The Plane Ride Once Again

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The following is a text chain acquired from Agents Benjamin Ripley and Erica Ha... yeah, you guys should know by now. Don't reproduce this, blah blah blah. Anyways, onto the real stuff.

Jayden: Hi guys

Ben: Oh no, not this again

Mike: Yeah, aren't we supposed to be examining the Map of California's Disney World right now?

Jawa: Don't tell Erica...

Erica: Wassup, u guys done examining the map?

John: ...

Ben: Yes, we are.

Erica: Are you completely sure about that? Then tell me, what's the exhibit to the right of Main Street USA? And how many restaurants are there in that exhibit?

Ben: It's Adventure Land, and there are three restaurants- Tiki Juice Bar, Bengal Barbecue, and The Tropical Hideaway. There are also four Attractions, in which most are water-themed.

Erica: Good job, Ben. Okay, now, Jawa, tell me, how many attractions are there in Frontierland?

Jawa: Twelve, I'm pretty sure. After all, I inspected the map word-for-word, and with my memory, I'm pretty sure that's correct.

Erica: Well, if you think you're so high and mighty, then name them.

Jawa: 😳 no

Erica: Really? Do you think you can get past me with a lie? Somebody, get the parachute. We're taking him off.


John: Erica, I memorized everything already. You can test me whenever, and I-

Erica: Stop flexing, idiot. Anyway, I'm pretty sure the only ones who actually inspected the map are Ben, John, Ivar, Chloe, and me. Everyone else, get to work.

Trixie: Sis, I got a photographic memory. All I have to do is take one look at the map, and I have everything memorized.

Erica: Well, since you're my sister, I trust you. 

Ivar: It feels so cool being a spy, ngl

Chloe: Yeah, do you guys do this type of thing every day?

Erica: Do your parents know you're here?

Ivar: ...let's just avoid that topic for now. Anyways, what do you all do at the training center/Academy?

Jayden: We die of boredom, work our butts off in Physical Education, get clinical depression from everything we have to learn and memorize, and then get a few injuries along the way. I hope you're ready.

Ivar: What? Aren't you all supposed to be, like, dangling from planes with AK's and trying to hit flies that are 500 feet below you?

Rachel: That's what the common society thinks, though it's not true. Being a spy is much more brutal than it looks.

Chip: Just like me 💪

Jayden: All brawn and no brains. Makes sense, eh?

Chip: Someone get me a baseball bat

Jayden: Someone get him some therapy


Zoe: Hi guys, I just finished my map memorization. What do I do now?

Kylie: Idk, just hang around ig. It's pretty boring here.

Mike: Yeah, but have you guys tried the sushi from the mini-fridge? It's awesome!

Ben: There's sushi!? Count me in!

Jayden: Yeah, but the thing is, I've already stolen all of it. I'll make an exception for my buddy Ben over here, but everyone else has to wait until next time to get the food.

Erica: Are you testing me?

Jayden: AH NOO I MEAN- I'll share it with Ben and Erica.

Erica: That's more like it.

Zoe: How fast are we going on this thing anyway? It feels like we're riding a roller coaster.

John: That's because we're riding a military-grade jet plane. Since I'm the pilot, I'll have to make sure that you all are aware we'll be experiencing multiple G's of force throughout this flight.

Erica: I would pilot the plane, but John's better. So if you're wondering why I'm not doing this, then there's that.

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