Chapter Twenty Five

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In the morning when you woke Snape was snoring loudly, you'd think with such an astonishing nose the man would have nice airflow, seems you were wrong. You smiled and placed a small kiss to his lips. Snape grumbled softly and turned away from you.

You sighed and kissed at his shoulders, "Severus... I'm going to Malfoy Manor.. I'll see you tomorrow love..." you kissed up his neck.

"Mmhmm... be careful..." Snape mumbled turning his head for you to kiss him. You smiled and pecked his lips before getting up and grabbing your bag. Once you were off campus you apperated to the house and looked around, taking a deep breath.

It was still dark and gloomy, but not so cold as it used to be. "Lucius?!" You called, looking around, slowly walking through the house. "Hello darling." Lucius stepped out of the parlor and you smiled, "Hey!"

"Come on in." He ushered you into the parlor and you followed him, sitting on the couch. "How's work been treating you (Y/N)?" Lucius walked to the fire and watched it.

"It's been eventful... Umbridge is on my tail... looking for time to mess up I guess. Her creepy little friend Filch follows me around the school."

Lucius scowled, "Squibs.. disgraceful little creatures." He spat, "Filch has always had a thing for those little girls in the castle. I'm surprised they let him work there."

You chuckled softly and rolled your eyes, "Like you have any room to talk Mr. Malfoy." You got up and stood beside him, looking into his blue gray eyes.

Lucius smirked softly, he was proud of what he'd done. "I wouldn't be so proud. I found her in the halls yesterday... her hands were down your sons pants."

Lucius turned to you, a shocked expression on his face, "Excuse me?!"

You shrugged, "I was doing rounds last night. They were about to engage in some... venereal... acts."

Lucius took a deep breath, his face twisted, he walked passed you up the stairs and you smirked to yourself. Maybe that'll teach Draco.

It was then that the fire lit up a bright green, the flames spilling over the top of the mantle. Your heart dropped when you looked into the eyes of who arrived, your own filling with unexpected tears. "My Lord..." you whispered.

This is why Lucius was waiting by the fire. Voldemort smiled evilly at you, "Ms. Black. How nice it is to see you again. Where is your friend? Avery?" Instinctively you looked to your right, usually where Avery stood, but he wasn't there to help you through this. "He got sent to Azkaban my Lord..."

Voldemort tilted his head, "I see... I knew the reckless man would soon reach his consequence. You were the only one to balance him out. Where were you when he was sent away?"

You clenched your jaw and stood up straight. "Hogwarts, Lucius sent me on a mission there while you were away. His trust in Severus Snape falters."

"And he knows he can trust you?" Voldemort took a step towards you and you nervously stepped back.

"Yes sir. I do believe that's the case." Your confidence was faltering and you just wanted Avery there to boost you.

"Severus is a man I trust dearly. I have not seen you do as much work as him. He is powerful... you're... subpar... compared to him." Voldemort had backed you up to the couch, you were now sitting and he was in your face. He could smell your fear and was sucking it up.

"Yes sir... I know sir.." You whispered, so tempted to cry.

"But I must admire you. You and Avery both were few of my followers to try and locate me during my absence."

You nodded frantically, "We only live to serve my lord..."

Voldemort smirked and got closer to your face, inches away. "You've done some hard work, Black, especially considering you have had to keep Severus out of your mind, hiding your true intentions... hmm?" He wrapped his fingers around your throat, just as Snape did the night before.

"I applaud your work... therefore... I shall give you a gift tomorrow... and keep your intentions hidden." Voldemort kissed your head and plagued your mind, you took a deep breath and pushed the memory of you and Avery forward again, the same one you showed Lucius.

But this time it was different, Voldemort pushed forward and you felt like your brain was being ripped apart, you screamed and a sob escaped your throat and Voldemort found it. It was you before you and Snape were a couple. You were pleasuring yourself to the memory of him.

Voldemort's breath hitched and he pulled out of your mind, "Seems like we're hiding more than one thing from Severus then..."

Your were so light headed, tears running down your cheeks. You looked back and saw Lucius standing at the door frame, he had watch Voldemort torture you. You took a shaky breath and got up slowly. You grabbed your suitcase, going up the stairs, very hazed.

You laid down in your bed, closing your eyes and crying softly. You couldn't believe someone could just stand by and watch as you were being ripped apart. You closed your eyes and hugged your pillow.

There was a soft knock at your door and you sniffled looking up.

The youngest platinum blonde walked in and looked at you, his cheeks stained with tears. "Are you alright Ms. Black...? I umm... heard you.." he whispered.

You looked away and nodded softly.

Draco sighed and walked to the chair beside the fire. He lit it with his wand, warming up the room. "Father didn't hurt you... did he?" Draco leaned back in his chair, he was here to stay.

You shook your head softly and watched the fire out of boredom. "The Dark Lord plagued my mind." You mumbled.

Draco looked at you, shocked a bit. "I thought he was coming tomorrow..."

You closed your eyes, "Well you were wrong kid.. can you leave? I just want to get some sleep."

Draco sighed softly, "Go to my room... the bed is bigger... it's warmer... it's cozy... I'll sleep in here."

You chuckled softly, "No... I'm fine thank you... I don't want to owe you something kid." You turned away from him and Draco placed a hand on your back, "I won't let them know... about you and Professor Snape...? I know how much that can hurt the both of you."

"Why are you doing this kid?" You looked at him, flashing your yellow panther eyes out of anger. Draco stepped back and gulped, "I um.. Professor Snape has kept me out of a lot of trouble over the years. The only way I can pay him back... indirectly."

Draco fixed the hair that had fallen into his face. "Sleep well..." he mumbled before leaving the room.

You exhaled and rubbed your head, the pounding driving you insane. That night you wouldn't get a blink of sleep.

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