Chapter Twenty Two

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Once both of you had finished you felt your Animagus pushing forward and groaned softly. Snape took his wand from your hair and turned to get a cloth to clean you up. Once he turned around you were in your panther form. He backed up a bit and you jumped off of his bed, sitting at the door.

"Oh... right." Snape opened the door and you ran out, going to the balcony to get some fresh air. Your senses were heightened and you looked out at the world through new eyes. You needed to talk to Sirius about this and you hoped it wasn't permanent. You laid down on the cold concrete and let out a loud sigh.

You heard shoes behind you and frankly didn't care who it was. You stretched your arms, "Beautiful creatures.." McGonagall said softly. You looked behind you and got up. "Panthers... they're so fierce... love family... have morals... stick to their pack but then again can be very independent."

She rubbed your head and you purred, leaning into her hand. You sat down and looked up at her. "I remember when I did the process myself... it was very complicated... I just wanted it to be over... I only had to transform into a cat... I cannot imagine what it was like to be a panther."

You growled softly and she laughed, "Exactly. You just finished up with Severus I presume. Forgive me because this is very personal but... I'm sure your wondering what just happened... luckily it only happens once. This is that time I hope... but it happened to all of us. Get some rest tonight and you'll be back to normal in the morning." McGonagall patted your head and walked off.

You went back to Snape's quarters the door was cracked a bit and he sat on the bed, reading some book. You jumped up on the bed and Snape looked at you, "Are you sleeping like that?" You growled and licked his hand, he dropped his book and you rolled your eyes, going back into your human form. You felt really weak and tired.

Snape covered you up and brought you to the top of the bed. He was humming a soft tune you crawled onto his chest and wrapped your legs around him. Snape sighed and patted your back, "You were amazing tonight..." he kissed at your ear and you smiled.

"I can't get enough of you..." you played with Snape's hair until your eyes got heavy which didn't take long at all.

~The Next Morning~

"Well isn't this just lovely?" A high pitched voice shrilled. You groaned and covered your face, wanting to sleep in. "(Y/N)... get up." Snape commanded. You groaned and shook your head. "I just want to sleep Severus... you wore me out..." your throat was sore and your voice was raspy.

Snape walked over to you, "You need to return to your own chambers. I have... guests."

You opened your eyes, Dumbledore, Minerva, and Umbridge all looked at you. Your breath hitched and you felt that you were still naked. "Excuse me." You turned into your Animagus so you didn't have to get dressed and you ran to your room. Umbridge watched you closely and you felt sick.

One you got into your room you sighed and got dressed. You laid on your bed and turned your back to the door, curled up. Now everyone had seen that you and Severus had slept together. You were ashamed and closed your eyes.

You heard bickering outside from Umbridge. You wanted the world to open up and swallow you whole. There was a soft knock at the door and you open it with your wand. Dumbledore smiled softly at you and sat down on the chair you had beside your bed.

"I don't really want to talk about it Severus."

Dumbledore chuckled, "Close enough." He leaned back in the chair and you looked back at him. "Hello."

You turn around and look at him. His eyes followed the trail of hickeys on your neck, his brows raised. You covered them up, shame building in you.

"There is no reason to be ashamed. You and Severus both are adults. Able to make your own decisions. I remember when I was young and in love. He was so very charming... my polar opposite. I believe that's what drew me to him. But of course... he craved power... I couldn't see him like this... so my lover became my opponent. It's still difficult to come to terms with... but I manage. But I found myself within him... I believe Severus does the same with you."

You nodded softly and furrowed your brows, "Dumbledore...? Why does Severus have... cigarette burns... all over his upper arms...?"

Dumbledore frowned softly and shut your bedroom door. "When Severus was young his father resented his... magical... side. His father was a muggle, his mother a witch. Severus tried his hardest to avoid his fathers unforgiving rage but as he got older it got more impossible. When Severus was young his father took his drunken anger out on his mother... but as Severus got older he stepped in front of his mother and took all the blows meant for her. Even if that meant he would have scars for the rest of his life."

"Wow..." you whispered, sitting up. "Thank you for this chat Albus... I needed a bit of a pick me up..." you walk to the door and open it. Dumbledore smiles and walks out, nodding at you. You smile and walk out after him, knocking on Snape's door. He winks at you and speeds out of the hall.

The door opens and Snape looks down at you. You smile softly at him. He steps out of the way and you nod, walking in. You keep your head low and sit at a circle table he had tucked in a corner with a chess board on it.

"I'm sorry I didn't wake you up. They seemed to barge in." Snape sits across from you and you shrug, "We're adults... are we not? I'm completely proud of you and... whatever we are..." you chuckle softly and Snape grabbed one of your hands and he closes his eyes. "What... are we..." he whispered.

You smile softly and kiss his hand. "Well... if you'd be so brave... would you maybe... like to be my boy?" You squeeze his hand, "Make it official... you know?"

You see a smile tug at his lips, his shoulders relaxing. "I don't think you'd know how much I'd enjoy that."

You giggled and walk over to him, sitting on his lap. "You're such a brave man..."

Snape smirked, "Do I get a reward?"

You giggled and shook your head, kissing him, "You wish... you already wore me out from last night. And besides... I want to go to town. Get out of the castle."

"You'd be ok with being seen with me? In public?" Snape mumbled, looking into your eyes.

You smile and nod, kissing him softly. "Of course."

It was then that two letters flew under Snape's door, hitting your foot. They were both from Lucius Malfoy.

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