Chapter Thirty Seven

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Cold, Dark, Alone,
A place that no one could call a home.
Where your dignity is stripped and your darker side is shown.
Where no birds sing,
To your innocence you will cling.
Because there is nothing left,
Only the guilt you heft.
You may look only to the ocean,
To bite back all of the emotion.
Tears streamed down your face,
You knew you would never survive this dreadful place.
You lie famished on the ground,
Because there is no you left to be found.
You look down to the mark on your arm,
Remembering the countless times you caused people harm.
Your appearance looked drained,
Because your soul can no longer remain.
In the cell you now call a home.
Cold, Dark, Alone.

You were back at the Ministry, today was the trial that was going to determine if you'd be excused for your crimes. You had little confidence in being let out but you were ready to deal with it, to push past your unsureness. All you could do was hope that someday you could get out of Azkaban.

You stole a glance of yourself in a glass window while the guards were putting you into your cage. Your cheek bones were defined and your inmate dress fit you a lot less, hanging off your neck. Your eyes were drained of their once, vibrant (E/C) color. Your hair was matted and layered in thick grease. Your skin was pale and your cheeks were still tear stained. You looked a complete mess, but you had no one to impress... anymore.

You were raised up into that dreaded metal cage again and Fudge looked at you, a frown on his face, seeing that the beauty that you once held had drained from your demeanor. "Evening Ms. Black. Today you have been brought to the ministry to determine whether or not you shall be heading back to Azkaban. Shall we get started?"

Fudge once again fixed his papers and you looked around the room. Worried eyes stared through you. He was here, you could sense him, but you couldn't find him. "Ms. (Y/N)?" Fudge pushed. You turned back to his gaze.

"Yes of course... sorry sir..." you rasped, not expecting your voice to be so quiet, you hadn't used it in two months. Fudge nodded, "Your last statement in this room was that you had lost all your inspiration and motivation to the cause that you once followed. Do you still believe this?"

The room was warm, a big contrast to the prison already, "I do." You confirmed.

Fudge nodded and jotted down a few notes, your head slumped and you quickly picked it back up. Though you were a Death Eater you were still like any other person in this room, you were glad Fudge could see that.

"Do you want to justify your actions and crimes you've committed?"

"No. I know what I've done was wrong and I admit to each malicious thing I've done. I don't want to sugarcoat it. I know what I've done and not a day goes by where my dreams are not haunted by the ghosts of my past. Yes, everyone has skeletons in their closets, and I'm aware I have more than the average person. I've come to terms and accepted the fact that I may never see the light of day again, but I will not go down a coward, lying and deceiving this crowd. I'm not proud of the things I've done nor have I ever been, but I'm also not scared to stand up and admit to them. I cannot justify because I cannot lie."

Fudge looked impressed and looked to a dark corner of the room. "We call our first and last witness to the stand. Severus Tobias Snape." You saw the crow looking man lurk from the shadows and stand beside the elevated cage, he nodded once at you and turned towards Fudge.

"Mr. Snape you have been called to be questioned for the sake of Ms. Black. Anything you think shall be put on blast due to your mouth using Veritaserum. Do you agree and understand?"

Severus nodded once, "I do." A woman walked over to him and dropped a few drops of the awful tasting potion into his mouth. He cleared his throat and stood confidently.

"Mr. Snape you have been teaching alongside Ms. Black for four months now, yes?"


Fudge nodded, "Dumbledore, your boss, has informed me that you have even seen Ms. Black resent her Death Eater side?"

"When (Y/N) came to Hogwarts I knew nothing of her being a Death Eater, that is until I was shown her Dark Mark. After she went away, leaving me alone, for a month she returned with new aspersions and hopes of being some what of a double agent for the Dumbledore and I, her being considered one of the more... unstable Death Eaters." Severus spoke clearly, Fudge was eating this up.

"Why would you care if Ms. Black left you for a month?" Fudge asked, tilting his head.

"Simple. (Y/N) and I have been... romantically.. involved for some time now." Severus cringed and looked to the side, "Ever since October thirty first, she's like no other... passionate... kind... charismatic.. she puts up with me and my unwavering frustration and that's all matters." He covered his mouth and the room erupted again with talk.

Fudge slammed his gavel down on the desk and you stared at Severus, a bit shocked. "Is this true Ms. Black?"

You tore your gaze from Severus and looked at Fudge. "Yes sir.. ask anyone at Hogwarts..." you muttered, rubbing your head. "They all seem to know."

Fudge hummed and turned to Severus, "Mr. Severus Snape. Do you swear to keep an eye on Ms. (Y/N) Black, making sure she does not derail and have to return to Azkaban?"

"I do. I always do that much anyway. She deserves to be looked after. Cared for. Can I stop receiving questions?"

Fudge chuckled and nodded, "You both can. Ms. Black... you're free to walk. Cleared of all charges." Fudge smacked his gabble again, not caring for what the jury had to say, he was the minister. You turned to Severus who had a slight smile on his face. You were lowered back into the dungeons and your chains were taken off.

"Sit here. Wait for your designated person." The guard mumbled. You sat on the bench and thought about what just happened. The tears you had left streamed down your face in complete joy, you were free, after three miserable months you were free!

You heard the familiar clicking of Severus' dress shoes on marble floor and you stood up. He rounded the corner and you ran to him, wrapping your arms around his neck, putting your face in his shoulder. Severus rubbed your back, feeling your spine. This concerned him deeply. "Come on, Darling. Let's get you home."

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