Chapter Six

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As the bell rang you sat up and wished the students a good rest of their day. Draco was pushed into the potions room, a pissed Lucius following after him, Snape behind Lucius. Draco looked up at you with a scowl on his face. You furrowed your brows, still not sure what happened.

"Go on Draco." Lucius spat, pushing the top of cane into Draco's back.

Draco rolled his eyes, "I'm sorry for making inappropriate gestures when you bent down under the table. It was uncalled for and not very gentleman-like of me." Lucius hit his shoulder. Draco flinched and looked away, "I will do better."

Lucius nodded and Snape stepped out of the way of them both. Lucius turned on his heel and left the room, Draco walked far behind him. Once they left you looked at Snape. "I didn't know..."

"I know. Teenage boys. If you're going to wear... that... for the rest of the year... be aware of who surrounds you."

You looked down at your outfit and frowned softly, tying your leather jacket around your waist.

Another group of students came in, this was a recurring pattern throughout the day. Students leave, more come in, and so on. At the end of day you were pretty tired, the first and second years had a lot of questions. You had to rack your brain to figure some of them out, but you refused to ask Snape. You wanted to prove yourself to him.

It was midday when Snape summoned two plates from the kitchen. "This is our lunch time. Enjoy your break, the next class is... a piece of work." You nodded softly and summoned a book from your chambers. You were reading about America, not knowing much about the history.

Snape went to his office and you smiled, finally being able to eat in peace. You got through half of the book and finished your plate when the next class came. Snape walked in after them and introduced you of course as Ms. Black. The class was made up of a bunch of Gryffindors.

A brown haired boy with circle glasses looked at you like he recognized you. As the class continued you caught him sneaking glances and little looks at you. It was driving you a bit crazy, he had to be making fun of you. You tapped your finger on Snape's desk and he looked up at you, raising a brow.

You leaned down to his ear, "Who's the kid in the glasses?" You whispered, Snape's eyes darted away from you and to the boy. "Harry Potter."

Your face went white and your right hand twitched. Snape watched you carefully and you looked away from him, "He knows Sirius... Doesn't he?"

Snape nodded softly and you frowned. After you finished school you returned home to the Black estate. The home was empty and cold, the only thing that remained in the house was Kreatute. When you asked him where everyone was he lead you to the family tree. You found that Sirius' portrait was burned out and Regulus' was replaced by a skull.

You were the only one in your family that remained. You never found out why your brother was casted out of the home, Kreature refused to tell you at request of your father. As the only Black left, all of the others married or given away, you knew you had to carry your family name and make everyone proud.

That's when you swore to be a Death Eater and became close with Bellatrix. She found you and made you new when everyone else failed. Maybe Harry Potter would be able to answer why Sirius was disowned.

Snape put his hand on your arm, pulling you from your head. He looked a bit concerned. "Yes?" you asked, soothing out your hair. "You looked very sad. Is everything alright?"

You nodded softly and looked back at Harry, he was already staring at you but quickly looked away. You sighed and as class continued you thought of your brother.

Being older, when you were children, he always used to make fun of you and your friends. You weren't sent to France until four years after Sirius was sent to school and one year after Regulus.

You missed both of your siblings deeply during your seven years of attendance. Your parents were always so focused on your studies that they didn't bother to send you home for the holidays. It was one of the reasons you were top of your class. This was rare in Beauxbatons and some years you were the only one there.

For holidays they'd send you books as presents, they were never Fiction, all of them being about events in history or textbooks. You sighed softly and found that a boy was standing in front of you. It was Harry himself. "Ms. Black?"

You sat up and raised your brows, he held his hand out, "I'm Harry Potter... would you happen to be related to... Sirius Black?"

You looked over to Snape's desk to find it empty. You sighed and looked down, "Yeah... he was my older brother. I don't remember much about him... only knew him until I was five before he went off to Hogwarts." You got up and started to put away the ingredients, it was close to dinner so you assumed that was the last class of the day.

"Did you not attend Hogwarts?" Harry asked, helping you. You shook your head, "Nope. Beauxbatons is where my parents sent me."

Harry nodded, "That's why you're going to France next year."

"Mhm!" You took some cauldrons to the sink and started to clean them out. "I would tell you all about him if I remembered anything. Now I don't even know where the man resides. I'm sure he doesn't know I'm alive."

Harry looked at you with sad eyes, "Right... I'm not sure where he is either."

You nodded and put the cauldrons on their stands. "What do you know of him?" You looked to Harry, a bit of sadness in your eyes, trying to get answers from him.

"I know he's my godfather. He was friends with both of my parents before they died. After they did die he was sent to Azkaban for conspiracy of working with Voldemort."

You looked at Harry, a bit shocked he said the Dark Lord's name. You processed what he said and laughed, "Sirius is no Death Eater." you mumbled.

Harry nodded softly, "I'm aware. But if you didn't know your brother... how would you know he wasn't a Death Eater?" Harry's eyes darted down to your right arm.

Smart kid. You thought, "Because all I know about my brother is he resented Dark Arts. While I was away in france my parents sent me books all about the Dark Arts. Then the first wizarding war commenced. I knew which side each of my family members took. Lets just say I was glad to be in France."

You started to walk to The Great Hall and Harry followed, "Sirius took which side?"

You chuckled softly, "Which do you think, kid?"

"Right." The both of you arrived at The Great Hall and you sat in your spot, Snape looked at you, "He didn't give you much trouble? He said he'd like to speak with you alone."

You shook your head softly, "No.. none at all. I do believe he is hiding something though... about my brother?"

Snape hums and leans back in his chair.

"He knows something and he isn't telling me."

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