Chapter Fifteen (NSFW)

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You sat on your bed, it was seven fifty five and your palms were sweating. You were so nervous though you were the one that planned this. The anticipation was killing you. The last time you had sex was almost a year ago when you and Avery were in America for a job. Americans were something else, the guy you had hooked up with had a deep long southern draw.

You shook your head and laid back on your bed, staring up at the ceiling. What the hell was taking Snape so long. You got up and tied your robe together, you walked out into the hall, looking around. "What the hell." You spat.

"That isn't very pleasant language." A voice grumbled from behind you.

"Lecture me and I'll make you chase me again." You smiled and your hips were roughly grabbed. You were backed into a firm chest, "No... I don't think you're going anywhere." Snape whispered into your ear.

You giggled and bit your lip, turning around. Snape brought your back to the nearest wall and slammed your lips together. You kissed him back as hungrily as you could. He grabbed your chin softly, fighting your hunger with passion.

You wrapped your hands around his neck and he used his free hand to open the door to his chambers. He bit down onto your bottom lip, asking for permission into your mouth, you grunted and didn't let him in. You pulled away from the kiss and looked around to locate his bed.

It was in the middle of his room surrounded by bookshelves that were filled to the brim with books in many different languages. German, Latin, English, and French text was all over the spines.

Snape got behind you and nibbled on your earlobe, resting his hands on your hip. You hummed and leaned back into his chest, "Tell me darling... are you going to stand there and stare at my bed all night? Or are you going to let me bend you over it."

You gulp softly and nod, "Please..." you beg. Snape smirks and softly sucks on your neck, "No hickies. I'm going to see my brother."

You heard him huff softly and you giggled, turning your head to the side and bringing his lips to yours. As the two of you kissed you untied your robe and opened it. You grabbed his hand that rested on your hip and placed it on your stomach.

Snape hummed and deepened the kiss as he ran his hand up your stomach painfully slow. You kissed down his jaw so he could pay attention to his hands. "You don't have to ask for consent. I'm yours." You whispered. You swore you saw pupils blow and his eyes fill with lust. He turned your hips roughly and walked towards the bed.

"That's all I had to say?!" You laughed and he pushed you onto the bed forcefully, you could see in his eyes he was still being careful. "Quiet." He demanded, taking off his robes. You laid out on his bed and stretched so he could take mental pictures for when you were away. You fluffed your hair out and tried to look as sexy as possible as he worked away at the buttons on his tunic.

He discarded his top layers and fell down to his knees. "Severus..." you sat up slightly and looked at him. He raised a brow and rolled his sleeves up. "Are you sure...?"

"I wouldn't be down here if I wasn't." He grumbled. You felt your wetness pool in your panties and smiled, biting it back with your lip. Snape kissed up your thighs softly, admiring them. He was a thigh guy. You giggled softly and hooked your finger under the band of your underwear. He watched your hand and knew then what you needed.

Snape carefully pulled your underwear off and looked at your glistening heat. He slowly kissed up your thigh, keeping his eyes on your heat. Your head fell back, your neck tired from holding it. "Severus... please stop with the teasing.."

"I'm not teasing. Only getting you ready." He answered quickly. You sighed loudly and laid back. It was then that he ran his tongue through your folds. Your back arched and your head shot up to watch him. He was making intense eye contact with you as he hovered over your clit. He blew cold air onto the sensitive tissue and you whimpered. His eyes were telling you he wasn't doing anything, they were normal.

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