Chapter Fourty

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"You did what?!" Severus looked at you confused and somewhat hurt.

"No! Oh Merlin no! The girl kissed me while I was spaced out!" You walked over to Severus, looking at Myrtle. "She's fifteen. I'm not even attracted to her." You scoffed, grabbing Severus' hand. He yanked it away and you grimaced at him. "You've got to be kidding me."

"Legitimiens." Severus chanted, entering your mind. You pushed forward what happened and he looked at Hermione with antipathy. You pushed him out of your mind and looked at him.

"Don't say anything to her. I beg of you." You grabbed Severus' hands and he hummed, storming down the hall. You scoffed and rolled your eyes, "You're jealous of a fifteen year old girl. Look at you."

Severus didn't say anything so you placed your hand on his shoulder. He grabbed your hand from him and slammed you against the wall, pinning your hands above your head. You tilted your head up and looked into his black eyes, "Come on. Do it Severus. Say you're jealous of something I didn't even want to do."

"I own you." He muttered, getting close to your face, "Do you understand me little girl?" Severus tightened his grip on your wrists and you gulped, nodding frantically. He let you go and you took a deep breath. "Dumbledore has asked me to teach the Slytherin's to dance for the annual ball."

Your eyes flickered to Severus' and you tilted your head, "When?"

"It's my free period, along with first, seventh, and fifth year. Are you up for the challenge?" Severus walked down the hall, heading in the direction of the Slytherin common room. You smirked, you knew exactly what you wanted to do.

"Let me lead. You know I have dance coursing through my veins." You walked in front of him, taking your leather jacket off. When you walked into the common room the Slytherin's were sitting around, Draco and his crew in the corner snickering, this place was the perfect venue for dance. "Everyone on your feet, to the walls. We have some work to do."

They all looked at you and while everyone moved Draco raised his brow, challenging your presence that was taking his spotlight. You threw your jacket to the side and looked back at Severus. "You Slytherin's are full of ambition and the need to be on top. For most of you it's your founding factor. But we have no victories, until today. You'll be learning a tango dance while the other houses... waltz around. Keep on your feet, face forward, and watch. If I hear a snicker you shall waltz. No excitement for the weak."

You walked over to Severus and took his cloak off. He looked at you, a bit confused, "We were instructed to teach waltzing." He mumbled.

You smirked and got close to his face, "Exactly. Take off your tunic. Meet me on the floor." You turned back around and looked at the Slytherin's who watched you. You took out your MP3 player and placed it on a table, it blaring tango music. (Refer to video up top ;))

You looked back at Severus and slowly ran your hand down your chest. He'd finally gotten his tunic off and since the music gave off a staccato beat he slowly approached you. "Children. Never be too cocky, for it can lead to your demise. Now I'm not sure if your Professor knows how to... tango... but it's never too late to teach an old dog some new tricks."

Snickers and laughter erupted from the children and Severus narrowed his eyes, grabbing your arm and pulling you close to his body. You let out a light gasp and broke away from him. The two of you prowled around in a circle before he grabbed your waist, you his face, dragging your fingers along his jaw.

"Tango is all about the tease. Never get too close.. and once your partner thinks they have you.." you pushed yourself off of Severus, doing a Ballon. "Be fluid. Have trust. Have strength. And above all, keep on your toes." You brought your back to Severus' front and slowly slid down his body, he was picking through your mind while doing all of this, seeing the moves you were wanting to do and making them happen.

You turned around and got inches from his face, backing him up a bit, doing complicated foot work. Severus dipped you and his chin dragged down your neck and chest, stopping at your sternum. "Ready." He whispered. You nodded once and he picked you up, resting you on his shoulder and spinning you around. "Trust!" You said as you heard the children's gasps.

You flipped over Severus' back, "Strength." You were staring to lose each other in the beautifully complicated dance. You didn't take your eyes off Severus' as the both of you claimed the floor as your own. When the song eventually came to an end your chest heaved and you bit your lip before letting Severus go.

You looked back at the children who stared at the both of you in pure shock, "That... that is tango..." you breathed, "Now uh... you guys try... only seventh and fifth year please!"

You saw as the people chose their partners, very awkwardly dancing except for a few. "Don't be scared! There is nothing to be embarrassed about. No touching in private areas! That's all this dance is about!" You watched the kids and out of the corner of your eye Severus stormed out of the room.

You sighed softly and followed after him, "Where do you think you're going? Not leaving me with these children." You mused, walking over to him, brushing off his shoulders.

"I have a bit of a problem." He answered.

You chuckled, "Oh I know. I felt it. Come on, ten more minutes." You pulled him back into the common room and he sat down, you smiled and laid on his lap. "Draco! Do not be jealous! All emotions of the sort are bad! First there is desire. It engulfs your body and entangles your senses. Next there is suspicion which takes you over and shows you a new light. Jealousy. It drives you mad and makes you act upon it. And once you do, you'll never be the same again. Trust me. I know. You all know my story." You closed your eyes and Severus looked down at you, pushing hair from your face.

"I think it's about time I take Ms. Black to bed. Please continue to... practice... in your free time." Severus picked you up and your body relaxed against his.

"We'd make good parents... right Sev...?" You asked, you hadn't done anything this active in months. Severus laid you down in your bed and kissed your head, "Of course my love... you would..."

You smiled and opened your eyes a bit, looking up at him, "I love you..." you grabbed his face and kissed his lips. Severus didn't answer back, just sat in silence until he saw you were fully asleep. "Goodnight Darling..."

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