I'm writing at 10 PM again

526 6 46

😅i really need to change my schedule

"I told you not to challenge me further," Trixie suddenly snapped, tone turning to the trademark Erica sneer. "Are you asking for further punishment?"

I smiled, clearly satisfied. "That's the Trixie I want to see. Not the stupid one that I was talking with earlier."

Trixie suddenly pounced out, grabbing my neck, then delicately putting me into a headlock. I tried to struggle out, but she just tightened her grip and proved my actions useless. "I told you not to insult me further," she hissed into my ear.

I laughed. "Stop saying that so close to my ear. It tickles. I-ow! Hey!"

Trixie jabbed her fingers into my side, making me jerk back to reality. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry," I apologized, since seeing she actually hurt me, my life could actually be in danger. After all, she was a Hale.

"I'm not going to accept such a pathetic apology," Trixie said curtly. "I'm going to slowly tighten my grip until you convince me otherwise."

"Do as you wish," I sighed. "It's comfortable in this position anyway."

Trixie's face turned red. "Don't tell me that. It's going to get m-"

Taking this as a weak point, I quickly snaked my way out of the position and jumped out of the car. It took me exactly two steps to run over to the entrance, watching as Trixie's mouth formed a surprised expression.

"I hate you," she yelled out to me, slamming the door and locking the car closed. Her face was still red, which meant she was still weak. That was a good sign, since it meant I could still potentially get on her good side.

Walking up beside me, she blew out a dangling piece of hair that was hanging in front of her face and didn't look me in my eyes. "Let's just get this done with."

"What's with the mood?" I asked. "All I said was for you to ram into a tree. I mean, that's nothing compared to the things Jayden says to me when I do the tiniest insult to him."

"It's nothing, let's just go," Trixie mumbled. "I'll stay right here. You take the right side. When you spot the potential targets, just point them out and we'll go on the run."

I sighed. "Trixie, if you're going to be in this kind of mood for the whole night, we're never going to get any sort of work done."

Trixie took a look at the street, then looked back at the bank. Then, she walked over to the window and lay down, staring blankly at the ceiling of the overhand roof in front of the building.

I walked over and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, earning me a rare expression of surprise from her face. "Cheer up," I said, tightening my lips after the statement. "You're going to need energy tonight. After all, they have guns."

Trixie gave the slightest bit of a smile, which was a goal reached. "But we have me."

"And me," I put in.

"Will you two stop being such lovebirds and get on your jobs?" a voice suddenly rang from the other side of the parking lot. I let go of Trixie's hand and quickly took a scan of the surrounding area.

"The one time I try to cheer up Trixie and hold her hand," I shouted at James. "You decide to walk past us. Don't get the wrong idea, idiot."

"I didn't get the wrong idea," James assured. "You two are madly in love. Now I've got a message from Erica: 'Get your jobs done on time and dutifully or I'll have to punish you for your actions.'"

"That sounds like her," Trixie said. "What are you are Erica doing anyway? And where is she?"

James hesitated for a moment, then rolled his wrist in explanation. "Well, we're actually planning to take a ride around the city and markdown potential spots where the Croatoan could be hiding other than the base we found today. Erica just left to borrow a vehicle." 

"I see," Trixie said back. "We'll be fine on our own. Just go do your job. I'll make sure to supervise the area in an orderly way this time."

"Gotcha," James said. "See you at 1 AM."

I saluted back. "See you."

---POV Switch to A̶g̶e̶n̶t Ivar (It's Ivar, NOT PUNCHING BAG - dragonbornletter)---

Two things happened today that I was vaguely aware of how they managed to go by barely noticed: 

1. The fact that we were fugitives to the spying community, and the others still just waved it off.

2. The fact that Erica Hale just threw a task that we had zero experience in, then dismissed us.

"Do any of you two know an idea about somehow hijacking a plane to get it back on track?" I asked frustratingly, weaving my hands through my hair. "Rachel, shouldn't you have learned this by now?"

"Nope," Rachel shook her head. "Advanced Aerial Maneuvering 101 isn't until the fourth year. I haven't got an idea on what exactly we should do."

"Great," Chloe groaned. "So we're basically walking into a black hole."

"At least we get to die in fashion," I mocked sarcastically. "I don't even know how to drive a plane! And heck, I don't even know what to do after stopping the hijackers. Just land the thing in an open field? That's not an option, since we're in the city. There are no parachutes either, and we can't just yeet everyone off the plane."

Chloe sighed, taking a look at the airport in front of us. "And I don't know how we're supposed to get on the plane in the first place without a ticket. There are so many things we're going to have to do intuitively."

"Welcome to the world of spying," Rachel mused. "Ninety-nine percent of the things you do on missions aren't planned. It's like running aimlessly through a maze. You're not going to get anywhere unless you know the path or get extremely lucky."

"I'm personally hoping for the second option," I said. "I don't see a way we're going to be able to do the first one. None of us are very skilled."

I made this one :)))

I made this one :)))

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