Chapter Thirty Nine

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As school was coming to an end most of the students didn't care about potions anymore. They just wanted to go home for the summer. You were almost falling asleep at Severus' desk listening to him teach, his voice sending you into a trance.

"Please excuse Ms. Black. I'm sure you all know she's been through some pretty rough times lately." Severus mumbled, watching you as you drifted off. You sat up and stretched, looking at the students. They seemed scared of you, not even wanting to look you in the eye.

"Excuse me.." you got up and averted your eyes from everyone as you walked to the girls bathroom. Myrtle stared at you with anger and you went to the sink, splashing your face. She gasped when she saw your Azkaban number tattooed onto your neck and flew over to you, "Oh my!" She shrilled.

"Myrtle.. please... just- leave me be... this once.. I'm so... tired.." you leaned against the sink and your old friend frowned, going back into her latrine. You slid against the cold wall and put your face in your hands, quietly crying into them.

You knew any normal person would assume it was Myrtle, but then again, the girl who tapped you on the shoulder was no normal person.

You looked over to her, "Hermione Granger..." you whispered, wiping your face. Hermione gave you a half smile and sat beside you.

"I'm sorry to intrude... but I thought you may want company... someone to talk to..." Hermione said.

You sighed and brought your legs to your chest, "What is there to talk about?"

"Well I don't know... do you want anything to eat? I packed this lunch this morning." She offered you a brown paper bag and you stared at it for a moment.

"Severus sent you... didn't he? Thinking that I need company... well I don't. I'm perfectly fine." You pushed the bag away and Hermione shook her head, "I'm here on my own accord ma'am..." she offered you the sandwich in the bag and you took it, the only thing you ate last night was that once bite of the pie.

"Thank you..." you said softly opening it, peanut butter and jelly. You and Avery used to eat them when on a budget. You almost scarfed down the sandwich, being absolutely starved. Hermione watched you, a bit shocked but you didn't care.

"So you resent him now?" She asked bluntly.

You looked at her, processing the question before nodding, "Yeah." You leaned back on the wall, feeling rather full from that one sandwich. "I have for a while now. I think almost every Death Eater resents The Dark Lord... they're just too scared to admit it."

Hermione nodded and the both of you sat there in silence for a moment before she raised another question, "Do you really like Professor Snape?"

You nodded and spaced out about some mission Voldemort was talking about accomplishing. He wanted to retrieve the prophecy. Something about Harry Potter.

While you were spaced out you didn't see the darker skinned, frizzy haired girl leaning to your face, her eyes closed. You didn't get pulled from your trance until you felt your lips touching something. You furrowed your brow and looked at the scene in front of you.

Your eyes went wide and you pushed the little girl back. You stood and wiped off your lips. Hermione started at you, a scared expression on her face. You sighed and offered her your hand. She hesitantly took it and you pulled her up.

"Why did you do that?" You asked, fixing your jacket.

Hermione frowned and looked to the side, "I don't know... I just felt this... fizz in my stomach when you were talking... I'm sorry..."

You sighed softly and looked into her eyes, brushing off her shoulders, "Two things... you're a kid.. fifteen... I'm twenty eight... another thing... I love your hard work, wit, and determination... but I like you as a great student. Nothing else dear." You patted her head, "If you ever want to talk to me about... this... I'll always be here... but I can't be there for you like that. Ok..?"

Hermione nodded softly and gathered her things, dashing from the bathroom. You looked down and leaned against the sink, thinking about what the hell just happened, "You kissed Hermione Granger?!" Myrtle squealed as Severus walked into the bathroom.

"You did what?!"

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