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hi guys... i'm back again, but still trudging through my stoopid (with more o's) writer's block 😭

so if this writing sucks on thin ice, please don't kill me. I'm kinda in some sort of brain-fart state rn 😅

---Sing along with me, 🎵STORY BEEEEEEGIIIIIIN🎵---

"We're here," Erica stated, flooring the brakes and waving for us to get out. "We've got no time to waste- so move your butts."

Jayden whipped his phone into his pocket. "Wasn't watching Food Wars for that whole time. Anyway, let's go."

Rushing out of the car, I lended Kylie a hand in stepping onto the grassy field we'd parked next to. Since the car ride, me and her had developed a special relationship- both mentally an physically. And before you readers and your dirty minds get any thoughts, the relationship doesn't include anything particularly romantic.

"Thanks," Kylie said. "Also, Erica, why'd we park here? There isn't civilization in the surrounding few miles. If there's a headquarters here, then the Croatoan have to be transporting themselves in an underground tunnel of some sort. There's no roads in sight."

You heard that right. Instead of going on the main road, in the middle of the drive, Erica had ripped off the highway, crashing directly into the forest. There, we had maneuvered through several rocky terrains, finally parking in the middle of a quiet plain.

I took a look at a firefly flitting beside me. "Kylie's right. If they want to get food and other supplies, the only way to transport those items is underground."

Erica smiled, stomping her foot on the ground. "Nice work, agents. As you can see, the ground beneath us is hollow, which is obviously a huge giveaway. That means the Croatoan have dug a giant contraption belowground, and that's where they've been this whole time."

"No way!" James said. "A whole underground contraption?! That must've tooken them years to complete!"

Erica scrunched her eyebrows. "Well, let's see here: judging from the amount of dirt and grime on the plain, and the tossed grass, this place was built pretty recently. Explains why they only started attacking in the past few months."

"But that still doesn't explain why they've been silent for the past few years," Trixie said, taking another step upon the plain. "I've been wondering: if they just started creating this area in the past few years, then why isn't there any visible sign of construction?"

"There is," Erica said. "The grass around here is still young, meaning the area's land was toyed with recently."

"And if you look closely, you can see that there's gravel and some spare sawdust that were left on the range," I noted, waving towards the dirt. "Look closely. You can see that the tiny specks of the foreign materials effected the grass's growth."

"Nice deducing, as usual," Erica said. "Anyway, I brought some explosives and a mini-drill. We're going to force our way into the place tonight, and I'm not going to let anyone rest."

Erica took a few steps to the back of the taxi, then quickly opened the lid. Inside was as promised, a few large chunks of C4, a particularly cool-looking drill, and a few guns and the needed ammunition. After loading up her own gun, she handed us some explosives.

"Rig these up in the time you have," she said. "I'll get the mini-drill up and running. According to my mental watch, we have about thirty minutes before the guards take their daily scan aboveground."

"On it," Jayden said, chorusing along with the others. 

---A few minutes later---

"Done!" I said, attaching the last wire into the trigger button. "Erica, we're ready when you are. Everybody get to a safe spot, because the explosion's going to be big."

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