Chapter Eight

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The next day you sat in Snape's office, reading the paper his owl delivered each morning. Nothing interesting really happened. It was more chat about the Ministry and their crazy antics.

You sipped your coffee and leaned back into Snape's chair, it was comfortable leather with wheels on the bottom. You were actually pretty surprised that he wasn't here as early as he always was.

You sighed as you finished your coffee and Snape stormed into his office, slamming the door behind him. You immediately sit up and look at him, "Is everything alright Severus?" You ask, getting up from his chair.

He shakes his head, "Yes, I'm sorry I'm late, I had to set the classroom back up."

"Oh right. I forgot you were dramatic..." You sit in your regular chair and hand him the newspaper, "Nothing interesting. Bunch of Ministry mumbo jumbo."

Snape nods, he seemed to be more interested in something else.

"What are you gonna ask me? I can see it in your eyes." You smile softly and lean on your hand which rested on his desk.

"What happened with Lucius yesterday?" He asked bluntly.

You looked away and shook your head, "Nothing... he was just talking about how things were with a friend of mine that is staying with him. We are really close and they were really sad to see me go."

"Really? Before that you were almost splitting my head open trying to find a way out of something." Snape sat forward in his chair, "Sorry. I just didn't want to talk to him..."

"Right..." Snape trailed off. You knew he was only trying to help, knowing you didn't have anyone else to talk to. You closed your eyes and ran your hand through your hair. "I'm sorry... I just really don't want to talk about it." You dodged his eyes.

"That's all you have to say... I won't ask about it unless you want me to."

You nod softly and get up, walking to the classroom. You knew your break with Snape was going to be filled with silence and you didn't like it. Maybe you would eat in your chambers, you hadn't decided yet.

Class went by as normal and for lunch Snape summoned the food as usual and you ate a bit. You both were weird eating in front of people but since you'd grown closer you didn't find that as much of a problem.

Snape looked up at you, "I'd like you to accommodate me on my patrol of the castle halls. It'll familiarize you with the building though it may be dark. I could tell you its history and some of the pivotal places in my life throughout the castle. Would you like that?"

You smiled softly and nodded, "I would.."

Snape smiled a bit and nodded, "Fantastic."

You nodded and went back to eating and reading. You were reading a bit of Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream. A romance and comedy. It was one of your favorites and you'd read it maybe seventy times.

You glanced up at what Snape was reading and scoffed. "Alright. Book switch." You stole his book and placed yours in front of him. He furrowed his brows, "A play?" You nodded, "You've read all of Shakespeare tragedies. Time you read a comedy."

Snape rolled his eyes and sighed loudly you smiled and looked at his book, your smile faded, it was The Conchologist's First Book, a textbook about seashells.

"What the absolute hell is this and why are you reading it?" You asked. Snape shrugged, "I'm trying to get through all of Edgar Allan Poe's books, including the more... educational ones." He started to read your book and you scoffed, "You expect me to read this?"

Snape looked up at you, "The book swap was your idea. I was perfectly content with my book on seashells."

You sighed, he always seemed to know what to say to make you do what you didn't want to. He said he kept tallies for how many times you thought of the word touche. You cracked open the book on shells and started to read. Your eyelids were closing from boredom when Harry's class started to come in. Snape got rid of your plates and shut your book.

You sat up straight and looked around the class. You shook yourself from your tired state and got up, assisting the students who needed help. Harry raised his hand and you smiled. He gave you a note and pressed it into your palm. You furrowed your brows and looked at it, "Astronomy Tower after dinner, don't be late."

You furrowed your brows and looked at Harry. He nodded and you tucked the note into your jacket pocket before walking back to the front of the class, sitting down at your chair. "When will we be touring the castle?" You asked Snape, leaning on his desk.

"After lights out." he answered carefully, looking consumed by the book you'd loaned him. You smiled softly and looked away, thinking about what Harry could possibly want from you.

An hour later the class wrapped up and you started to clean, Snape still reading. You sighed loudly and put up all the ingredients. After that you scrubbed the cauldrons and put them away tomorrow was a long weekend due to some muggle holiday.

You walked to Snape's desk and put you hand over the book to pull his eyes away from it. "Hey...  I'm going to take a quick power nap so I can be present during the tour. I'm not too hungry because of lunch" You smiled down at him and he stood. "Of course. I'll come and collect you there?"

You shook your head, "Why not meet me in your office? I'll need to walk a bit before then."

Snape nodded and walked out of the room, going to The Great Hall. You sighed softly and used the rest of the time to find your way to the Astronomy Tower. Once you found the tower it was exactly the time dinner ended, you were perfectly on time.

A man with curly hair stepped out from behind the big globe and your heart dropped, "Sirius...?"

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