Chapter Fourteen

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It was Monday morning when you got out of bed, Snape had given you some space considering that you had just lost your best friend. The alone time gave you a lot of time to think about some of the past decisions in your life which you now considered to be deep regrets.

You realized that going to Azkaban wasn't worth having a bit of fun. It wasn't worth losing everything you knew just to rule the Wizarding World. Why would you want to rule when you had nobody to rule it with. You couldn't have any temptation like Snape did. No one to push you to the light. You had to make this decision by yourself. Relying on someone was not as foolproof as relying on yourself. And you did. You had made your final decision.

You walked to Snape's office, your head held high. You weren't weak, you were something strong that no one would be ready for. You opened the door to Snape's office and he looked at you with his usual stone expression. You smiled at him and he raised a brow. You walked over to him and grabbed his hands. Snape rubbed your knuckles softly and stood, pulling you into a hug.

You smiled softly and took is presence in, "Thank you for giving me some space... I uh... really needed that."

Snape hummed into your ear and your body filled with warmth and comfort. You needed this. You looked up into Snape's eyes and stood on your toes to kiss him. As your noses brushed together you saw a flash of pink from the corner of your eye. You put your finger over Snape's lips and he opens his eyes, looking at you, clearly a bit frustrated. You nodded towards the door and Snape turned.

Umbridge knocked on the door frame, having already opened the door. "I hope I wasn't interrupting anything!" She smiles and you sigh softly, grabbing the newspaper off Snape's desk. You go to the chair in the corner of the room and scan over the back of the paper.

"What do you need Dolores?" Snape asked, sitting back down. She looked at you and slid him a paper. Snape snatched it up off his desk from her pink fingers and read over it. "Veritaserum is strictly prohibited on school grounds per Dumbledore's order. I apologize but I am not able to assist you, both of us could lose our jobs." He throws the paper away.

Umbridge huffed, "Not for long." She said, storming from the office.

You turn the news paper around and Avery stares at you. He was the headline. "New Death Eater caught and prosecuted." You gulp softly and Snape walks over to you, tilting your chin up. "Now... where were we darling?" his voice was almost a growl and you pulled your chin from his grip. "I have to talk to you about something..."

"Alright...?" Worry engulfed Snape's tone and expression. He sat down in a chair and looked at you, "Go on..."

You took a deep breath, "I think I need to... get away from the castle for a while... yesterday I received a letter from my brother inviting me to stay with him for the month of November. I believe I'm going to take his offer..." You reached out and grabbed Snape's hands. "I'll come back after and help you with Dolores when December rolls around."

"I see..." Snape got up and walked to his window.

"It's not because of you... and I was going to prove that to you tonight... that is... if you're up for it."

Snape turned around and looked at you, "Excuse me?"

You looked him in the eyes and took a step towards him. "I want to finish what we started in Hagrid's shack... would you like that?" You tucked your arms behind your back.

"Why of course..." Snape smirked softly, and you smiled mischievously.

"Good. Then you have something to look forward to." You walked to the door, "I'm going to go pack... I'll see you at lunch."

"Of course."

You smiled and went back to your room you laid out an outfit for tonight, a black silk robe and your favorite pair of underwear. Once everything was perfect you started to pack, making sure to leave some clothes out for tomorrow.

You finished packing your bags and wrote to Sirius that you would join him for the month. You couldn't wait to grow closer to your brother. By the time everything was finished it was perfectly lunch time. You smiled and went to Snape's classroom.

Snape looked up at you and sat up, "You're back... have you... packed your things?"

You nodded and pulled him up from his chair by his neck, kissing him. Snape furrowed his brows and pulled away. "What is that for?"

You rolled your eyes, "Do I have to have a reason to make out with you?" Snape made a sour face and you sighed, sitting on his desk. "You don't want to make out? I thought you might want to..." you felt a bit awkward talking about such subjects.

"Well I was grading papers... trying to get some work done." He pushed you forward a bit and pulled some papers out from under you. He then furrowed his brows and put his fingers to his lip. "You taste of lemons."

You shrugged and looked around the room. You slid off his desk and walked over to a cauldron. You were going to make Felix Felicis for Sirius because he asked you to. You set out all the ingredients and hummed while you started to work.

"Are you making that for tonight?" Snape asked, glancing up from his paper. You giggled, "I won't need it for tonight. I'm making it for my travels... I want to be safe and all..."

"I see..." Snape got back to work, he was so taken away by it he didn't ask further questions and you were glad. You knew he didn't like your brother and definitely would not let you take the potion to him.

You bottled it and tucked it away in your pocket. "Are you not going to eat?" You lean over Snape's desk and pluck his quill from his hand. He looks up at you with narrow eyes. You tucked the quill behind your ear and stuck your tongue out at him.

"I'm not hungry for food." He answered, reaching for his quill. You smirked, "Then come get what you're truly hungry for." You took off down the hall, trying to find some sort of hiding spot. The castle walls were so open and there were barley any.

You ducked behind a corner and peeked around, seeing Snape storm down the hall was pretty menacing, his robes fluttering behind him like the wings of a crow. You looked behind you, dead end. "Shit." You cursed. Maybe you could slip past him.

When you turned to run you ran directly into a black wall of a man. You stumbled back and Snape grabbed your hip, slamming you to the wall. You looked up into his eyes and he got really close to your face. You could hear the breath leaving his winding nose, it cascaded down your lips.

He kept serious eye contact with you as he grabbed the quill from your ear. You reached out to grab his face but he quickly grabbed your wrist. "Save it for tonight." His low voice said, "Eight o'clock." He then turned and left the hall as quickly as you had ran down it.

Merlin he's so fucking hot. You thought. You giggled and slid down the wall, putting your hot face in your hands to cool your cheeks off. He's going to rail me, isn't he? You weren't sure exactly what Snape was going to do, all you were sure of was that you couldn't wait until eight o'clock.

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