Okay, no more dirty jokes- I swear

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---POV Switch to Agent Dylan---

"Run," Jayden hissed to me. "I can't see anything anymore!"

"Why did you bring me here anyways?" I whispered back. "The hotel air vents stink!"

I swiped my hand through a few layers of dust, struggling to get a good sight through the vents. "Ben told me the SPYDER vents were perfectly clean!"

"Shut up!" Jayden mouthed to me. "I just need to get the PS4!"

I rolled my eyes and started crawling back towards the entrance to the vents. Jayden had lured me directly into a trap- he originally said that Erica was hiding a stack of confidential papers in her room holding Croatoan's private information. Three minutes into the dust pipes, he revealed the truth to me.

"I swear, Jayden," I echoed to his location. "If you make me do something like this again, I'm going to get revenge on yo-"

"What are you guys doing?" a feminine voice suddenly piped in, making me accidentally hit my head against the ceiling. "Are you spying on Erica?"

My eyes squinted to the end of the mini-hallway, where I could make out the blurred silhouette of a girl. "Who is this?" I said.

"Trixie," she replied. "And are you two spying on my sister?"

"No!" I said, being grateful that she couldn't see my blush within the darkness. "Jayden pulled me into a stupid trap! He said that Erica was hiding confidential information, but turns out, he just wanted me to grab the PS4!"

"Oh," Trixie nodded. "That sounds like him. Need any help getting out of there?"

"Sure, if your arm can stretch twenty feet long," I replied. "How are you supposed to help me get out of this dust storm?"

Another voiced echoed into the hallway, followed by yet another person. It sounded as though if three people were walking towards Trixie, and seeing that her head turned, I was correct.

"Ben! Mike! Zoe!" she said loudly, probably in favor of the fact that I couldn't see who was coming. "What brings you three here?"

I period of silence followed, which I probably guessed was Zoe giving her a confused look. "What does it look like we're doing? We're heading to the breakfast area, of course," she said. A few footsteps cascaded through the hallway. "Want to tag along?"

"Why are you staring into an air vent?" Mike suddenly interrupted. "We walk into the hallway, and you're just talking into it like you've gone mad. Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm sane," Trixie sighed. "Look, this is a complicated situation. How about you just forget about what happened and go to the eatery like you do every morning?"

All three of them silently came into an agreement, and they started walking towards the exit in unison. The door creaked open, then it slammed shut seconds later, leaving Trixie alone in the hallway again.

She banged her head against the wall. "Why do I always get caught up in these extremely unfortunate situations?" she muttered to herself. "Dylan, if they ask any questions, just tell them it's Jayden's fault."

"It's a reflex by now," I inched through the last remaining area to the end of the vent, then blew some dust away from my mouth. Kicking open the vent, I jumped down, landing directly next to Trixie.

"Mission accomplished," I said in satisfaction, taking a glance back at the hellhole that I'd crawled out of. "That place is the closest I've been to choking to death on the air."

Trixie took a look at me. "Aside from that, you look like you've just come out from a dust storm. Why don't you head over to your dorm and take a quick change of clothes? I'll be waiting here until you finish."

"Waiting there?" I questioned. "Why don't you just go by yourself?"

Trixie hesitated, then pursed her lips. "You're right. Meet me at table A4 when you're done. I'll be there."

I nodded and cracked open the door, stepping into my newly cleaned room (thanks, hotel service) and sighing in relief. 

"You want oatmeal and an apple, right?" Trixie shouted down the hall. 

"Don't you dare get me breakfast!" I replied, matching her volume. "You're just going to slip some sort of drug in it!"

Trixie smirked. "I wasn't going to do that, but you're pretty good at giving me ideas. I hope you like wasting food, then, since there's going to be a plate at your seat."

I slammed the door closed in a counterattack. Of course, I didn't like wasting food. Kids in India are starving, after all. Ever heard of that fortune cookie that has the phrase "You are what you eat" in it? Well, if that was true, then America would be a junk food haven, and India would be an empty shell of what used to be civilization. And don't even get me started on Africa.

Anyway, I'm going to change. And I'm not describing that process to you guys, so I'll just go ahead and throw the mic to...

---POV Switch to Agent Benjamin Ripley---

I munched on a sausage while pondering what we would be doing next in this mission. We've basically survived a giant attack the Croatoan had planned, but we've only experienced the tip of the iceberg. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow there was a new crater in Florida.

That's the thing about enemy organizations- they're so unpredictable. One minute they're killing off your agents, the next they're bombarding Asia with thermonuclear bombs. Heck, they're probably trying to drill off a portion of America right now and form a new nation called Cromerica. Nothing's unusual when it comes to them.

aaaaahhhhhhhh I'm starting to get sleepy again

ill update tomorrow 🤗

ill update tomorrow 🤗

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