Chapter Sixteen

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Your entire body was sore and you felt like you couldn't move. There was a faint snoring ringing in your ears and you remembered where you were. You opened your eyes and looked at a sleeping Snape. He looked so very peaceful. You slipped out from under the covers and crept into his bathroom.

You had no toiletries and looked around, there was really nothing in the bathroom. You sighed softly and brushed your teeth with Snape's toothbrush, it's not like you could use anything else. You were being quiet, stopping every time you didn't hear Snape's snores. It was pretty scary actually.

You climbed back into bed and Snape's eyes opened slowly, they found you and he smiled. You ran your fingertips across his jaw and kissed him softly. "Thank you for last nigh-"

"Mandrake Leaves." He uttered, something clicking in his mind. "Open your mouth."

You shook your head and Snape looked around your face, "You're trying to transform into an Animagus." He sat up and you slid off of his chest. "Do you know the effects of being an Animagi? The Ministry will keep a constant eye on you. And- you can get stuck in your animal form forever during the transition. You'll have no clue who you are."

You knew he was only concerned for you but you rolled your eyes, getting out of bed. "Sirius will be there. I'll be fine. He mastered it when he was-"

"Fifteen. I know." Snape interrupted. You started to put your clothing back on. "Why are you d-"

"Severus. I'd rather our last memory with each other not be an argument." You put your underwear back on and put your hair up.

"Nor do I but I can't... I can't lose you." He admitted. Great. Sleep with a man once and he's obsessed with you. "You won't lose me... I promise you this..."

"How long ago did you start the process?"

"Sirius has everything in order for me... the potion... the vile... he sent me the leaf on October Thirty First. That's when I put it in."

"Is that why you didn't open your mouth last night?" Snape grabbed your arm softly and you nodded. He sighed in relief and closed his eyes. "I thought I'd done something wrong." You sighed softly, crawling back into his lap. "No... you were perfect last night... it was exactly what I needed..." You played with the collar on his dress shirt.

"Legitimens." Snape whispered, entering your head. You opened your mind to him, how much pleasure he caused you, how you loved to writhe under his hand, how hot he was when he commanded you. How you knew you were falling for the Hogwarts Potions Master. Snape opened his eyes and looked at you. You smiled and kissed him deeply.

His hand came up to cup your face and the kiss lingered, "I have to go..." you said in between small kisses. You gave him another deep kiss and when you tried to pull away he leaned forward back into it. "Severus." You mumbled and he sighed, sitting back. "I don't want you to go just yet... I don't want you to leave me..." he murmured.

You sighed softly and wrapped your arms around his neck. "I'm not leaving you... I'm just going on... holiday." Snape nodded softly and held you close, "Promise me you won't let another man take care of you while you're away..."

You giggled and shook your head, "Severus... you're the only man I want to have sex with... I swear! You're the only man that can do me in properly..." you kiss his head and get off his lap, going to the door. "I'll see you in December Severus..." you smile at him, "December." He repeats and you walk back to your chambers, getting dressed.

You grabbed your bags and walked to the quidditch field. Once you were far enough away from the school you apperated to your family home. You looked around your room and smiled, Sirius sat on your bed and once you appeared his face lit up.

"(Y/N)!" He hugged you tightly and chuckled. "Oh it's so good to have you here..."

You smiled brightly and kissed his cheek, "It's good to be home... you'd never guessed that I missed this place!"

Sirius nodded and grabbed your hands. He looked them over for a moment, "Are you ready for this long... painful... and convoluted process?"

You nodded, "I have the leaf in my mouth as we speak." You answered, squeezing his hands, "It's time you're not so alone." You let go of his hands and walked out of your room. Kreature looked up at you and grumbled, "Missed you too buddy." You quipped, heading for the kitchen.

"You know if mother and father knew you were resenting your Death Eater ways they would have taken your inheritance away!" Sirius flew down the stairs.

"Well I got it the whole thing after you were being stupid. So win win."

Sirius chuckled, "No! That's not a win for me!"

"It was soooo much money!" You smiled.

Sirius rolled his eyes and shook his head. You opened the cabinets and looked around them. "Hey Pads?" You turned back around and looked at Sirius. "Why do you hate Severus Snape so much?" You hopped up on the counter and sung your legs.

Sirius sighed softly and looked away, "I knew you smelled of him."

You laughed a bit, "Yeah right. He's my boss."

Sirius hummed and nodded, "Snivellus was really interested in the Dark Arts. It worried my best friend, James, because Snivellus was good friends with his girlfriend. I was helping my friend, protecting the girl. I don't hate him... he just isn't the kindest of people."

"Oh... well have you ever gotten to know him? You know... beyond this friend of yours." You grabbed a banana and started to snack.

"No. After James died... I really haven't taken interest in the man." Sirius snatches your banana and eats the rest.

"How much longer do I have until I can transition?" You slid off the counter and Sirius looked at the calendar, "Until November twenty third. I have the potion ready, it just needs to be mixed. Come with me."

You nodded and Sirius lead you to the window all the way up the stairs. You looked at the potion and raised your brows, it was a dark blue, when it was ready it would turn a deep red. "You brewed that?" You got close to the potion and Sirius laughed, "No. My... friend... Mooney did."

"Good. I don't want to drink anything you brew." You smiled at Sirius and patted his shoulder. Sirius laughed nervously and looked at the potion. "I'm glad you're embracing this love. It's a truly wonderful experience. You become a new person really." You smile and nod softly, you were a new person.

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