Chapter Four

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As eight o'clock rolled around you got ready for dinner. You weren't too confident of how this all was going to go, but then you had to remember that you were doing this for Lucius. This was your big break. You closed your eyes and saw some students walking out of the common room. You decided it was best to follow them rather than get lost in the maze of a castle.

They lead you directly to the Great Hall and you went to the side, Severus was sitting at the teachers table, an empty chair beside him. You sighed softly and nodded, walking to the table, "Is this uh.. where I sit?" You pointed to the empty chair and he hummed once, nodding.

You bowed your head and sat down. You felt his eyes, they seemed to be very observant. "Why are you here?" Severus asked, his voice low. "I know you aren't here just to be my assistant."

You chuckled softly and finally met his eyes, you looked back at him with as much sternness and question as he gave you. "I'm here on my own accord. I'm tired of following a man blindly. I want to do my own thing. And because I've taken residency here I decided before I move back to France I could see how one of the most well known potion master's teaches. Is that alright with you? Or shall I turn around this very minute and leave?"

"Good." Severus mumbled, turning back to face the children. The rest of the staff was eating but he didn't have a plate, you looked at your own and sunk down into your chair. You didn't really like eating in front of people so you just sat there. A lady in a pink pant suit tapped your shoulder and you sat up, looking back at her.

"Hello! I'm Dolores Umbridge! I heard you were the new potions assistant!" She had a big smile on her face and you could see right through her. You smiled fakley and shook her hand. "I'm (Y/N) Black, so pleased to join the staff here, everyone I met so far has been so welcoming." Sarcasm licked your lips as you looked at Severus, smiling.

Umbridge giggled nervously at the apparent tension between you and Severus. "Well I hope I'm the first!" she rubbed your shoulder, trying to be motherly, it only made you more uncomfortable.

She went back to her seat and you looked at Severus, "How long ago did school start?" You picked at your food and he watched your hands. "Three weeks. My older students are learning how to perfect more... difficult potions that they learned about their first year. I keep records of how they messed up and every year in the first few weeks they learn their mistakes and how to refine them."

You hummed, he seemed very smart, "I like that... they learn and grow from mistakes."

"Yes, get rewarded by good grades."

"After dinner will you show me where your classroom is in relation to my room? I'd like to get there early in the morning to help set up."

Severus nodded, "Of course Ms. Black."

You smiled a bit and ate some of your food. Most the students were clearing out when you'd only gotten halfway through your plate. You cleared your throat and pushed your plate in front of you like you saw most of the other staff members do. The plate disappeared and you looked to Severus. He got up and started to walk to a side door. You followed him and he took you back down under the castle.

"We call this the dungeons, where you just ate was The Great Hall, breakfast and lunch will also be served there but I choose to eat in my office. I'm sure you saw the small kitchen in your living chambers."

You nodded and he lead you to two doors, "This is my office here, and this is my classroom." he pointed to the doors and you smiled softly, "Good to know. Thank you..."

Severus walked the opposite way you came and you started to recognize the area, you were nearing close to your chambers. "What if I get lost?"

"Well you cannot apparate within the castle walls, I'd recommend you use Periculum. A flare-like light will come from your wand. I'll look out for them but I'm not sure you'll be away from me for the next couple of weeks. I do need a good assistant, therefore I'll train you."

You nodded and smiled, "Thank you Severus..."

"Snape." he corrected, you were now standing back at your chamber doors. You smiled softly, "I like that.. Snape..."

Snape nodded once and left you in the hall, disappearing behind the heavy black door that stood in front of his chambers.

You sighed and let out a breath you weren't aware you were holding in. Your shoulders relaxed and you walked into your chambers. They were very empty but you knew you were going to make them into a home.

You thought about Snape and his cold expression. You wanted to break it so bad, make him smile, maybe even laugh. By observing the winkles that had formed on his forehead you assumed he had a lot of stress and didn't get to laugh very often.

You walked over to the vanity in the side of your room and wrote on a sticky-note, "Make Severus Snape laugh." You stuck it on the side and smiled, maybe this internship wasn't going to be too bad. Maybe you could make it fun. But to make something like that fun you had to have both parties participate.

You needed to break the ice somehow, but you weren't sure what exactly to do yet. You rubbed your head and sat on your bed, taking off your black wedges and leather jacket. You needed some good rest considering the day ahead of you.

You cuddled into your bed and hugged a pillow, "Goodnight Hogwarts." You whispered before drifting off to sleep.

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