Splish Splash this plan is entirely trash

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The first thing I noticed about the guards was that they were overly addicted to some sort of phone game they were all playing.

First of all, there was Joe.

He was the leftmost guard, and being human, had a phone with him. Three minutes into his daily guard on us, and he was already tapping on his device, clearly very into the game he was playing on his phone.

"Stay on attention!" the guard to his left had snapped immediately. "We weren't called here to be messing around!"

"Well, I was," Joe said. "It's not like these kids even have a chance at escaping. We've got them surrounded, and they don't have any sort of wiggle room whatsoever."

"That doesn't mean you can play on your phone freely!" the other guard said. "If you continue, I'll have to report you to the head."

"You're the worst colleague anyone could ever ask for," Joe grumbled, slipping his phone into his pocket and muttering some unkind words. "Kill me, but I need my daily dose of phone usage."

The guard to Joe's right, which also seemed to really be in the mood for some entertainment, took this 'two guards arguing' time to his advantage, quickly pulling out his phone and dialing into some kind of tycoon game. The first guard immediately switched his gaze to that misbehaving one, gaze turning to a deeper glare.

"First Joe, now you, Terry!?"  he said exasperatingly. "From now on, I'm only giving you one warning. If I catch you on your phone one more time, I'm going to report you ASAP." he tapped his walkie-talkie. "This baby is ready for snitching, I tell you."

"I was about to call you a snitch, but I guess you did the job for me," Joe huffed. "Though there's no way that I'm thanking you to any degree."

The snitch turned his head to the hallway. "Now that you two are off your phones, I wonder what's happening with Jane."

Robert, who had just been scolded by Jane, turned his head to the lady's room. "Other than the fact that she just shouted at me? I don't know."

"It's been five minutes already," Joe said. "I think that's what he means. It's a bit suspicious. Should we go check on her?"

"There are no more female guards, though," the snitch said. "How are we supposed to check?"

"You pull a Jayden," Mike whispered to me. "Just barge into the women's bathroom like an all-out perv, screaming 'THIS ISN'T ILLEGAL, SINCE I'M GAY!'"

Jayden raised an eyebrow. "All jokes and comebacks aside, could I actually do that?"

"Don't even think about it," Kylie hissed into Jayden's ear. "I thought you were a pervert before, but if you do that, then...Mike, just stop giving him ideas."

"Roger," Mike said, then proceeded to tap Everything is going according to the plan, correct?

Yep, I tapped back in unison with Kylie. Erica's distracted one guard, and the others are disputing about the women's bathroom. Most likely, they're going to have to send another one in.

And after that, we'll make our escape attempt, Kylie tapped. They think the first attempt isn't the serious one, so they won't be on guard that much.

As if on exact timing, Joe opened the door to exit the room. "I'll be right back, guys. Promise not to peek."

"As if," Terry laughed. "If he's going to play games on the job, then he's probably going to abuse the bathroom power too."

"I heard that!" Joe shouted from the hallway. "Don't act like I'm the only one who would do that, idiot! Trust me, I'm seriously not going t-ahh!"

The unmistakable sound of his legs being swept from under him followed, then with the quick pop of a sedation gun. Following this, he let out a "See!? I didn't peeeeee..."

"Get over here, you guys!" Terry shouted. "I'll hold down the fort here! It's pretty obvious that Erica's gotten hold of the other target!"

The thundering of footsteps took place amongst the guards, and soon we were left by ourselves in the empty cell, alone, if you don't count the last guard.

Terry held his fighting stance, giving us a glare and cracking his knuckles. "First of all, you have handcuffs on. Don't try me. Second of all, I have a gun."

Mike sighed. "Terry, first of all, we don't have handcuffs on. We disabled them three minutes into being kept here-" he lifted his wrists, showing that he had been pretending to be trapped within the hand boundaries for the whole time. "-and second of all, I have a gun."

Terry hesitated, then backed away a few steps. "No, you don't. Do you?"

Mike grinned. "Gotcha. See, Ben? I knew he would fall for it."

Terry's shoulders slumped down in relief, then his expression turned to annoyance. "Seriously, Mike, if you try that stupid stunt again, I'm going to threaten you with a gun."

Terry thought he was free of bullet dangers, but I knew better. Mike had used a common technique- say you had a certain trap card, then watch as your opponent backed away. Then, you tell them you're joking, eradicating all potential suspicion. After this, you reveal your trap card in their face, surprising them even more than if you didn't follow the procedure.

Mike twisted around, pulling out a gun from his holster, then pointed it at Terry before he could react. "Move and I'll shoot."

Terry was about to shout for help, but then his mouth closed.

"Wise decision," Mike seethed. "Theoretically, if you actually said a word, you'd be gone by now."

Terry gulped. "I'll let you escape! Please, just don't kill me!"

Mike grinned. "That's what I like to hear. Ben, get the others, and let's get out of here."

Jayden, Kylie, and I got up, letting go of our handcuffs, then strolled to the locked door of the cell. Mike gestured to the lock, pointing to it.

Kylie smacked the gun out of Terry's waiststrap, virtually ending all of his hopes of retaliating. Sighing, Terry strolled over to the door, entering the required PIN, and waved to the open doorway. "Go on. It's not like I can do anything to stop you."

I walked out of the door, followed by Mike and Kylie, then, finally Jayden. We stepped exactly two foot's worth of distance before we realized we weren't alone in the hallway.

In front of us was a squadron of guards, all armed with a heavily loaded arsenal of weapons. I spun around, finding Terry to be pointing his own pistol between my eyes.

"We can understand morse code, idiots," Terry laughed. "Prepare to die. You've betrayed our trust of you not trying to escape."

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