Chapter Ten

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The next morning you went to the astronomy tower, leaving a note outside Snape's chambers, asking him to join you there. You watched the snow fall, this was pretty unusual considering snow usually fell in November in Scotland. You sipped your usual coffee and you heard heavy footsteps going up the stairs. You smiled and stretched, sitting up.

Snape looked at you and slowly walked over to you. You handed him a cup of tea and he hesitantly took it. "Tell me Severus... Do you ever listen to Muggle music?"

Snape merely shook his head and you smiled pulling out something you snuck off one of the Muggles when you and Avery were walking through London. It was what they called an MP3 Player. You casted a spell on it long ago to play its music. You pressed the shuffle button and "Highway To Hell" Blasted from the Player. You put your coffee down and played an air guitar, jamming to the music.

You swung your hips and danced around the Tower. Snape watched you, he didn't look amused but you were having the time of your life. "I'M ON THE HIGHHHHWAYY TO HELLL!" You walked over to Snape and pulled him up off the bench. He scowled at you and you furrowed your brows. "Silencio." Snape commanded, turning the MP3 player off.

You frowned and grabbed the MP3, tucking it into your pocket.

"I'd like to talk to you about last night." Snape grumbled, putting his wand away. "I thought that's why you invited me up here."

"Well no... We just had a long weekend... I just thought we could hang..." You sat down and looked out into the white snow that wasn't sticking to the ground. "What do you want to talk about?"

"I think you know what I wish to discuss."

You'd seen it coming but you didn't want to talk about it. You knew it didn't feel right the moment you kissed him. "It was just a kiss... got caught in the moment I guess... It's not like it meant anything to me." You rubbed your temples.

"Right. I'm glad you see it that way. We're collages. Nothing more." Even though it wasn't intentional his words did sting. He sounded panicked, but how could he regret it when he leaned in as well.

You needed some time to think and you assumed he did as well. "Of course... Nothing more..." You got up and collected your mugs. "Have a good weekend Snape..." You walked out of the Astronomy Tower and went into your chambers. You locked the door and threw the mugs into the sink. You took your jacket off and laid down on your bed.

You stared at the dreadful shell book that you'd gotten halfway through. You pushed it off your bed and curled up. "Colleagues" echoed through your head, almost giving you a headache. Were you and Snape back at square one?


You sat in the Potions classroom, for four days you didn't see Snape. You didn't even come out of your room to eat. Halloween wasn't far away and one of the students informed you that at the end of the month there was going to be a ball for the holiday.

Snape entered the class and you looked up at him, not saying anything. He sat down at his desk and saw that you returned the book he'd loaned you. "Did you finish it?" He looked up at you and you shook your head, "Couldn't bring myself to... colleagues don't book swap." You almost spat.

Snape hummed and put the book away. You internally begged him to say something to take it all back... but you knew he wouldn't. "I see." he handed your book back. "I read it twice over, I was going to read it a third time but seen as you're giving me my book back... I'm glad you recommended it. I enjoyed it."

You took it back and sighed softly, "I knew you would..." You tucked the book into your jacket and the rest of the day flew by. After that you and Snape didn't talk. The room was silent and for once you just observed his teaching. You were astronomically bored and when lunch came Snape walked over to you.

You looked up at him and raised your brows. "Your brother asked me to help you..." he kneeled down in front of you, his black hair framing his face. It was disheveled and you wanted to reach out and fix it for him. "What encouraged you to repent the Death Eater ways?" You asked softly.

Snape sighed and looked down, "The Dark Lord took something really important away from me. Something I begged him not to do. He of course didn't listen. I came to Dumbledore... he helped me regain some of myself back... from there I made a promise to... not follow the teachings."

You sighed and nodded softly. "Right..." you stood and put your hair into a bun. You started to set stuff up for the next class in silence. The only noise in the room was Snape scribbling on a piece of parchment. You hummed softly to yourself, no specific tune, just whatever came to mind.

As you got a bit closer to Snape you realized he was harmonizing with you, he could see the notes you were thinking about singing next and would harmonize. His voice was angelic, smooth and rugged at the same time. It drew you closer to him.

"I like your voice..." you whisper softly. Snape looks up at you, "It's nothing special." he got up and walked to a bookshelf grabbing a textbook. You rolled your eyes, "Take a compliment." You walked out of the room to the women's bath house. You looked at yourself in the mirror, fixing your hair and clothing.

A ghost flew up behind you, she looked like a teen girl. "Mark of the devil." She whispered into your ear. You turned and looked at her. "Excuse me?" you spat.

"Your Dark Mark. Not many people through here have those." she giggled and flew around, "Only the really good looking kids have them. All my years I've never seen one ugly Death Eater."

You rolled your eyes and splashed your face.

"What are you hiding from?" she planted herself beside you. Looking in the mirror. "I'm not hiding from anything. I don't hide."

The girl giggled and turned, facing you. "Well the way you stormed in here suggests otherwise. I've seen you around with Lucius Malfoy! Is it him you're hiding from." You sighed, this girl wasn't going to leave you alone so why not talk to her. I mean it's not like you had anyone else to talk to.

"Not exactly." You looked down at your feet and sat on the sink. "Oh? Hmm... What about Severus Snape? Is that who you're hiding from?"

You looked away from her, "I'm not hiding... I'm just dodging an awkward conversation. A couple of nights ago... I uh... kissed him..." You scratched the back of your neck. "And he told me we were nothing but colleagues."

The girl cringed, "I know exactly what rejection is like. Harry Potter isn't too fond of ghosts."

You chuckle softly and look at her, "Yeah... well now it's awkward between me and Severus.. before we were actually becoming friends... I've never been zoned by someone in my life.. I'm always the one doing the friend zoning..."

The girl frowned and nodded, "Well... maybe Snape just thought he was betraying something... or... someone..."

You furrowed your brows, "Someone?"

Myrtle shrugged, "Just a thought! Now you best be going... class is about to start."

You sighed softly and nodded, "Thank you..."

"Myrtle." She answered.

You nodded and walked back to the potions classroom, who would Snape think he is betraying? It was then that you remembered Avery telling you that Snape was spoken for the first time you saw him. That's what you needed to do, talk to Avery.

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