Girl's day out (Continued)

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After browsing through the bazookas, running through the AK-47's, and striding through the shotguns, I finally decided it was enough stalling and get to the point.

I needed a McMillan TAC-50 sniper rifle, stat. 

I couldn't find it anywhere in the stalls- after all, it was the gun with by far the longest range, and that's exactly what I needed. Even if I loaded it with sanitization darts, it would still be particularly effective in certain situations, such as Ben being held hostage. Seeing the range, I would be able to snipe the hostage holder without a problem.

It had been a few hours since Trixie had mopped the floor with the boy, and I was pretty bored. There wasn't enough action happening these days, and nothing was dangerous enough to entertain me within arm's reach.

The rest of the girls had gone off to the clothing section, specifically the Macy's Outlet. I had disgustingly shook my head of their decision- what kind of person prefers measly clothing to deadly arms?

When you get the chance to stock up on new items, you can't just shake your head off that offer. It's just too good to be true. Most of my days, I was too busy training to have some free time. Events like this were just lifesaving.

Okay- it took me a while, but in the end, I did manage to find the exact model. Though next time, I hope the guy who works at the shop at least knows which aisle the sniper rifles are in. I mean, really?

Well, after I managed to go through my purchase without the manager of the store questioning the fact that a measly girl was interested in some kind of heavy-duty gun, which, I myself considered as some kind of insult-I hope the bruise on the guy's face heals in time- I walked out of the ship and caught up with the rest of the girls.

I found them in the bra section of Macy's. 

Kylie and Trixie were examining the clothing racks, and boy readers, please- have some decency. Skip the next paragraph or so. Actually, I don't trust boys these days. Let's just leave their shopping choices to your imaginations.

Okay, so they chose their clothing of choice, bought it, and headed out. It was about lunchtime now, and Trixie was constantly stating that she was hungry, so we stopped by at the healthiest store I could find.

"Sandy's Salads" had some good menu items, but Kylie and Zoe ended up just going to a nearby Chick-Fil-A. At least Trixie stuck with me along on my trip to the health emporium of foods. Meanwhile, Zoe and Kylie consumed high-calorie and fat items that probably weren't doing much good to their bodies.

As we chewed our salads (or in Zoe and Kylie's cases, chicken nuggets), the rest of the girls pondered what we should do for the afternoon.

"Should we head over to the other clothing department on the left side of the mall? I hear the dresses over there are real eye candy," Kylie said enthusiastically, motioning towards the other side of the mall that we hadn't gone to yet.

"If you girls are going to spend another five hours browsing a bunch of useless items of clothing, then I'm going home," I said. "Please- at least have a wild edge. How about we explore the terrain around the outskirts of this city? I've never seen southern landscaping before- and those palm trees looked pretty interesting."

"Palm trees?" Zoe sighed. "You want us to stare at palm trees for the afternoon?"

"No- what I meant is that we're going to be exploring, memorizing, and checking the terrain for any signs of suspicion. And maybe stare at some palm trees on the way, but that's irrelevant."

Kylie pursed her lips. "If y'all want to follow Erica, I have no arguments to say to you. But honestly, I'd prefer browsing the clothes on the left side of the mall."

"Same here," Zoe said.

Trixie looked like she wanted to go with the other two girls, but she also wanted to maintain her faith with her sister, in which this case was me.

"I...." she trailed off. "I think I'll go with Erica this time."

I was genuinely surprised by this action and gave her a complimentary pat on the back. Smiling, I looked down on her. "That's the little sister that I know."

"Don't call me little!" Trixie said, pushing me away. "I'm getting taller than you!"

I inspected her height with doubt- until I realized that indeed she was.

"Told you," Trixie smirked, looking at the rare shocked expression on my face. I quickly wiped it off before someone took a picture and blackmailed me with it.

--- POV Switch to Agent Cly ---




(i forgot my wallet)

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