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"...and you put your hand around the parachute trigger like this," Trixie was saying, moving my wrist to the tiny chute sticking out of the backpack.

"And then I pull it, blah blah blah," I toned annoyingly. "It's been thirty minutes already, and you still haven't finished teaching me. Can we just get to actually skydiving already?"

"No, you're still not getting the point," Trixie shot back. "In order to skydive successfully, you have to be able to understand the motions. You have to place them into your brain, then glue them permanently."

"I did already!"

"No you haven't," Trixie slapped me on the back. "Why? For example, tell me what happens if you're falling, then you realize your parachute chute is stuck. What do you do to minimize your impact and save yourself?"

I smirked. "It depends on many factors. First of all, what angle am I falling at? What is the wind speed, and which way is it blowing? In order to calculate my trajectory, I'll have to use the formula for projectice motion, which is sin(2θ)v2/g. Oh yeah, also, how far up am I? I also nee-"

"Shut up," Trixie pushed me to the edge of the helicopter. "If you think you know so much, then skydive for me. Let's see what you can do."

This action caught me by surprise. I looked down at the landscape, which was still soaring by, and I gave Trixie and alarmed look. "Already? Where do I land? And also, are you guys coming too?"

"You said you knew a lot about skydiving," Trixie said. "Then prove that to me."

With this, she pushed me off into the abyss of wind.

---POV Switch to Agent Erica Hale---

The first thing I saw was Ben's body streaking down towards the island like a comet. It wasn't this that caught me by surprise- it was the fact that he was actually falling like he knew what he was doing.

His hand moved to the backpack as soon as he reached within a striking distance, and with a swift move, he pulled out his parachute and slowly descended to the ground. It would have been impressive if he didn't get tangled in a tree at the landing.

I slid into the main room of the helicopter while keeping my eyes on him in the distance. 

"Why did Ben jump off so early?" I questioned, taking a look at everybody.

"No idea," sis said quickly, stealing a mischevious glance towards the rest of the agents. "Maybe he just got caught up in the moment too fast."

"Yeah," Ivar said. "It's not like anybody pushed him off on purpose, coughTrixiecough."

I eyed my sister. "Hand the souvenier money over. It's your punishment."

"No!" she screamed. "I swear, it was only because Ben was showing off! He said he knew everything about skydiving, and he said he could skydive without my teachi-"

"Hand it over," I seethed, opening my palm in her direction.

Trixie hesitated for a moment, then sighed. Her hand made its way into her pocket and she pulled out a twenty dollar bill, then placed it in my palm like an obedient dog.

"There," she pouted. "I promise I won't push him off a place again."

"Thank you," I took the cash and slid it into my pocket. "When you start behaving, I'll give this back. As for now, start cleaning the deck. I'll be skydiving off to meet Ben and guide him to the destination, since he'll be lost otherwise."

"More facetime with Benny boy?" Jayden whistled. "Wooow, Erica. You almost got away with that excuse. Almoost."

"Keep talking, and I'll push you off too. But this time, you won't have a parachute," I threatened.

Jayden took a look at me and surrendered. "No comment, Ice Queen. No comment."

I took my backpack out, then slid the straps over my shoulders. With a quick look back, I jumped off of the plane, letting the wind glide me to Ben's location. I'll be frank here- I wasn't being completely honest on the plane. The reason I was skydiving down to Ben wasn't because I wanted to navigate him to the destination. After all, he could probably find the place without my help.

The real reason I was skydiving down to Ben was

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