Chapter Twelve

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In the morning you woke up to the smell of bacon. You hum loudly and sit up stretching. "Avery... they serve breakfast!" You heard his soft chuckle and smiled, "I know darling, I attended this school for seven years."

Avery sets a tray down on your lap and you smile, the breakfast was beautifully presented and all of the ingredients looked fresh. You dug in and Avery munched on some bacon. "Oh! I have a friend for you to meet before the ball. We have about six hours before I want to get dressed."

Avery nods and you finish your breakfast. You then get ready for the day and pull Avery to the bathroom, "OHHHH Myrtle!"

Avery's eyes went wide, "No..." he whispered.

Myrtle floated out of her stall and her jaw dropped to the floor, "Avery!" She screamed, flying over to him. Avery tensed, "I didn't know you were speaking of this Avery! Look how much you've grown!" She giggles and Avery looks at you, horrified.

You giggled and shook your head, "Tell the lady hello!"

Avery looked at Myrtle and sighed, "Hello again Myrtle..." he almost seemed ashamed looking at the ghost.

You furrowed your brows, "Oh we used to have fun didn't we?" Myrtle giggles softly and Avery looks away.

Your eyes go wide. "You did not!!" You look at Avery, you were in complete and utter shock.

"It was a long Christmas break.." he mumbled.

You laughed and doubled over, "What the hell did you do with a ghost?!?"

Myrtle giggled and flew in circles around Avery, "Your friend here is pretty fond of strip tease..."

You couldn't stop laughing and now laid on the floor of the bathroom.

"Shut up (Y/N). You used to have a crush on fuking Barty Crouch Jr." Avery snapped, walking out of the bathroom. You got up and ran after him, "That's our secret!" Avery shrugged and continued walking, he was going in the direction of the potions classroom.

You sighed softly and pulled him out to the only balcony close to the dungeons. "I'm glad you decided to come..."

"Merlin... when I received your letter I couldn't respond quicker. It filled me with such joy that you wanted to invite me..." He chuckled softly and sighed, he was looking at the quidditch field, he used to be the seeker for Slytherin. "I miss growing up here... some of my happiest memories..." He whispered softly, now looking around the castle. "I can see why some would want to come back and teach here... but I'm not sure why Snape would."

You cocked your head to the side, "Why?"

"He used to get picked on... a lot..." Avery chuckled and shook his head, "Such an easy target." He hissed, you looked down and sighed, "Will you take me to the library? I want to read up on some stuff..."

Avery turned back and smiled, "Of course gorgeous." he held his hand out to you and you gladly took it. He lead you to the library and you grabbed a random book, opening it and reading it. You didn't care what it was you just needed to escape to your brain.

You read the book cover to cover and once you closed it it was actually time to get ready. You sighed softly and pulled Avery to your room. You slipped into your dress and he got into his suit. You smiled at him and fixed his bowtie. "Look at my handsome boy..." You dusted his shoulders out and he was practically drooling over your dress. That was a good sign.

 That was a good sign

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