Chapter Twenty (NSFW At End)

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(NSFW at the end, there will be a warning! Don't want to make anyone uncomfortable! Sorry for the late upload!)

You told Sirius and Remus goodbye, receiving hugs from both of them. "I swear if you have sex on my bed I'll bite your head off." You scorned at Sirius. He chuckled, "I wouldn't dream of it."

"Mhm." You gathered your bags and smiled at them both, "Until next time!" You apperated to Hogwarts and went to your room, it smelled clean and fresh. You smiled and unpacked your things, it was now in the middle of Snape's first class. You started to unpack and put everything into place.

By the time you'd finished it was thankfully lunch, you were starving. You proudly walked to Snape's classroom and he looked up at you from his salad. His face went to stone and he quickly walked over to you, kissing you softly.

You giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck, swaying back and forth a bit. "Oh my darling did I miss you."

You hummed and backed him up to his desk, "I want you to mark me... please... I need you..." you picked your leg up and draped it over his hip. There wasn't even the slightest of bulges. Snape sighed, "Why don't we just savor this moment... save all of that for tonight?"

You nodded softly and laid on his shoulder. "I have to go speak with Dumbledore... I was supposed to first thing but I needed to see you..." you mumbled into Snape's ear. He hummed and placed his hand on your lower back, "Perhaps I could take you to see him. Hmm?"

You nodded and didn't let him go, still holding him in place with your leg. He didn't want to say anything of course and let you have this moment. There was a knock at the door and Dumbledore smiled brightly at you both.

Snape looked over to him and tapped your leg. You turned your head and sighed softly.

"Ms. Black... I thought you were supposed to see me when you arrived." He smiles and walks over to you. You buried your face in Snape's chest, listening to his heartbeat. Snape rubbed the back of your head, "What do you need Albus?"

Dumbledore smiled at you, "Did the spell go well Ms. Black?" You nodded softly and looked up at Snape, he smiled and kissed your head. You finally let him go and walked out of the room. When you returned you purred and sat beside Snape.

"Wow... look at those yellow eyes." Dumbledore kneeled down and you let out a breath, laying down. "I'm very impressed with your magical abilities (Y/N). But I have to say that not all of your abilities are magical." He looks over to Snape who looks away.

Your eyes follow along with Dumbledore and you stand, turning back into a human, "Walk with me... I'd like to speak with you alone." Dumbledore walks to the door and you kiss Snape's cheek, following after him.

"What do you mean my abilities are beyond magic? Becoming an Animagus was all magic." You were a bit confused.

"Ah but in the past few months you've been here... becoming an Animagus isn't all you've done."

You look at Dumbledore and smile softly, "I've not seen Severus so relaxed.. so vivacious in years. I like to think that you don't change the man... you just make him better."

You blush softly and look away, "Well we both know how I've changed..."

"I do. But because of your... sudden change of heart... I believe you'll have to learn a certain skill from Severus himself. If any Death Eaters or the Dark Lord himself find that you're double crossing them... it will not go down lightly. Severus can only protect you so much." Dumbledore rounded the corner and walked to his office door. "I've spoken with Severus about it, mention it to him, will you?"

You nodded softly and smiled, "Of course."

Dumbledore nodded and entered his office. You walked back to Snape's classroom and sat on his desk, on the edge, not to disturb his work. You knew he wouldn't talk to you until he finished what he was doing, he was a bit of a workalcoholic.


You were a bit tired of it. "If you stop working I'll give you a little gift." You pushed off his desk and there was no answer, "I'll get between your legs... rub my hands up your thighs... kiss you softly."

Snape placed a paper to the side and set his quill down, "What did Albus need you for?" He hadn't heard you. "Nothing... we just had a little chat." You walked over to Snape and sat on his lap. You kissed him softly and he hummed, "I have to get back to work." He grunted. You rolled your eyes and kissed down his neck, biting at his skin.

In one hand Snape continued grading and in the other he held your head to his neck. You unbuttoned the top buttons of his shirt and sucked on his neck, just where it would be barley visible. He let out a soft hum and kissed your head. You could feel a bulge in his pants, this was more like it.

You moved back and lead one of your hands to palm him but he grabbed your hips roughly thinking you were leaving. "Don't start what you can't finish love." He growled into your ear. He forced your hips down, making you grind on him. You moaned softly, feeling his hardness. You regained yourself and smirked, going back to his neck. You undid his pants with one hand and pulled his member out and pumped it softly, brushing your thumb over his sensitive tip.

He put his quill down and sat back, his eyes closing. You smirked, feeling a new sense of confidence. You sunk down to your knees and he raised his brow. "I uh... hold my hair?" You looked up at him and he shook his head. He took your wand from your jacket and used it to put your hair up. You bit your lip and laughed.

"What?" He was pumping himself at the sound of your laugh. You shook your head, "That was so fucking hot." You giggled and grabbed his hand, kissing it. He shook his head and gave you control.

You licked up his shaft and placed small kisses on his familiar veins. He stifled a moan, "Stop teasing Poppet." He commanded. You didn't know what the word meant but you wanted him to call you it again. You took his tip into your mouth, swirling your tongue around it. He bucked his hips into your mouth roughly, hitting the back of your throat, causing you to gag.

Snape smirked softly and you started to take him into your mouth. While all of this was happening you of course were staring into his eyes. "Oh what a good girl." Snape sighed, his head falling back. Your head bobbed on his member quickly, every so often you'd pay attention to his tip. "Fuck (Y/N)... I'm going to cum." You smiled and deepthroated him. You throat contracted around his member and he moaned your name as he came.

You swallowed his seed and stood up, Snape kissed you deeply and his hand ran up your thigh. You grabbed his wrist and shook your head. "Get your work done... I'll be in your bathtub."

You got up from his lap and left him in the sex filled room, hopefully he would never forget that.

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