspecting the bills. "The bills are all genuine, and unless you received a small loan of a million dollars from your long-lost uncle, then I don't know how the heck you managed to get all of this dough in a few days."

"Yeah," Cly put in. "Yesterday, didn't you say you were broke and had nothing to give me? Why are you suddenly Elon Musk now?"

-will continue this tomorrow. Readers, please don't kill me for making my Wattpad character so OP, I'm promising you that I put ZERO BIAS into making my character. Yesterday, I spun a wheel with four options of characteristics: Weak, Normal, Strong, and Erica. I got Erica, so the following you just read is completely random.

Also, Jayden, you know you're actually paid now. And please don't spend all of your money on what I think you're going to do- and please don't comment a smirk face on this.

Thank you for the cooperation!!

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